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Silent Bob

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You want to color some of the strips? But that adds to the Clerks feel of it. Imagine what Clerks would be like if Ted Turner colorized Clerks! Anyway, coloring can seem like a simple thing, but you'd be surprised how picking th eright colors can add life to a strip. I bought the new Calvin and Hobbes book (that does not contain new strips). It has original pencil outlinings of Sunday strips one the left and the finished color strip on the right. If you look at theleft on and try to think of what colors you'd choose and then see which ones Watterson chose, you'll often find yourself surprise at his choices, and you see how they add to the visual beauty of the strip. It ain't simple task.

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I'm aware of that, JMT. I know how difficult it can be to choose colors. Especially if you have to do it for a comic strip three times a week, whilst also trying to write and draw the damn things, and still show up to classes at school. Hence, the black and white.

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::sniff sniffle:: poor baby...'s a good thing you got a good woman behind you to do all your webbing for you, and your lettering, and fight with the KeenWranglers to get your forum up and working, so you don't have to study HTML and Keen Wrangling on the side. :sly:


::gasp!:: Why yes, it is I! The one and only RA, :D, finally making my first post here on DD. I initially wanted to just see (and borrow) some of the wacked out smilies you guys have here, to exchange with SB through AIM, since AIM's smilies are...well, weak, in comparison... but, I lost m'job not more'n 24 hours after I did so, so I had no use for it. But, here I am :D

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Good to have ya, RA. Weve been experiencin technical difficulties as of late but doin fine now. Id say dont steal our smileys but god knows i looked high & low to steal the ones we got, so cant get all hypocritical now, have a field day.

Good to have another Floridian/Smith fan aboard, lemme know if ya want help findin an avatar. Bob said he wanted this one, but aint usin it so lemme know if ya like it & its yours:




Also, if youd like your group to be "Preacher's Divinity" just say the word. Good job on the site, both of ya - ill pin this topic in our "Monty Python & Web Crusaders" link section soon, and try to put you & DA JUDGE's pages both on our links tab, along with Varley or any other member's pages...im here to help, and :D ing aint easy..

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Aw, I wasn't gonna steal 'em, just borrow 'em. :D They're so much more expressive than those flat little AIM icons. bleh. Anyway, I already set my own avatar, but thankyeh for the offer. The bear's cute, but...eh. Not my style. And yeah, preacher's divinity'd be fine. Other'n that I think I can find my way around here alright.


Thanks for not picking on me, despite my nube label :D



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...thought ya meant DA, but nope twas some guy named Deltron, rude fuck at that (who goes through the effort of readin, posting & such just to trash a fella?), ill try to stop off & say howdy when i gots some time between movin, showcase m'new avatar a bit more. :D

Wait, uh...do you value my opnion? Lemme know, opinions & alla that are a funny thing. I of course like mine, but I'm pretty sure this chick that used to post here, Octopus, fuckin hated em. What can ya do.

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I've just caught up on your updates. Keeping it interest. Advice (not that you need it): I see you have tons of secondary characters, not overwhelm the reader with too many at the same time. That looks like what your trying to do, but I would say don't introduce new character more than 10 strips apart from each other, and keep the number of characters in each strip down to three, max.


Nice thing about web comic is you can make each strip as short or as long as you need it to be for the joke. Artistic freedom is priceless. That one of the many thing Bill Watterson complained about.


Anyway, you're off to a fine, fine start, I'm really starting to relate to DJ and am getting into his world. And nice Clerks reference (I'm 37?).

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'S good advice, JMT. I'm tryin' to follow it already. I'm introducing some more characters on...lesse...next Monday, it should be. And I do have some long shots that show more than 3 (I think 8 is my record) characters in one frame, but never in closeups. And I try to never have more than two characters speaking at once. So, anyway, yeah...I'm workin' on that.

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Well, it just tends to be a good role of thumb that as the # of characters goes up, the quality of the plot goes down. I mean, it's one thing if you need a crowd or something, but to actually bring in 8 characters with important speaking roles (an example of an unimportant speaking role being yelling Hooray froma a crowd or something) gets real hard to juggle. If you've seen the new Justice League cartton on CN, you might have notice that, except for the 3-part series premiere, no one episode has had all 7 heroes in it, and every episode is a 2-parter in the first season (except the season premiere and finale, which are both 3-parters). Bruce Timm, the creator of the show and also creater of the Batman, Superman, and Batman Beond serieses says that to have a show with 7 main characters in true ambitous. Even with 2-part episodes, he doens't want to use 7 characters (he uses 3 to 5 of them). He also keep no more than 2 on the screen during fighting scenes. Yours is a different medium, but I think th JL animated series is a great example of how to balance a high number of characters. Thank for reading my rant, and I'm glad that someone as talented as you cares to listen to soem scrub like me :D

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:D Aw, why thankyou Irish. SB says it's an anime version of Juliet (from Baz Luhrmann's R+J, I'm guessin') - I really don't know what it's based on, if anything... I found it somewhere on the Keenspace boards and borrowed it from there. I like it, though, regardless.



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