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Id like to thank Chief for bringing this to my attention.


It seems like we were under attack, believe it or not. Some asshole tried to crach our server by overloading it, but that didnt work. Their IP is now banned, and they have been reported for abuse. If they do not comply, i will post emails here and encourage you to forward all junk mail about viagra & such their way.


Temporarily, i have disabled guests from being able to read posts & view the board, hopefully i can lift that again soon, but just in case, its in place for today.


Anyway, goes to show you that there's a lot of assholes out there, and you know what? Our server can take a beating!

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ok, so, the question is:

1) leave us with a record of "227 people online" or whatever, knowing its fake, to commemorate the attack/survival, or

2) i reset the clock for most people online, and we do it fair-like? i assure you, it prolly wont go over 20 somethin usually.


What do ya'll think?

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Haha...good to know, thanks for the backup! :D


Ok, i mighta jumped the gun...hard to believe, but here's our server's respone:


I've since been informed that the IP Address you mentioned belongs to a bit of an overactive search engine by the name of Inktomi


yup, that's right, it was a search engine goin nuts, apparently, so uh...im unbanning it, and then opening up guest views again. Still, what search engine sends 200+ hits at once?! anyway, that answers that.


so..keep the "227 members online" or reset the clock...?

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that's odd that the search engine went nuts. But I guess it makes it harder to shove a computer up its butthole...


since it was a mistake as such, maybe resetting the clock would be the way to go. but what does that give? If it's too much of a hassle then just leave it, as you say, to commemorate the attack.


Do you think you can erase the past just like THAT?! heh :D

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Wow! I wish that had happened on my site... And we had sold something... :D


Yeah, I say turn back the clocks. Push the only button that took every one hours and hours to figure out to get past the comupter level in X-men for the Sega Genesis....



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