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Turbo Zombie
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Everything posted by Thrizzle

  1. The title font on the poster and the clothing on the woman in the background gave me the impression this still takes place in the east.
  2. S2 blows. I enjoyed Fire Walk With Me.
  3. Yeah, I read it. And got a signed copy of Vol. 2 (The Hive) on release day. If it doesn't make sense it's because it's only a part of the story, or maybe I only think that because I had the benefit of having Charles Burns explain it for an hour. Also: Tintin.
  4. Right, it's way better than Moby Dick.
  5. I could totally have that argument, but I need to see the movie first.
  6. They should have called it something else. Absolutely anything else.
  7. He's a fuckin' grease spot. A memory. He'll never work in this town again.
  8. Man, I painstakingly learned how to write a comic script in the proper format, so that they would at least glance at my submissions before ripping them to pieces and using them to line a rabbit cage. I don't know why I bother learning anything anymore. Eventually robots will be able to do it all for me.
  9. Thrizzle


    ^This guy knows the score. You can't think of buying comics in terms of money spent. It's an unavoidable necessity. Like you may fret for a moment about an electric bill, but you realize there's no real point: you're going to pay it anyway. And everything will be fine. So it is with Hellboy hardcovers. You're going to have to buy them anyway, so there's no sense worrying about it. Deadpool games are a luxury item. Sounds like I'll have to pick it up someday though. The Origins game was better than it had any business being.
  10. I don't think GL needs a reboot either, I think they should just never mention that movie again. Give a 2 second "space police, magic ring, boom" origin recap and get on with the show. Even better, throw in "that guy went away, here's Kyle. He's more interesting" But he is fantastically stupid.
  11. Thrizzle


    I'm still pretty firmly in the "fuck these guys" camp. At least now there's a chance of eventually getting an xbone, unlike before. And c'mon Newty McFanboy, every company makes every decision based on money. If Sony thought they could get away with it, they would promptly fuck you square in your puckered asshole and laugh about it under cigar smoke. I honestly think that xbone classic style DRM was on the table at some point for Sony, but they either have better people that pay attention to the chatter of the internet or they have executives more willing to listen to them, so they scrapped it before they blabbed to everyone about how awesome it would be.
  12. It should have Lex Luthor with some kind of elaborate real estate scheme. No, but speaking of, ya'll notice how the suits looked a lot like Luthor's old school exoskeleton thing? Mxyzptlk or bust, guys. Gilbert Gottfried is always lookin' for work.
  13. I was FB friends with Rachel before it was cool. Someone shop me up some hipster glasses.
  14. Thrizzle


    You never hook the computer up to your TV? Brother, you've never lived. With the snap feature thing, you could be playing 2 games on 2 platforms at once. Or have, say, Hondos or a youtube walkthrough on half the screen. Major Nelson's "You can get yer friend requests!" example is incredibly lame. I can't imagine who would give a shit about having immediate access to that. I generally disable most notifications anyway.
  15. Thrizzle


    I haven't had cable in a decade, I was thinking more of plugging in the PC or the PS3. And I assure you you don't get that message often anyway. Stupid 360 and it's lack of WoW.
  16. Thrizzle


    Y'know...a handful of us sharing a library does sound rather cool. So does HDMI in... OKAY, I'M FLIPPED! XBONE DAY ONE! No.
  17. And Eternal Champions: Challenge from the dark side > NZAs favorite thing.
  18. Thrizzle


    I'm fine with the camera, just because I get a sense of satisfaction out of knowing they'll be looking primarily at my waving dong and toneless scallop of a body of they chose to spy on me.
  19. I've been reading it, in the hopes that they eventually do some drastic shit with them. At this point though, barring the Franklin Richards Paradox, the teenage X-Men are from the early 90's (despite their retro hairdos).
  20. Thrizzle


    I used the example because of specific circumstance. My mom married a CPA a few years ago, and he bought a 360 to occasionally play Test Drive and Madden, and because it was a new piece of electronics. And I would rent the occasional videogame to just those types as they stumbled in, rather cluelessly, looking for something cool to play on their new bluray player PS3. That's the crowd that's gonna buy it, and all the extra entertainment shit is the selling point for them. I assure you that crowd very much exists. Now, I do think JZA is overestimating the power they wield in the market.
  21. Thrizzle


    That's exactly what I was thinking as I read it. I get what you're saying 'Baytor, and wholeheartedly share your attitude, but it doesn't really have anything to do with JZA's point. And, as much as it shakes my branches, he does have a point.I wouldn't call those people he described "gamers" so much as "consumers" though. The xbone is clearly not for gamers. We've established that, and they seem to have embraced that. So yeah. I assume that's their target demo. And it'll probably sell reasonably well. The busy CPA isn't going to know any of this shit about DRM or fees, he's just going to see that there's a new Xbox, scan the features on the back and hook the shiny fucker up. But among us, the folks who count, I predict disaster. Also, as an aside, anyone who has anything they refer to as a "man-cave" needs to turn in their testicles. Oh, does she let you have your own little room to put your garish shit in, so it doesn't clash with the decorating? Lucky duck. Fuck that. It's the man house. I pay for this shit, and my Skyrim map is going on the living room wall. At the very least it should be a compromise. Now, if you have a room that you like to put your cool shit in and you've made all awesome, that's super and will give you a high five, but it irritates me when people use that emasculating term like it's something to be proud of.
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