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Cheese Melt Wedges look awesome. Y'know, for McD's.


Fuck, Taco Bell in China sounds BADASS!


For the average American, Taco Bell is a fast-food restaurant. Low-grade, though rather tasty, food is perfect for when you don't have a lot of time or a lot of money.


In China, a world away, Taco Bell is aiming high for the chain. It is a full-service, sit-down restaurant with a beautifully detailed, bilingual menu, comfy booths, and ornately Hispanic decorations. The waitstaff is attentive and nice, and the hats they wear will surely put a smile on your face throughout meal.


With the Gypsy Kings playing softly in the background, munching on your chips and salsa, you can order old-time Mexican favorites, like nachos and fajitas, or try new Taco Bell Grande items, like smoked salmon salad with dill dressing or braised ox tail with a red wine sauce.


"Yum! understands that Chinese have different tastes, so we have adjusted the recipes to try to appeal more to the Chinese palate," said Zhang.


She said they have used more local spices, though in general the food is less spicy, and there are less onions. Unfortunately, catering to Chinese tastes means downplaying the role of dairy products and at the Grande this results in not an ounce of sour cream to be found in the restaurant.


Zhang said the Grande was the first restaurant to offer refried beans in china. Also, she said they added two Spanish items, albondigas and sangria, to the menu in order to widen the restaurant's geographical variety and cultural appeal.


"For an exotic impression of Mexico, there's no need to fly half way around the world," said Zhang. "Just come to Taco Bell Grande."


Indeed, all the melted cheese on the enchiladas and that familiar, fried crispiness of a grilled quesadilla are two classic items featuring on Grande's menu that no Mexican restaurant would be complete without.


Of course, it would also be hard to have a complete, authentic Mexican meal without a magarita and the Grande fills that need, too. Their Original Margarita has it all, from the slushed ice, to the salted rim, to the tequila kick.


"My taste for Mexican food has grown immensely since working so closely with it," said Zhang, who has worked for Yum! for eight years, as she took a share of the nachos. "The tastes and textures are all just so different from typical Chinese food. From the crunch of a corn chip to the ooze of the melted cheese, it all makes for a great break from normality."


For appetizers, there's jalapeno poppers and pineapple skewers with your choice of beef or chicken, on which the black pepper sensation followed closely by a tropical fruit sweetness made for a good combination. But, the best appetizer was the chicken taquitos. A tortilla, rolled around a spicy chicken filling, deep-fried and then put on a plate for you to dip in the salsa at your leisure. Yum, indeed.


Sour cream or no, Taco Bell Grande has planted its seeds in Shenzhen. And with a little luck, perhaps Yum! will have as much success as jalapeno seeds are spicy.

Edited by Thelogan Prime
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KFC in prague and mcdonalds in wherever the fuck i was were both shit, because those places are shit everywhere.


germany/eastern europe do this kebab thing that's basically scraping meat off a spinning chunk of such into a small bowl filled with rice, veggies, sour cream and hot sauce, it's pretty good and cheap too.

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Did you have any luck getting a proper tortilla over there?

I've recently re-discovered that there's little that I enjoy more than fresh, hot tortillas.


nah, but to be fair, i didn't even try - mostly got whatever was local: gyros in greece, fresh fish/squid off the sea, etc. croatia does oven pizza really well, their fast food is ginormous burgers of questionable quality, but at least they don't trick you into eating goat burgers like austria does.


speaking of, again: the elk burger i had in germany was probably the best goddamn burger ive ever had in my life. if i get another chance at one of those, i'm all over it.

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Pepsi Fried Chicken Chips


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speaking of, again: the elk burger i had in germany was probably the best goddamn burger ive ever had in my life. if i get another chance at one of those, i'm all over it.

You can have elk burgers when you come visit us -- we have them every so often.


I'm still loving that shawarma we ate in Montreal...need to find a place closer!!

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