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Unanswered Questions


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So if this thread's already around, label me a poor admin & merge away. Here's a thread for all those questions that never get acknowledged in the funny books. Things like Brodie's need to know about the genitalia of the FF, things like our age-old but since-resolved Cassidy Vs The Saint Vs God. The one that occured to me this morning and the reason for this thread though:


How is it that Reed Richards is strong?


I like that Warren Ellis took his mad scientist cap to Ultimate FF & applied a weird science approach to Reed's unique physiology(intead of internal organs he effectively has a stack of smart bacteria and he requires not food or air), but we've seen him lifting some shit. Marvel lists him officially as a 3 on a scale of 7, but this scale also lists DD as a 2 and Spiderman as a fucking 4, so that's gotta be a serious curve(not to mention I haven't taken creator authority seriously since the Star Wars expanded universe & then episode 1).


Thoughts? More questions?

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So if this thread's already around, label me a poor admin & merge away. Here's a thread for all those questions that never get acknowledged in the funny books. Things like Brodie's need to know about the genitalia of the FF, things like our age-old but since-resolved Cassidy Vs The Saint Vs God. The one that occured to me this morning and the reason for this thread though:


How is it that Reed Richards is strong?


I like that Warren Ellis took his mad scientist cap to Ultimate FF & applied a weird science approach to Reed's unique physiology(intead of internal organs he effectively has a stack of smart bacteria and he requires not food or air), but we've seen him lifting some shit. Marvel lists him officially as a 3 on a scale of 7, but this scale also lists DD as a 2 and Spiderman as a fucking 4, so that's gotta be a serious curve(not to mention I haven't taken creator authority seriously since the Star Wars expanded universe & then episode 1).


Thoughts? More questions?


I think the stats changed since I was younger IE: when I used to collect all the Marvel series cards. I think it really doesn't matter to Marvel which is sad cause i'd be perfect for a GOOD pen and paper RPG.

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They acknowledge the popular vote on it but offer their own yardstick(fanservice can be fickle though), an involved RPG with Marvel characters would kick so much arse. Yeah see, I've seen Spiderman hold up buildings on a good day, punch through concrete even with a flu. I just don't see Richards getting anywhere near that kinda strength and even if he does, how can he? If anything I could see him being able to lift mass equal to his own weight or size*, anything bigger though he could really do little more than let it hang from him as you'd suspend a ball from a rubber band.


*when I say size, I mean normal, solid reed. None of this 20ftx60ft superthin Reed carrying ultimate nullifiers and whatnot

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...The one that occured to me this morning and the reason for this thread though:


How is it that Reed Richards is strong?[/b


. . .Thoughts? More questions?

You really are anglin' for Baytor's spot on the jabroni scale, eh? Reed Richard's muscles stretch in size as well, thus giving him incredible strength.

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okay so, this question was more aimed at someone who's looked at a medical textbook than jerked off to Claremont back issues. For me to point out what a fanboyish answer that is is almost some kind of ironic.

Oh christ, and the question itself--fuck that--this very thread, doesn't stink of fanboy nutcheese? Simple answer to a simple question from a very simple man.

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That we did, Nucalis. I'm at this point-


I see you voyuering there Sexyhat! Post, damn you!- wondering if you have anything more than 'because he can' to the mix. I can buy how someone like Giant man's muscles grow with the rest of him, and therefore proportionate strength rules are applicable, but Mr Fantastic is effectively made of silly putty. I suspend my belief enough to not question him walking around without a spinal column made of bone.


Any idea what he is infact, largely made up of? I think I've seen him shot before, and surely he's been socked in the mouth and bled some...

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Maybe the same effect that makes his muscle fibres strong enough and stretchy enough to be extended to great lengths also makes it possible to contract those muscles to a greater extent and also withstand the strain of exerting so much force?


I'm not personally in favor of making him extra strong, and certainly not stronger than Daredevil, but if you wanted to try and justify it, this'd be the least complicated explanation.

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He's a scientist (one of the most intelligent ones in the Marvel U). He probably has some chenical or compact device that augments his strength. As for being shot, I think he's for the most part immune, same with being cut (though I remember some in-comic speculation that Wolverine's claws might cut him).

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I really think you're missing the main question here:


Brodie: Do you think Mr. Fantastic can stretch his dinky also? And do you think The Thing is hard all over? I mean really all over.


I rarely have any desire to quote that movie, but you guys were asking for it.

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Why do you think it took "Mr. Fantastic" locking up a bunch of their friends in an extra-dimensional gulag for his wife to leave him?Why do think The Thing can't keep a girlfriend?

I really think you're missing the main question here:I rarely have any desire to quote that movie, but you guys were asking for it.
It was already referenced at the beginning of the thread.
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Fantastic Four sex is amazing to speculate about.


I mean, you can watch yourself cum INSIDE the Invisible Woman.


You can get scorch marks if Johnny 'flames on' because you got him too excited.


And when you bring in the Skrull Lyja that impersonated Sue and then joined them and the Surfer's cosmic shell covered dick... I mean, does the surfer'c coating that enables him to travel in space also make his cock inaccessible?

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good thread idea, a general fanboy question depository.


jay - fair question, always kinda answered under the blanket of "they got cosmic powers", even if Thing is the only one who seemed to get raw strength.

mavel's never been great at echelons of its casts' strength - hell, our fanboy battle in bats vs cap established the variables you can see. :D is another...strength-wise, i figured him for peak human (early fights with the hulk, he had a hard time just piercing his skin for lack of superhuman strength) but other writers have overestimated him there at times.

my question'd be: where did you see Reed super-strong that caused you to wonder about this? his intellect and elasticity are obviously overastated, ive not read a shit-ton of FF but ive never seen him breaking down steel with his fingers or something.


boogie - ive learned not to recommend too much awesome to JZA, he reacts poorly and insults your mother. you just have to wait 3-4 years for him to discover it on his own, and then cuss at you about something something cleremont.


you know, i asked this on the bendis board and forget the answer, its likely convoluted - anyone know how Cable got the techno-organic virus back after expelling it from his system in Soldier X years ago? i know he burnt out his TK powers at the end or so of Cable/Deadpool, dont recall how he got the virus back though.

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From personal experience I can tell you that viruses never leave you. They may hide in your liver and take it easy for a while, but they're always waiting to strike.


About the Reed Richards strength thing: He'd actually have to be strong when you think about it, because the way he extends his body, means he needs to exert a lot more effort to control it. Think about how hard it is to control a lon wooden pole with a small mass on the end of it, just because of how far away it is. Trying to hold a gun from 40 ft away probably takes a lot of strength, much less to fight and maneuver while doing so.

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The man keeps his suit hidden in a ring and you're worried about he gets into it?



It's quantum. The answer to all this shit is quantum.


I know, the man is a laundry list of shit that doesn't make sense (I still can't wrap my head around how that whole "running 2 seconds into the future" thing works, or is useful.) but it's a valid point, dammit!

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It seems like every two-bit villain has a garage full of those mutant ability inhibitor collars, why the hell doesn't Rogue just wear one around and fuck all she wants? I think she just wants to be all angsty. It theoretically might not even effect her Carol Danvers powers.


How does Kitty Pryde breath when she's intangible? Does she not need to breath, like Colossus or something? Did I miss the part where they explained that?


Speaking of breathing, what about guys that shrink? Like The Atom. It seems to me that if the pores in your lungs shrunk that oxygen molecules wouldn't really be able to fit anymore once you got to a certain size.


If the Invisible Woman's power works by bending the light around her, how does she see when invisible? No light would be hitting her eyes, and if it did then her eyes should be visible.


Does Warren Worthington have hollow bones or something? Or a helium bladder? Or maybe just the ability to fly and the wings are cosmetic? Because otherwise there is no fucking way that guy is getting off the ground with less than a 40 foot wingspan, not to mention the beachball shoulder muscles he would need in order to flap 'em.

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It seems like every two-bit villain has a garage full of those mutant ability inhibitor collars, why the hell doesn't Rogue just wear one around and fuck all she wants? I think she just wants to be all angsty. It theoretically might not even effect her Carol Danvers powers.

She has the Carol Danvers powers because of her mutant ability. One would think it would be inoperable along with her touch. As for why not the collar, the angst is the only thing that

keeps her body from breaking down into its component parts.


How does Kitty Pryde breath when she's intangible? Does she not need to breath, like Colossus or something? Did I miss the part where they explained that?

I think they have explained this, and she has to breathe.


Speaking of breathing, what about guys that shrink? Like The Atom. It seems to me that if the pores in your lungs shrunk that oxygen molecules wouldn't really be able to fit anymore once you got to a certain size.

I think the air shrinks and expands with them. Same with food and drink they have ingested.


If the Invisible Woman's power works by bending the light around her, how does she see when invisible? No light would be hitting her eyes, and if it did then her eyes should be visible.

Marvel Magic ™.


Does Warren Worthington have hollow bones or something? Or a helium bladder? Or maybe just the ability to fly and the wings are cosmetic? Because otherwise there is no fucking way that guy is getting off the ground with less than a 40 foot wingspan, not to mention the beachball shoulder muscles he would need in order to flap 'em.

Marvel Magic ™.

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