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Silent Bob

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Silent Bob

  1. Wait, what did happen to Kyle? I always liked him too.
  2. Some great art showing how the Hell Cycle for the Ghost Rider flick is going to look.
  3. Yeah I can't stand when they change casts either. I only hope they just leave out those characters. I mean, come on, characters are always coming and going in the comics, why not in the movies as well? It doesn't need Storm or Rogue or Cyclops...ok, maybe Cyclops would be important for a Phoenix story, but there might still be time for Marsden to come back. Singer's going to be missed. I would have rather seen an X3 with Singer than a new Superman movie. But I think Vaughn'll do a fine job. The one bright side, though, it sounds like Singer's ability to get the Superman flick off the ground might finally break the ground for the Superman Vs. Batman flick that's been in the pipeline. When asked recently if he'd be willing to play Batman again, Christian Bale supposedly replied, "Two more actually, and then Brandon Routh, the new Superman, and I, are doing Batman vs. Superman as a movie." The idea for a Bats vs. Supes movie has been around for a while. Apparently there's a great script written for it by Andrew Kevin Walker (Se7en, Sleepy Hollow). It was all set to be directed by Wolfgang Peterson, but he opted out when they couldn't find anyone to direct or play the next Superman.
  4. Agreed. I have the hardcover just for the signatures and the cd, but I got myself the paperback for reading because it uses the glossy paper and the colors are fantastic on that paper. Richard Isanove was coloring Daredevil back then and his colors should never be printed on newsprint, it's a waste. Still, nothing pisses me off more than when they printed the last trade of Preacher on newsprint.
  5. Wow, I've never even heard of the Absolute books... Outta curiosity, what kind of paper do they print on? The barely-better-than-newsprint that my battered old trade paperback was printed on doesn't do much for the art or the colors. I guess it helps a little to give it that silver age/adventure comics feel, but I'd still love to see how it'd look on a higher quality paper.
  6. I've found it worth buying for the art alone, but Bendis is doing pretty good. It's one issue away from finishing, though, so unless you're really into collecting single issues I'd say at this point you might as well wait for a trade. I'm sure they'd have one out by the end of the year or so.
  7. Pssh, he's not the boss o' you. 'Til then, more Alba. Because I really can't get enough... An' someone mentioned Rachel Stevens a page or two before, so let's have some more of her. It's just too bad these pics can't show off the sexiest part of her - the accent. Mmm, brit chicks
  8. Secret War #4 came out? Dammit, I should picked it up... The very few comic shops around here are gonna be out of it by now, I'm sure.
  9. The car he gets to drive in the BMW films doesn't hurt either...
  10. I worry that you might just do it anyway...
  11. No, I understand. You'd fuck the PS3, that's ok. I'm not judging or anything.
  12. From IMDb: (Toldja he'd be Eddie Brock) The Good: 1. Venom is probably the biggest and most dramatic of the villains left in Spidey's roster (not counting the Kingpin, but Daredevil got him) and would be a strong way to end the trilogy. 2. Due to John Jameson's career as a space shuttle pilot, the origin stories of both villains can be compressed into the same event. The Bad: 1. Set ups for both another Green Goblin and the Lizard will have been wasted. 2. Does anybody really give a fuck about Man-wolf? 3. With the near-definite conclusion of the Black Cat as well, there may just be too many new characters, meaning either they won't get fleshed out as much as the previous villains, or the current supporting characters will be pushed to the sidelines. 4. Church and Gillies may have their work cut out for them because, while they're both fine actors, neither of them is a Dafoe or a Molina. Now for some more comic movie news, it seems that the film version of Watchmen has finally gotten a confirmed director - The Bourne Supremacy's Paul Greengrass. Not as exciting as Terry Gilliam or Darren Aronofsky, who were each attached to the project at some point, but good for him anyway.
  13. Lightning fingers nuthin', looks like he uses a freakin' lightsaber in EpIII! The Emperor with a lightsaber!
  14. Or the really hot green chick.
  15. We need to re-do this poll now that we know that Yoda is a badass and Boba Fett is not a Jedi.
  16. Well I was thinking the Lizard would be in it, but I doubt they cast him in that role because Dylan Baker was cast as Dr Connors in Spidey 2. The other villain is said to be the Black Cat, and Church doesn't have nearly the body for Black Cat. I could see him as Electo...but Electro's a crappy villain. I could see him even more as Mysterio, but Mysterio's also a crappy villain. Could anyone see him as Eddie Brock? Hmmm...
  17. Like casting Ice Cube in the lead wasn't stupid enough. Is this really serious? They've already released, like, two trailers with the "State of the Union" title...
  18. Since the Carnage arc? I thought the Carnage arc was one of the most anti-climactic yet. I think it's one of Bendis' very few weaknesses - sometimes he just can't seem to pay off what he sets up (god I hope that doesn't happen with Secret War).
  19. Lol nono, I wasn't dissing your pick or anything, MH...I was...seriously asking... Because if that was a chick, I'd hit it.
  20. I've seen all three. To be honest, I like the first one best - the one where all the people in the neighborhood go out onto their street to watch the explosions on the horizon. It stops and gives you time to think about how creepy what you're seeing is.
  21. Eh, maybe it's more impressive on the big screen, but on here it just looks like another one of those annoying trailers that refuses to show anything! I like trailers that leave a little mystery about the movie, but that whole fading to black every half second before you understand what you're seeing style of editing is startin' to bug me.
  22. Bendis and Maleev have always been better with the talking than with the fights (hell, you could probably make that argument about DD in general - maybe that's why he always attracts such talky writers), so I certainly don't mind if they play to their strengths this last year.
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