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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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Man, my neighbor's cool like that.


"Terry, what happened to the laundry room & gym? They look like theyre tearin em down, but it looks like it got bombed..."

" 'cause it did..."


"Man, you aint heard? One afternoon, the boiler in the laundramat, it just up & exploded...we had bomb squads & alla that up in it, it was a trip."

"! Damn! Was anyone in there?"

"This one lady was washin her clothes, said she was on her way back to her apartment when that shit went off...you aint heard it?! It shook the damn complex!"

"I guess i was out or somethin...damn. How ya like that, go to do your laundry one day, and then, boom.."

"Yup, then you up lookin at god like 'i hope we coo.' "

"Ha...i dont even wanna think about that...so hey what was up with that 'violation of lease' notice you had on your door the other day?"

"Oh, that shit...maaaaan. This lady downstairs, she thinks my music - middle of the day, now - she thinks it gets too loud."

"No shit? That's funny. I kinda like it, last week you were all on Ludacris & Outkast."

"Hah, yeah....you know? That's alright. You wait till tonite. I'ma show this woman loud with some stank Georgia shit."

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"Your pentagram is down below our floor.

Your naked body shimmers in the night.

Dancing and chanting in a sacrificial rite.

Your feet are dry with the ashes from dead babies,

Who have passed the test just like all the rest,

But never really understood the reasons why

They took it in the first place..."


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