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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mortiis558

  1. FEMA asks demands money back from Katrina victims! http://www.theroot.com/buzz/fema-katrina-victims-give-money-back
  2. Heh, that's very...cool I guess. I know it's not an homage to a great film or anything by the SH crew, still whoever figured that out is a genius.
  3. It does matter! Don't let Hondo's turn into a bureacratic clusterfuck that protects the stupid from themselves so they don't bitch! If you are at work and decide to spend time on Hondo's instead of doing your job, then you want to go and look at a thread called "Sex with Cartoon Characters" don't bitch when your boss comes to see what you are doing and sees Leela getting fucked by Fry. Stand up for your rights or you will lose them!
  4. Wow, someone actually played 4th ed?? My input to them would be to quit making up new fucking rules every 5 years. I played 2nd edition for damn near a decade with no problems what so ever.
  5. You say that now, but wait until every xtian with a "degree" on Facebook is posting that as the gospel. I know at least 10 people that would gladly post that and then try to argue you if you said anything against it. It would be great though if it was just trolling, along with some/most of the other ones like that that I see posted every so often.
  6. Umm...people don't absorb 100% of the water they drink, hence our constant need to URINATE! Take that xtians! I love these, and I hate the people that believe this faux-science/research is fact. Like that one story about how we can't see our brains and therefore can't prove we have a brain. Really??? We can't prove it?? lololololololol
  7. In response to Logans EFukt video.... It's not sad so much as....just fucking weird. What is more fucked up is the third person taping it, what are they getting out of it? Either way....just makes you shake your head and wonder what the fuck goes on with some people some time. At least they didn't kill the bear then fuck IT!
  8. Now imagine doing that BRICK, by BRICK....isn't Minecraft Fun!!!
  9. I will be at some point, just not right this minute...Mortiis558 on steam as well if you want to add me
  10. Postal 3 apparently came out sometime in the last 3 months or so (I haven't checked direct2drive.com in about that long). Looks pretty much like an upgrade of Postal 2. I doubt it is worth the $40 price tag right now, but once it drops I will probably grab it. Or is it OK to pirate this game?
  11. Heh, he showed me stuff he made day 1, hour 1 with flipnote studio.
  12. Pretty much spent the evening watching all 4 Dendy Chronicles and the "movie" "The Curse of the Gray Elephant" Quite interesting given how different Russia was from pretty much the rest of the world. I can think it would only have been worse to be in China during that time, but they were so close to japan they HAD to know of the real games. If you are at all interested in video game history you owe it to at least watch a few of the Dendy Chronicles. That is some crazy shit!
  13. you can get it other ways pretty easily...
  14. IT's just the female equivalent of every male rap "fuck song" out there. Neither terrible nor scary, utterly forgetable maybe.
  15. Yep! If I remember the name i'll post it, or if you find it let me know the name please. Found it! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_the_Weeping_Camel The Story of the Weeping Camel
  16. I watched a documentary on a family of these people. They are primarily Llama farmers who live in the arid desert regions of Mongolia. When they are young they go out and search for an eagle's nest and grab a baby eagle and then raise it and teach it to hunt for them. Plus every year they have a competition of who's eagle is the best, and who is the best trainer. It was a really good documentary, showing the life of these farmers. A little side note and one that is related to the title of the documentary (which I have forgotten the name of) is that one of the Llama's gives birth, but will NOT let it's offspring suckle, so they have to hand feed this baby llama, but it still isnt enough so they call for this "medicine man" to come out. And basically the medicine man plays this type of stringed instrument while a lady sings this prayer, and as soon as they start the adult Llama has a very noticable reaction, and then starts to cry, tears and all. Then it lets its baby start to suckle and everything ends happy. There is something amazing going on there, and it has to seen to be believed. I tried to find something on youtube showing it, but nada. Either way, these people are definately some badass motherfuckers, where they live and what they do to survive, is something I doubt many of us would be able to do for more than a few days.
  17. this dude is awesome and has the best job on youtube!
  18. Got my copy of PC Gamer today, which had a reveiw of the offical Minecraft release...after much hoop-la and everything they ended up giving Minecraft a 96 which puts it up there with the best games OF ALL TIME. I can honestly understand why, even thought it is a glorified Lego's Simulator, the way that is has all been put together makes it one of the simplest, yet most imaginative and spectacular games out there. Plus for it being an indie game pretty much made by one person, this is a great achievement for indie games in general. Now look forward to the new genre of shitty copies being made to cash in on it's success. So who still hasn't played it?
  19. I had no idea where else to put this... This is the world record holder for most piercings. He has 94 around his lips, 25 in his eyebrows, and 8 in his nose. Now look at his face again before you read this next part
  20. damn, I love long john silvers, though I do prefer the chicken to the fish, but still the fish is good too! Fake as it may be! Now I don't hate Sonic, just particular bits of it. The fountain drinks always taste like they have grease in them, and the tater tots are just gross to me. Otherwise for the most part, it's not my favorite, but it is edible.
  21. Oh, they released what the 5th class would be? lol "The Jew" Still, I think this may be both a good South Park game and a decent rpg! Hopefully... And I also think the person playing as the wizard should get a summon for the Cuddly Christmas Creatures.
  22. Ah shit, my bad, I was stoned, wasn't paying attention.
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