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The History Channel - on the decline?

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for many years, i was without cable - and the digital music channels aside, i think i missed out on HBO original shows (not really cable), G4, history & discovery. I'm sure there's other stuff, but that's the bulk of what id put on at other people's houses.


History was just awesome - throw it on, and get to learning about some other era i didn't know as much about. Granted, there were favorite times (often the hollywood-romanticized ones) so there was a lotta WW II stuff - which meant a great deal on Nazis! - and say Rome in the heyday of its empire, etc. I totally get pandering to what makes $/gets viewers, so when the next silly-ass look at the Spartans or whatever was big at the moment was on, i figured it gets a pass.


i often joke about this with my roomates, and figured it might be anecdotal - i mean, i still dont watch enough of it to say, its just, when its on & im around, it's about the shroud of christ or vampire mythos or some shit? it's like watching TLC pander to the lowest common denominator of kids who don't want to learn about science unless you can teach using pokemon and/or dinosaurs the whole time. i felt kinda bad, but again: presumably, they could be showing all kinds of diverse content when im not watching.


Now, they're running a reality "archaeology/egyptology" show called Chasing Mummies...and if its fans are to be believed, it's not going well. Dr. Hawass presumably doesn't like show members informing him that aliens built the pyramids or some such shit (from the clip: i loved "what you did...is awful.").


i'm told History isn't alone in this; apparently, the Food Network, Discovery (and some are saying Disney & Cartoon network?) are being plagued with reality shows, a genre i'd hoped was dying a slow death or at least becoming a niche at this point. What do you think? is this just me, or perhaps you're a fan of this style for these channels?

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No, it's bothering me too. Last thing I saw that I liked on the history channel was around Presidents Day, when they were showing a series of episodes about the presidents. TLC's been like this for a while now, as well. These channels were cool back in the day. Now? :sad:

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I've noticed I've been watching less and less of history also. I still like Animal Planet and Discovery with stuff like Dirty jobs, Mythbusters, River Monsters, Monsters Inside Me and Shark Week is coming up :D But yea The History Channel is getting alot less relevant it seems. I dunno if Discovery is being overrun with reality shows. But it depends on the type. They haven't had any reality gameshows yet. :/

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yes, a thousand times yes! i was watching the history channel at my parents' house and it was a mixture of nazis (fine) and jesus christ and ghost shit (what?!). now i don't mind looking at religion or ghosts historically, but that's not what's happening. the last good show i saw on there was on the history of the blood diamond trade in sierra leone (debeers is the single most evil corporation in the history of the world, in my opinion).

Edited by La Lindsay
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My problem with it as of late is that most of the history shows they are putting on are mostly relevant to whatever is going on in the box office at the time. (LOOK THE HISTORY OF VAMPIRES AND WE INCLUDED TWILIGHT CLIPS) From a marketing standpoint it's a pretty slick move. From a my desire to fucking watch it standpoint...well it can go die in a fire. (Just make sure it sparkles.)

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i haven't had cable TV in my home in...huh, around five years. i just DL or watch a show at a friend's place occasionally. the only show i had to see immediately and couldn't wait to DL was LOST. i used to hit the History Channel regularly though in college. i think the last thing i saw from them was a special i DL'd called "life after man" or something like that. apparently there's a series or was a series based on it as well. damn, wait. i think that was Discovery Channel.... :whatsthat:


but i did buy WWII in HD, which definitely is a History Channel docu-mini. that series is intense, BTW. I watched the first two hours and had to walk away for a bit. something much more disturbing seeing the nazis, real nazis, kill people in HD color. :uhm:

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 6 months later...

History, Hitler, Hurr is the best description that is apt. But that is aparently what people watch. That brainless idiot talking about the Bible Code, or how Aliens traveled millions of light years just to have ancient man worship them and build some temples. Stopped watching History channel regularly about two years ago, couldn't take it anymore. Now I just buy those CBS WWII docs they advertise all the time instead.

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  • 4 months later...

I recall Logan posting a rather... ahem... suacy pic of them somewhere. It's all I see when I see that.


wtf? Was that them?


Of course it was axels, how many siamese twins have you seen giving someone a blow j...


And for the life of me I can't find where he posted that... prolly a good thing

Edited by axel_napalm
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It's in the "This thread is awful (and NSFW)" thread in Crap Shack. I refuse to post the link.

It's... it's cool man I don't blame you. I'm not feeling as curious :no:



I do like Pawn Stars though




I think it's all they play now on History. Ancient Aliens moved to H2

Edited by axel_napalm
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  • 11 months later...

Are you suggesting that the existence of mermaids wouldn't rock modern society to it's core? Because it will.


As an amateur mermaidologist myself, I like forward to these educational programs. People need to learn to accept and understand the fair sea folk with whom we share mother earth.


This is in the wrong forum.

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