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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mortiis558

  1. This guy got recommended to me by some Scottish lad on WinMX years ago...Anyone from the UK or it's surrounding entities, what does the "average" person think about Roy Chubby Brown?
  2. Brought in all my backstock and was able to pay off my Vita all at once. Went ahead and reserved the Dynasty Warriors game that comes out tommorow with it, because I am a sucker for that kind of stuff. I can't believe they are trying to push uncharted for $50. That is ridiculous. I'd buy it all day long at 30 or 40, but you have to boycott $50 just on principle. The Katamari games looks fun, if unoriginal, same with Wipeout and Ninja Gaiden. I am mainly thinking about all the goodies I have on my psn account I can put on it. Got me a 16gb mem card...damn they are small...
  3. I probably put 10-15 hours into 1 and 2 each. But I got both of them after getting 5 so I still haven't gotten around to playing them. I can honestly see myself playing through all of 2, maybe 1 as well if I am feeling nostalgic, but something tells me 3 and 4 are just gonna be two of those games I just never get around to. Can't forget about Suikoden Teirkris (or whatever the DS one was called). I know I bought it at some point and played it for a little while, but I honestly can't remember anything about it.
  4. I have to admit that I did most of the recruiting with a walkthrough, plus a LOT of dicking around, leveling up, switching out people to level them up just for the hell of it. I wanted to have my ULTIMATE party put together, and that took a lot of time. Thankfully I didn't have to do that with all 108 characters, a lot of them were just meant for your castle. Plus this has been an off and on venture over about 3 years. Put 40-50 hours in, get bored, or tired, of doing it all step by step and stop for a few months. Get back into an RPG mode and put another 40 hours into it. So a lot of the time was spent kinda re-aclimating myself to all the characters and trying to remember where I was with who, etc. Now I have played 4 before. I got about 20 or 30 hours in (which aint shit in 4) and the realized that I wanted to played the series in timeline chronological order. Plus I figured I had done something and wouldn't get the "perfect" ending so I just quit, plus once you get out to sea there really are sea battles almost every 5-10 secs...it is brutal. I think I am going to play Suikoden 1 or 2 before I try 3 or 4 again though. But it is going to be a long time before I try to get all 108 stars in another one. Plus I honestly think 5 is the best Suikoden there is. The story took a while to build, but once it gets going it is good. I loved all the characters and I loved recruiting them all. I can't imagine trying to do it without a walkthrough as there are some where you have to trigger a certain thing mid-dungeon, leave the dungeon, go halfway across the map to another dungeon, beat that dungeon, to get an item that will trigger this one guy to talk to you, ONLY this one specific time, or else you have lost them forever. Still every single recruit seemed unique in their own right, they took time to flesh out (for the most part) just about every last one of them. I just hope it is like that with all the rest of the series. Now off to beat Tales of the Abyss on the 3DS, never did finish it on the ps2...
  5. Fucking Suikoden V Good Ending with all 108 Stars of Destiny!!!! Total Playtime on save 168h23m53s....But I fucking did it!! Now only 4 more to do that on, hopefully I can keep 4 under 200 hours....sooooooooo many sea battles....
  6. Been watching comedians being heckled on youtube, and came across this guy...kind of interested in seeing a set... http://youtu.be/XDv6AOy8XsA
  7. I found it through other avenues as well, and I must say I am quite glad I only listened to two songs before seeing it. Hearing the songs before-hand kinda ruins the show. It doesn't make it bad, but you already know what to expect etc. Not being a fan of musicals what-so-ever the show itself was interesting. I don't really have anything to compare it to, so without spoiling things I can't really describe it. It was funnier than expected, but being from Matt and Trey it still has plenty of "gutter humor" but then again some quite thoughtful humor that is very well placed. A lot of subtle humor as well. If you are a fan of musicals, or even if you aren't this is worth seeing. I don't know if it is worth the cost of a plane ticket and hotel in New York, plus the 400-1000 per ticket, but I would definately see it if it comes anywhere near DFW. Though with those prices on Broadway, I don't see the prices dropping signifigantly for a one show per town tour. Even more demand, with even less supply. I would expect dropping $250 at least for decent seats. Doubt anything will be under $40-50. It was already on my "to-buy" list, but now even more so. Hopefully they will get around to releasing a blu-ray version sometime before 2015.
  8. Snowboarder with LED light suit
  9. Not to mention she looks like she is reading off cue cards half the time.
  10. Courtesy of Beavis and Butthead...
  11. First in response to Cube World: Fucking exactly like that! I can see a future where tons of all games are re-made. Final Fantasycraft, Dragon Warriorcraft, Resident Evil-craft, or take new games and make them into minecraft versions of themselves. The graphics, while outdated by 90's standards do have their advantages. In response to the timelapse, I am in awe. Imagine the planning that went into that. And it looks like it was quite a few people working at once. Though they probably have sites with "generic" templates of buildings and such that tell you how to build them and you can just improvise as you see fit. Still an achievement either way, and this is just the begining.
  12. So after 20 Resident Evil games I am FINALLY able to move AND aim at the same time!! Well I should qualify that by saying you can strafe forward and backwards and left and right, but apparently there is an after-market add on that essentially adds another analog stick over the buttons on the 3ds and allows you to aim, shoot and move at the same time. It is almost necessary to be able to move and shoot at the same time given the cramped rooms in Revelations. All in all though it is a good game so far. Have to see how it holds up. On a side note, while I was watching the /v/iyga gaem awards show, they kept showing the Titanic sinking, and I thought that a great survival horror game could be made out of you being on a cruise liner that sinks, but that only part of the ship gets filled with water and you have to find a way to escape. Add in zombies, or biomorphs or whatever you want to call them, and there ya go...Resident Evil...7!
  13. probably some repeats in here, can't be arsed to look through all the posts here That Thing You Spew Forrest Hump Whore of the Rings American Booty A Tale of Two Titties Raiders of the Lost Arse Pulp Friction A Clockwork Orgy Flesh Gordon Whorrey Potter and the Sorcerer's Balls
  14. It's been a few years since I played through and beat ff7 again. But from what I can remember is that Meteor was crashing down and when Cloud beat Sephiroth he journeyed into the lifestream of Gaia and basically the world released a cleansing stream that defeated meteor and removed all the bad stuff from the lifestream. Now whether Aeris was a personification of the lifestream is up for debate. Cause the whole thing with Shinra is that they were sucking up the mako and using it for their own ends and in the process destroying their world. There are more subtle undertones and stuff, but that is basically the end from what I understand.
  15. How could you mention 80's music and not include.... http://youtu.be/1JcQuSiEa-4 or the 1987 Hit Single! Can't forget the greatess that was Pantera as well...
  16. And honestly I would argue FF7 being so high up, the game is fucking just about the best there is...the ending...well that was a little predictable. Beat sephiroth and save the world. No Fight Club-like revelation that you ARE Sephiroth or something. You just see some little girl smile as green shit flows everywhere...the end. I still haven't beat Portal 2 so I want to see how that ending compares to the first one, but the first one was pretty damn cool. The boss fight itself not so much, but ending up outside the lab, leading into the "will never be made" HL:Ep 3 where they finally combine portal and Half-Life in the greatest combo ever seen in video gaming history!! Portal Gun + Grav Gun = GOD! It will never happen, just like any FPS episodic game going beyond 2 of 6 planned episodes. Nope, micro-transactions and making you pay for stuff that used to be standard are the new best way to make money. "Like the intro? Download the Main Screen and Lvl 1 DLC Only $19.99!!"
  17. Oh shit I was reading it backwards, thought RE4 was the best ending of all time...Black Ops, really...off alll fucking time...pssh...
  18. I will school every one of you, every time...just saying.
  19. I am only half-way through watching it and it is already 10 times better than Spike's VGA's, I will be down for next year, if I am around here and someone posts it...lol I also like him refering to pc gamers as the "Pc Master Race"
  20. I have to agree... With myself...tho Logan is funny most of the time
  21. She used to be talented, but honestly her death will affect me in NO way what-so-ever except now they will be replaying all her famous songs for the next month. I have no love for her, and she obviously wasted the end of her life and should I be sad for that? She was famous, so what? Better to be truthful than to feign love like a lot of people who were previously talking shit are now going to do....
  22. You see, drugs CAN do good things! That would be the end of my mourning period as well...
  23. Minecraft is just begging to have a rougelike added into it...after looking at those pics of Kalimdor recreated, I think a Minecraft world with dungeons and more enemies who drop cooler building supplies would be great. Also someone should recreate Daggerfall, the graphics are almost the same too!
  24. As far as the whole "used games" things go, they are just switching to what PC gamers have dealt with forever. They'll just make you register your new copy and won't play any games that aren't registered. That being said, Gamestop, BestBuy, Gamefly, and any other games retailer that uses copies of console games more than once are going to be fucked if this does happen. Gamestop makes it money on used games. Best Buy has finally gotten its fingers into the used market as well, and any place that rents games won't be able to do so anymore. But really we only have ourselves to blame. We the people who don't care what happens as long as we get to play our games. And the industry is so greedy that it is going to kill itself a little if it does truly make this a reality. Then when people start to pirate stuff because they are used to playing used games and can't anymore, the industry will just point to that as even more of a reason to not have used games, cause they are losing so much money. Even if/when it becomes a reality though, every one of you that buys a console and a game are supporting this! Just like everyone who put up with games being released as beta's and being patched weeks, if not months after the official release. Plus everyone who paid for extra stuff in a game that should have been part of the game to begin with. We sit and bitch and complain, but when it comes time to really make a difference, with our wallets, we consistently say time and time again "Fuck me more please I love it!" Thank Sweden for Pirating!
  25. Logan I love that pic!! Made me laugh for quite a while. Now in response... How much money have you spent on all your consoles put together this gen?? Would you spend more on a single system that had all the fancy bells and whistles, was almost as good as a gaming pc and you didn't have to worry about it "rrod" or flat out just not working? Or would you RATHER, buy a console from each major console maker, then have to re-buy the SAME console x-amount of times because it was shoddily put together? "The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of a cheap deal is forgotten"
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