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Oldboy US Remake

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There are three types of moviegoers out there.

  1. People who know Oldboy and think that a Hollywood remake directed by Spike Lee is a good idea.
  2. People who know Oldboy and think that a Hollywood remake directed by Spike Lee is a bad idea.
  3. People who don't know what the fuck Oldboy is.

This poster is not doing anything to win over any type 2's or type 3's.

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Brolin looks like Neos douchebag older brother who shows up at family events purely to bum money off people.

The poster doesn't exactly say "dark and violent revenge thriller" but moreso "arty indie fantasy".

Do you think American audiences will accept

some guy being tricked into deflowering his own daughter?


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Brolin looks like Neos douchebag older brother who shows up at family events purely to bum money off people.

The poster doesn't exactly say "dark and violent revenge thriller" but moreso "arty indie fantasy".

Do you think American audiences will accept

some guy being tricked into deflowering his own daughter?




It'll probably be his cousin or some shit.



I, too, like the poster.

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There is a fourth type:


People who are aware of Oldboy but never saw it because it sounds fucking strange and probably will not see the American remake because there does not appear to be any way to make it unstrange without making it an entirely different movie, thus defeating the point.


Also, that poster looks stupid. It seems very nonscensical and kinda incongruent. For what it is, the colors are too vibrant.

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Kiss my ass. I've read the synopsis. It sounds like something that would make me uncomfortable and considering that it's Korean, I'm going to trust my gut because I have never had a good experience with Korean media.


I am, however, aware that many people hold this film in high regard and so I wonder if Hollywood would do it well enough to satisfy the fans. I do have to wonder about Spike Lee as well... I like him as a director but this seems to be a bit of a departure for him.

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While I concede that Brolin is a much better fit than Will Smith, I just can't fathom how this is going to work. Oldboy is just so...Korean.


The rational of the villain, and the intricacies of his plot for revenge teetered dangerously on the edge of becoming laughable. Now I love Oldboy, but there was a razor thin margin between it working and not working. Koreans know melodrama, and Oldboy worked ‘cause they sold it. I’m not sure a westernized take will be able to achieve the same feat, without compromising the plot somehow.


Then you take something like the squid scene. One of the memorable scenes in the movie, but steeped in the culture of the original film. How are they going to pull that off without making it seem even more surreal? I guess they could set the movie in Korea, but if they are going to do that, why remake it at all?? Ugh.

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Nope! I just don't watch the same things ya'll watch. I mean, I didn't see the Notebook or Nights in Rhodesia or whatever the fuck that one was. So it's not a matter of having a vagina.


I've just been burned by Asian movies before. They are...weird in a way that I can't describe. I'm not getting why a remake of this is necessary though. It's not really an old movie, from all accounts it's a good movie, and it's widely available with subs. It's a head scratcher.


While I concede that Brolin is a much better fit than Will Smith, I just can't fathom how this is going to work. Oldboy is just so...Korean.


The rational of the villain, and the intricacies of his plot for revenge teetered dangerously on the edge of becoming laughable. Now I love Oldboy, but there was a razor thin margin between it working and not working. Koreans know melodrama, and Oldboy worked ‘cause they sold it. I’m not sure a westernized take will be able to achieve the same feat, without compromising the plot somehow.


Then you take something like the squid scene. One of the memorable scenes in the movie, but steeped in the culture of the original film. How are they going to pull that off without making it seem even more surreal? I guess they could set the movie in Korea, but if they are going to do that, why remake it at all?? Ugh.


There we go! Thanks, Space, you just summed up my entire issue with the film! (I have seen parts of it, just not the entirety) But I reiterate, I don't see why there's a ned for a remake.

Edited by FireDownBelow
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I'm not getting why a remake of this is necessary though. It's not really an old movie, from all accounts it's a good movie, and it's widely available with subs. It's a head scratcher.


Because Americans don't like watching movies in other languages with subtitles, so when a good movie comes out in another country, if it's animated, we dub it, and if it's live action, we just remake the whole thing. The French movie The Intouchables made oodles of money in France and everywhere else, but not in the US. Same with the original Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. They got limited releases in the US, but they just remade The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and the Weinsteins are remaking The Intouchables right now.


You could point to many reason why this is, and why Americans are different from other people, but ultimately, this is the reason: Very few people of any nationality inherently prefer reading subtitles to a movie with dialogue in a language they don't understand. But people in most non-English speaking country have learned to accept it because, if you want to watch the kind of big spectacle movies that only Hollywood makes, you either learn to get use to subtitles, or you watch a live action dub, and nobody likes those. Hollywood has made it so Americans never had to put up with it. If a really good foreign film was made, there were always 10 other American movies out at the same time, and a remake would probably be made eventually anyways. If you are a Pole, are you really going to limit yourself to only Polish language movies? Of course not. You get no Star Wars, no Lord of the Rings, no Spider-Man, no Pirates of the Caribbean, and Poland isn't producing those kinds of movies, because you can't out-spectacle Hollywood, and only Poles would watch it, and you can't make back a huge budget on just Polish ticket sales. The only country where people genuinely do not seem interested in Hollywood movies is India, because Bollywood puts out enough movies (twice as many as Hollywood does, actually) so that Indians don't have to watch movies with subtitles if they don't want to, so they don't.


While I concede that Brolin is a much better fit than Will Smith, I just can't fathom how this is going to work. Oldboy is just so...Korean.


This has not stopped Hollywood before. In 2004, Hollywood released a remake of Shall We Dance?, a 1996 Japanese movie. The entire premise of the movie makes no sense when taken from the Japanese cultural context and put into an American context. Basically, and married businessman starts going to ballroom dancing lessons and keeps it a secret from his wife. In the American remake, there's even a line when the wife eventually finds him out where she expresses her disbelief that he felt he had to keep the dance lesson secret. Because in the US, there's nothing wrong with a married man taking ballroom dance lessons. In fact, most married women who cared at all would love their husbands to take ballroom dancing lessons, rather than be upset about it. Put the culture is very different in Japan, and keeping the dance lesson secret made sense in a Japanese context.

Edited by Reverend Jax
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The original Oldboy is one of those rare incidences where the English dub is so good you can accept THAT as the American remake. Still, if you wanna remake it, fine. It just has to be damn good to be better than a even a dub.

Edited by Panch
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