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Hondo's Bar


White Bread USA
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Everything posted by HypnotizinChikns

  1. holy crap we got some people's playin some COD MW 2.
  2. no i do not use chat clients. i posted in the 'what are you reading now' thread.i just saw you online (which you aren't often on) so i thought i'd drop by and say hello :)

  3. merry xmas (yeah i see you!) read anything good these days?

  4. i already miss it. *SOB* why do i have to WAIT??!!111
  5. lulz!http://thechive.com/2009/12/21/andrew-mcdonald/
  6. good god i love it. if i had known THIS SONG and this one when i was (20ish) in the mind set i'm in now...hahaha. (GAWDAMMIT, bride isn't the FULL SONG! fuck off youtube....)
  7. ^you've got me on a bowie kick hope your happy. *searches for all that is bowie on you tube... while folding laundry....*
  8. i was working at a campground a few years back when i witnessed this reaction first hand. it was perhaps one of the most scary things i've ever encountered. no one knew of the campers allergy, not even the camper himself (he was only 7 and had never had peanut butter....what kid doesn't eat peanut butter by the time they are 7 years old??). Anyways, he was rushed to hospital and everything turned out okay, but it scared the shit out of everyone. needless to say i never add nut or nut based products to any bake sales for the school. oh, another food i cannot stand would have to be salami. ick!
  9. I agree 100% and only posted in order to convey an open discussion, I wouldn't wish to take anything away from long standing members.
  10. I hate pickles!!!! and cheese. not ALL cheese, but most cheese. i hate the fact that people put cheese on total SHIT and think "well everyone likes cheese so my stupid beans will please everyone!" No. no matter how much cheese you put on nasty beans THEY STILL TASTE LIKE BAD BEANS. or anything else. I can love beans, good homemade beans, or good homemade mac n cheese, but keep your fucking nasty ass cheese ridden casserole, salad, or whatever to yourself, and keep your cheese of your bad cooking. That's all.
  11. none here. I like it, don't get me wrong, the idea is freaking awesome, but there doesn't seem to be any activity there worth saving. I've participated myself (i love FC and all that it ensues) but the results seem to be enjoyed by few members of the community. On that note, the Powder Room could use a new approach. it seems some of our female members of the forum feel comfortable using it, but overall this is a male enriched forum, which is fine, but I'd like to make more known (powder room that is) that there is a comfortable and non stereotypical way of adressing what's on our minds. My only true, and more fem-nazi thought is to rid of it all together (most of these threads can be merged with culture or town square as far as i can tell). As members who just so happen to have vagina's can still talk about these topics without a 'special place'. we all participate as we would in any other forum, there is no "GUY AND PENIS ONLY" forum as there is no true "VAGINA ONLY" forum. in short, it feels segregated to talk about wedding plans or make up or whatnot in ONE forum when in fact these same topics affect everyone. i know this may sound bad coming from one of the mods of powder room, but i doubt I'm the only one who feels this way. so yeah. that's my two cents, I'm fine with being told "NO!" if any of the ladies disagree, but hey, it's just how i feel about the subject. I don't mind being a mod, but i'd rather see the forum as a whole come together than be a mod.
  12. oh dear god....I'll have to get back to you as far as our actual collection goes, Busts, darth vader ep 3 yoda ep 2 bousch gamarian guard biker scout (which i will keep for all time). 8 storm trooper busts total, different variations boba fett (never leaving us ever) A full sized scale of Vaders Full Armor A full sized scale of Boba fett's armor A full sized scale of biker scout armor a full sized scale of tie fighter armor (we like the dark side!) I think we have 16 or so (busts) total, but I'd have to get a count from what we also have in storage. My last count we had over 1200 'toy figures' that is not including what Logan owns. Some of my busts are under the #100 mark. Not to forget to mention the boba fett vacuum formed armor signed by Boba the Fett himself, Jeremy Bulloch who we had to drive to dinner and back whilst putting Kenny baker to bed becuase a few too many... about a dozen shirts or so, a bahizillion stickers and other odds and ends, and about 40 or so posters. I'll add pics later.
  13. one of the best season finales of all time. I love the fact that they shoved SGT.Hatred down your throat so much you started to hate him and wanted Brock back so bad it hurt. How about that newer bigger budget eh? EH? some folks are complaining but i love the better sound quality and animation. There was no deviation in character, the fans were all pleased (eee! brian SLADE HAHAHA!!! Go Velvet Goldmine!) My only complaint was the lack of Molotov. but whatevs. Triana was showcased...yay. On the last episode *SOB*
  14. We are going to an IMAX to see this. It will be my first ever IMAX experience, *I* don't read reviews (besides yours and baytors of course, only because they happen to be here lol) but I've heard it's been getting rave reviews from all sorts.
  15. pppft that punk lite paramore ain't got shit on BRODY. she had me at 'my name is brody'
  16. This T.V. series so far, has the Dr.Chikin's seal of approval, apon viewing the last ep. of season 1.
  17. nuffin, whut wif u muffin?

  18. here's your love lovey <3 see now you got chicks postin' stuff on your comment page ON COMMAND!

    damn, i need that kinda power. <3

  19. O.M.F.G. i haven't laughed this hard since the LAST time I LAUGHED THIS HARD.
  20. love it with the video, without, not so much. Crappy quality as well youtube search it.
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