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Turbo Zombie
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Everything posted by Thrizzle

  1. It seems safe to say that this has broken the mediocrity barrier, though I have not seen it myself. ASC, as a gentleman, I owe you a Coke. Well played.
  2. I quote the shit out of that movie, mostly when I'm at the monthly beret enthusiasts meetup.
  3. Shall I ruin that for anyone thinking of giving it a shot? Looks like a juicy caterpillar, plump with foliage.
  4. I love the idea that food products have a legal minimum cheese requirement. 'MERICUH!
  5. Did I fucking stutter? YES, the nachos. Lord yes. I would eat them with a fox and all that shit. Here's the thing with me though, if something has enough cheese and sour cream on it I don't really care what's underneath.
  6. Taco Bell does not sell an item that I do not enjoy at any given moment.
  7. I will purchase that item. Horse.
  8. It should be a mock reality show. Holy shit, that would be so great.
  9. I understand that you like Nate, but what kind of monster is HAPPY that this isn't an X-Statix movie? Shame on you. Shame.
  10. Wait a minute. ..Panch is just mad because that dude called Spidey a bully. Also, axels is like the Francis Ford Coppolla of Hondos.
  11. Assuming Man of Steel was part one in DC's Justice League lead up, a World's Finest flick makes sense. I'd rather have that than yet another (and, let's face it, almost definitely shittier) Batman reboot.
  12. Ah, your most despised of character traits. So, serious question, is anyone allowed to be full of themselves? I understand that you find it irritating, but let me tell ya: if I wrote the comic that defined a decade or a screenplay that made $120 mill, I would come back on here like I was a golden god. Shit, I would probably do that if a youtube video got like 100 views.
  13. Please PLEASE have a moment where Scarlet Witch is struggling to deal with her overpowering animal lust for Ultron. This is all I want. I always thought of Ultron as an Avengers villain, personally, but practically all of my knowledge of the character comes from that weird cultural osmosis thing. First hand, I've maybe read one or two stories with Ultron in them. I know his connection to Pym, but I never really thought of Ant-Man as having a rogue's gallery. Now that I mention it, I guess I just never really thought of Ant-man.
  14. We plowed through Orange is the New Black on Netflix in about a day last week. It has a groan-y moment or two towards the end, but all in all a pretty awesome show. And yes, that woman is the voice of Patti Mayonnaise from Doug, in case it drives anyone else nuts trying to figure it out.
  15. Electro seems like he's about to make a bunch of electricity related puns. Does the new spider suit have nipples, and is Spider-Girl making an appearance?
  16. Motherfucker. As I'm scrolling down, all I want to post is this. You are in my brain. That means you may need to take a good, hard look at your life and the unhealthy direction you're clearly heading.
  17. Thrizzle


    Yeah man. I didn't know about the controller thing either. I really appreciate that post, junker. +1
  18. Oh yeah, this is a comic book movie, huh? Shit man, I never read it. I should do that someday.
  19. Eh. Minor spoilers throughout. I don't like how they shoehorned that extra motivation in there, that kidnapped daughter shit is kinda hacky at this point. I had forgotten about a couple of other big Americanisms until I saw that trailer. Sex and violence. So here's what's gonna happen: The sex scene(s) are gonna be all sexy and hot, instead of having the sick desperation and awkwardness that the original had. The violent scenes, particularly One Vs. Many (the one with the hammer and the elevator that was featured prominantly in the trailer), are going to be...I don't even know how to describe it. More absolute? Less human? What I liked about that scene in particular was how real it all seemed. It wasn't like Batman, it was like a real guy. He got tired, he missed, he made some real unprofessional clumsy moves. At the end, he's just trying to catch his breath. I loved that, and it made me identify more with him than if it had been the standard power fantasy we've grown accostumed to. I think we'll probably see something more along the lines of Taken, where he's just a total badass. The one change I predict that doesn't bother me is the kidnappers motivation at the end.
  20. Here's the thing though: that's exactly what they did before. They ripped somebody else off and slapped the League name on it for the recognition, because if they had called it Cast of Characters they would have been accused of ripping off LoEG. And they got sued. And they cut the plaintiff a hefty check. And that makes them assholes. And you know what assholes do. They shit all over everything. So I'm not really thrilled with the idea of assholes, who have proven themselves to be both irresponsibly careless and blatant thieves, fucking with the name at all anymore.
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