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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mortiis558

  1. What are you talking about? Are you blaming pirating for Scott Pilgrim's poor performance at the theaters?? Cause I can tell you "smart cool people" make up a small majority (well smaller than you would think) of pirates and/or people who purchase pirated movies. Maybe it wasn't that good of a film, and was really only made for a minority audience, namely nerds or "smart cool people" as you put it. Sure some people pirated it, and have a copy sitting on their hard drives that they still watch to this day. Resident Evil will be just as easy to pirate though, but it still makes big bank despite the fact that it is made to cater to a larger audience and therefore should be pirated even more.
  2. Hopefully 6 wont rely so heavily on co-op. I tried playing the game solo on a PC and it was crap. RE4 was greatness personified in my opinion, so I was looking forward to 5, but it just didn't have the same magic that 4 did, but that was probably because we had already played 5, when it was called RE4. I'll check out 6, but I am not gonna hold my breath on it.
  3. As always, there's a bad joke in that, but I won't go there in public.
  4. I would be afraid to see the numbers from Madea now..../shivers
  5. I definately knew the dude on the right! His name was Jonathan and he was allergic to Red Dye #67 or some shit so he couldn't eat or drink anything.
  6. Wow I wonder how old that posting is? Hellhammer has been around since the early 80's and NO ONE in the band is anywhere NEAR 20 anymore lol. Be great to know if anyone responded. And I had my Pantera love for a long time. Started even before I moved to Arlington. I've met all the band members except Phil (but I don't want to meet him, he seems like a proper cunt if there ever was one). Plus Pantera was the first concert I ever saw. Great Southern Trendkill tour with Clutch and Soilent Green. Plus my wife had the great honor of insulting Dimebag at the Ridglea in Ft. Worth about 3 months before he was murdered. Hell she didn't even know she insulted Dimebag until a few years later when we were watching VH1's Behind the Band on Pantera, and they flashed a pic of Dimebag and my wife said "THAT was the asshole at the Ridglea!!" Oh and Black Sabbath isn't metal!
  7. I know this is a bit late and all, but why not just straight up record them directly as a .wav file with a basic sound recording device and then just re-encode them later as mp3's? Were people in different places?
  8. They have made close to 3/4th a BILLION dollars on RE films....pardon me while my brain explodes... and they still bitch about pirating????
  9. Ramming a plane with your car = best day on the job ever!
  10. Well then I am afraid that you need to get out more. No denying their impact, nor their creativity or skills, but at least for me, they are not "Best of All Time" material. But it really all boils down to personal taste. I can't really critisize you for saying they are, because they really helped pave the way for bands that I have grown up listening to and have had a profound impact on me. They are also good in and of themselves. I even had a period where I was really into Sabbath and listened to their stuff pretty much all the time. But now listening to them is more like being reminded of a fond memory than actually appreciating the music. It's hard to explain. Now for a band that would fit my own criteria...Emperor is really the only one I could sit and justify. But even then it would only be two albums. With Dodheimsgard, they have one album that is just imo a pure creative masterpiece, whilst the rest of their stuff is pretty much run of the mill, except the last album which was crap. Origin is another band that would fit, but saying a death/grind band is the best metal act of all time is doing a diservice to the genre.
  11. For fans of mellower stuff similar to Venetian Snares and Aphex Twin I give you WISP http://youtu.be/vBroTgiw30g Then at time he can kinda go crazy little http://youtu.be/Ex2zPs6MNyc I would have added a couple of other vids but I got this error message saying I had posted to much media ???
  12. I've never done the whole friend code thing. Let me look it up and ill get back to you when I figure out how to get it and make it work. Ok got it Code: 0731-5393-9648
  13. Gotham City Imposters looks like a TF2 mod...gonna be skipping it myself unless it just turns out to be the new tf2 or something... What I really wanted to say was that Super Mario 3D Land is the best mario I have played in a long ass time. Better than Galaxy and Super Paper Mario, it is just fun as shit, and I can't put it down!
  14. Damnit, now I KNOW I am not the person with the largest steam account anymore! Boo Steam, I am now boycotting you!! I deserved to win all your games, not those cunts! Goddamn, my $4700 on Steam is paltry compared to the 18 grand those bastards got....shiiit... http://www.steamcalculator.com/id/mortiis558 Plus I would have 315 games to give away!
  15. You get to play as Ryu and Master Chief? I shoulda given it more of a chance! It wasn't the pacing, I mean I fucking played Deadliest Catch for near on 12 hours, I can do stupid repetative shit no problem, it was just the whole package to me, wasnt interesting in the least. And I didn't play it at launch I played it like 5 years after Shenmue 2 came out so maybe that biased me a little. But still. 2 is ok, 1 was...meh.
  16. Damn, I shoulda had a mario level bricked on the side of my house when they were building it! Damn you imagination!
  17. did i say fuck shenmue 2? No, I meant Shenmue, ya know the main character! Pssh I guess you really havent played the games if you don't even know that! really though the first one sucked, not hard, but it wasn't much fun
  18. you mean Übermensch, but it's ok I forgive you.
  19. *looks around* *cough* FUCK SHENMUE! *walks away*
  20. Well I guess I should check out Martyrs. I like a lot of Jap and Korean horror flicks of late, I was just mainly talking about "hollywood" horror films. Devil's Rejects and Pan's Labyrinth I don't really consider "horror" films, though I can see why others would, but they were both good movies as well. Didn't really scare me or freak me out or anything though.
  21. *resists the urge to post a bunch of Johnny Rebel and claim to like country*
  22. A lot of horror movies in the past years have been horrible. Hell the last american horror film I actually enjoyed and was freaked out by was "Event Horizon" and that came out in the late 90's. It just seems like ever since Blair Witch and then Paranomal Activity horror films have just been getting worse and worse. Plus if a horror movie is rated anything other than R I don't even look twice.
  23. Well what I am saying, Isn't FEMA funded by the US Government, i.e. taxpayers? How shameful can you get??
  24. All right good, I am only up to book 9 or 10 right now, so just making sure. I'll probably grab this one when the TPB #1 comes out, unless it is just the best thing since Nemesis! lol
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