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Turbo Zombie
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Everything posted by Thrizzle

  1. That means that Pacific Rim is the China equivalent of Star wars: Episode 1. Do with that what you will.
  2. Thrizzle


    I love easy, delicious shit like that, Aarty . Likely added to our arsenal. Kati makes these pizza ball things in a somewhat similar way. I dunno the details.
  3. But there's a Canadian who enjoyed brief viral video fame who's really, really into it, and you want the Primetime Emmy award winning actor? I don't even know you people.
  4. +1, axels. MacQuarrie deserves more heat than he got. Unfortunately, his level of passion and commitment alone isn't likely going to convince producers to put their money on the fat guy from the Powerthirst commercial.
  5. Yeah! Give me good ol' fashioned purple & orange leotard with Olivia Newton John hair Lobo!
  6. I like the direction he's moving in here. Interested to see what else the Academy Award winning Mr. Reznor has to offer on this album.
  7. Nick knows the score here. Hardened gloves and boots, a section of the chest. Maybe something light to brace the forearm and femur. You wrap the whole thing up so that it doesn't LOOK like you're armored. You want them to try to stab you first, not automatically escalate to the bazooka.
  8. If you're oblivious to the leather daddy aspect of Batman, I can only assume you don't know the character.
  9. Yeah, I dunno man. Maybe something like this, but with a budget? Leather seems like a good medium to work with.
  10. Bale couldn't do shit in that clunky ass costume. The first Bale movie was the worst in that regard, it was all clever camera tricks that implied there was fighting going on somewhere. Lame. Those terrible molded plastic suits are another thing I'd like to see abolished in Bat-movies. I understand that spandex looks absurd in real life, but there has to be a happy medium. He needs freedom of movement (like Lt. Jim Dangle. Robin knows what's up). Keaton couldn't even turn his head for fuck sake. Movie Batman has never realistically kicked ass like he should. Ever. I wanna see some Arkham Asylum shit. And yeah, Hamm wouldn't be a great Batman. Just Bruce. They should just have separate people play Wayne/Batman. What needs to match up, the bottom half of a face? That ain't exactly a technological marvel to pull off. I'm sure Snyder's check just says . Lemme make the fucking movie. I'll do it up right, and I'll sprinkle in a few rape scenes to make it all gritty and shit.
  11. I said exactly how I feel about this: I find it hilarious. I'm not pissed, I'm not irritated. It's just...funny to me. The movie is probably going to be kinda shit anyway, but I doubt it'll be Afleck's fault. He'll probably get blamed for it anyway. It is a tragedy that they missed an opportunity to snag Jon Hamm while he's still a somebody. Now there's a good Bruce Wayne.
  12. I'm so sick of horror movies that use startles instead of things that are scary. The movie startled me a couple of times. That's not hard to do. It's cheap. A little kid hiding around a corner can startle you. It isn't the same as being scared.
  13. My first one was the cocktail earlier this year That shit is hilarious to me. I then spent a good hour watching the channel.
  14. It makes a lot of sense to me, in hindsight. Everything from the imagery in the puddle to the name of the fucking book. Literally the only thing that doesn't jive is that it doesn't look like he's grabbing him by the neck (I always thought he was giving him a playful punch in the arm or something), BUT that doesn't really matter because of the moment-in-time nature of a comic book panel. Sneaky bearded motherfucker made it subtle, making DC not realize that they needed to keep this out of continuity. I guess it doesn't really matter now, did this even happen anymore post New 52? Or did Babs just "get better"? I thought I remembered the one issue of Batgirl I read alluding to paralysis in some way.
  15. I'm just gonna leave this here. No, you don't get a spoiler warning this far out. Also, it turns out Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.
  16. I always find the rage in these hilarious.
  17. Ya'll slept on this and missed that trailer Newt posted up there, sounds like. My Pet Raccoon, alas, has been pulled.
  18. I'm assuming the Church of the Sub-genius is responsible for that. I kept waiting to see a yeti fucking a squid.
  19. Not sure if trolling. Regardless, I had the same reaction. He takes a pretty silly character and somehow makes a very fulfilling book out of him. Glad you're digging it.
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