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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Had that dream again, huh? The one where you're anything but the balding, impotent, ineffectual prick we all know and loathe?





I was pretty fucking *e-ffectual* when I stopped your mother from ripping you outta her womb with a coathanger. If I'da known what an ungrateful, snotnosed, little, shitprick you'd turn out to be, I'd 'ave just let her finish the bottle o' vodka she was using to dull her pain so she could stab you to death.


Oh, didn't know about that, didja? Why do you think your head's so lumpy?


Now I got Satan's seed living under my roof...


Well, lemme tell you something, 'sonny'. I pay the rent in this mother-fucker and that means you live by my rules. If you don't like it, you can get the fuck out the door.


or start paying me rent




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Your mother was a pregnant teenage runaway when I met her.


What'd she tell you? that your dad got killed in a training accident in Guatemala while he was with the airforce?




You're old enough to know the truth now,you little pussy fart. SHe got knocked up by her own dad and I took her in, like a Good Samaritian. After you were born, I didn't even care about all that, as long as your mom gave me half of what she made selling her ass down at the truckstop, I treated you like a son. Hell, I buy all the best clothes at the Salvation Army store for you!


As for Eduardo, you leave him alone. Love don't care about age. Um, I mean, he was choking on a chicken bone and I was giving him the Heimlich.


and that dog was a whore...

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Pah! More lies! Why should I believe anything you have to say?! She's no whore, you are, you cum-guzzling-gutter-slut!


As for age, love may not care, but those interested in enforcing age of consent might. I'd love to see what the neighbor has to say about the dog, being a recently retired Green Beret...


Wow, that sounds oddly like a conversation I had with my father once...


What, all this so far?? :misty:

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Green Beret? The only thing green about him is the slimy shit he leaves on our driveway every night when he staggers home drunk.


Wait a minnit! Is that why you're being such a dick? Cuz I make you clean that up every morning?


Well, fuck, kid, you oughtta thank me. Havin chores to do helps a lazy-ass kid like you build character.


And you report me for that Heimlich all you want. Sheriff Skeeter's your Mom's most loyal customer. Hell, every Wednesday when she tells you she's going to church bingo? She's really down at the stationhouse doing her bit to lift officer morale.


You go blabbing to him and he'll get you a week in a juvie psych ward


...then you can find out all about underage love for yourself.








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And, Ly, I've decided that it's silly for us to fight like this. You're not a bad kid at all. I'm sorry. What say you and me grab a coupla beers in the back yard? You can call me 'dad', 'step-dad', whatever... it doesn't matter, I just want us to be friends. Heck, next weekend I' take you on a fishing trip.


And here's 50 bucks to spend on whatever you want.


and me being nice to you has nothing to do with this article I just read...


Teen alleges abuse at samurai slaying trial

POSTED: 3:35 p.m. EST, December 1, 2006


RIVERHEAD, New York (AP) -- A teenager accused of killing his stepfather with a samurai sword lied, either when he confessed to police or when he testified that his mother was the real killer, a prosecutor contended Friday.


"You want to tell this jury you're a pretty convincing liar?" prosecutor John Scott Prudenti asked Zachary Gibian at the teen's murder trial.


Gibian stunned a hushed courtroom Thursday when he claimed the victim, retired New York City police officer Scott Nager, had been sexually and psychologically abusing him for years. He said he only admitted to the killing to protect his mother, Laura Nager. (Watch the defense blame the teen's mother )


Gibian, who turns 20 on Monday, repeated Friday that he confessed only after detectives told him he would likely serve a prison term of five to seven years if he admitted the murder and saved his mother from prosecution. He said the detectives coached him to be convincing on the video.


"I was trying to protect my mother," Gibian repeatedly told Prudenti on a blistering cross-examination.


Laura Nager, who has multiple sclerosis, has insisted through her attorney that she did not kill her husband. She hasn't been charged in the killing and hasn't attended her son's trial.


Gibian said Thursday that his mother learned of the alleged sex abuse last year when she walked in on her husband and son in the boy's bedroom the night before the killing.


Gibian said that when his parents began to argue about the sexual encounter, he left and spent the night at a friend's house, returning the next morning to find the gruesome scene in his living room.

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