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The World Cup. Who will win?



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As I post this, there's just 4 days left to the largest sporting event in history. The first world cup I saw was in 1986. Maradona kicked serious ass. Ever since, Argentina have been my sentimental favorites.


But looking at the leadup, England seem to me as the most likely to win. Of course, it might just be that they're overhyped.

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Guest Yahve

i'm not too well informed on how good the teams are this year, but I'll be rooting for Argentina, Colombia's eternal archrivals.  Colombia didn't make it this time 'cause they suck this year.  Argentina has Batistuta on a roll so lets see how he performs in the Cup.

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My money is on Holland!  Not just for the simple fact that I am half-dutch, but they did pretty well in the 1998 France World Cup!  They came in 4th in the World!  I also saw a recent Pre-World Cup game between the US and Holland, and Holland kicked ass 2-0, so I have high hopes on this team!


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I was living in Brasilia when Brazil lost to France in 98. From the look on people faces on the street the next day you'd think Brazil hadn't even qualified at all! Anyway. I've lived in Argentina and Brazil, so those are my favs. I love the Argentine team, but I think Brazil got the better chance. I've looked at the progression of the games and there's no way a team from Group C and a team from Group F could both make it to the finals, but I can hope the both make it to the semifinals. If they both get first or both get second in their respective Groups, then they can't both make it past the Quarter finals, but if one get first and the other gets second, they could potentially both make it to the semifinals. My head hurts.

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First off, Holland aren't in the finals, they were knocked out in the qualifying stages. They finished third of a group behind Portugal and Ireland, Portugal went straight into the finals, Ireland then won a play-off against Iran to book their place. The main problem with Holland is that they have great players but they don't work well as a team, at least of late.



Who'll win is a very tough one to try and call, still haven't decided myself.


I don't think an African team has what it takes to win it yet, Nigeria and Cameroon are both very strong teams but I can't see either making the final but one of them may get to the semi's.

USA will find it tough getting out of their group, let alone get through any knockout stages, I'd like to see them do well though, they looked a lot better than I expected when I saw them vs. Ireland a couple of months ago.


Brazil and Germany have the history and still are good teams but I don't think they could go all the way this time round. England are decimated by injuries and are very inconsistent in major tournaments, on their day they can beat anyone, but can't seem to get a winning run together.


Good outside bets would be Portugal and Spain.

Portugal have one of the best attacking lines in the world, brilliant strikers and in Luis Figo and Rui Costa, probably the most dangerous central midfield where attack is concerned. It all the depends if they can outscore their opposition as their defence, though good, is not sufficient against world class teams.

Spain...Hierro, Raul, Luis Enrique, Mendieta...great players but you have to wonder why they've never made it past the quarterfinals, this could be their year for something more, considering the Spanish league is probably the best in the world.


It's probably between Italy, France and Argentina though.

Italy always seem to just about do enough to qualify for the knockout stages and you think that they'll be beaten but they always end up in the reckoning.

France have a few injury worries too, they've lost Thierry Henry, their top striker and Zinedine Zidane, arguably the best player in the world, is due to miss the first few matches, shouldn't be a problem in their group games but time will tell whether he'll be at 100% for the knockout stages.

Argentina are close to the perfect package, strikers like Batistuta and Crespo, Veron in midfield (how can he play so well at international level and so shit at club level?) and a solid defence, and above all, great teamwork. As always they'll be very hard to beat.



But I still can't decide....if Roy Keane hadn't been sent home (http://news.bbc.co.uk/worldcup2002/rep_of_...ews_2003681.stm) then I'd have said Ireland, no contest ;) but I don't know if we'll even get past the group stages.


Anyway, this is shaping up to be one of the best World Cups ever, I just hope I'm not proven wrong.

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It pains me, but I think the argies have an excellent chance.


However, on the 20th Anniversary of their surrender in the Falklands War (give or take a few days), they will be playing In-Ger-Land, I think we might have a chance of winning the group you know.



Or Tomas Brolin might come and give us all some man love from his website.



Go on the Spurs - Sheringham, Ziege, Tarrico, Poyet etc

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Well i think there are plenty of teams in there that can win it!!


But i don't think Brazil should be written off, they have some exceptional players, Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Roberto Carlos, Ronaldinho, Denilson, and this team has a lot to prove!!


Argentina, squadwise look favourites, but i dunno. Definately there or thereabouts!


France, great team spirit, some great talent Zidane out of first couple of group games, Pires out, but they have serious talent and belief, so i think they may do it again.


Spain, some exceptional talent, but they always crumble in the major tournaments, look at france 98!!


England, no, i don't think so, good team, but i don't think they'll do it!


Ireland not a hope, although we can dream :D Especially now Keane is gone :D


But the teams i think will cause the biggest surprises are........ South Korea, USA, and Cameroon they're the surprise packages as far as i can see.


But as for the winner, has to be Argentina!

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Perhaps I'm biasist about this, but I think Ronaldo is the best player playing soccer today. Still shocked over the loss four years ago. Anyway, this can't lead to anywhere good, I know I'm going to hear tons of rebutals saying someone else is the best player,a nd frankly, I don't quite enough about soccer to argue this. Make some statment about Star Wars, the Simpsons or Rush, and I am fully equiped to kick anyones conversational butt, or at least put up a fight ?D

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General and vague? You've lost me there? ???


I haven't written off Brazil yet, I just have a feeling they won't make it this time, but they have all the players necessary, and they have to prove themselves after just scrapping in in qualifying.


Spain and England will probably bottle it again, and Ireland without Keane haven't got a chance unfortunately.

Shit, I was wrong about Henry, musta mixed him up with Pires. Even without the likes of Pires or Zidane, France are one of the best teams on the planet and still have Vieira, Thuram, Henry, Desailly etc.


As for South Korea and the US, I don't think either will get out of their group, Portugal and Poland may be too strong, USA have the better of the chances. Japan or Ecuador could surprise as well. Cameroon would be the least surprising of the surprise packages, I think they've got what it takes to make the semis but any more may be beyond them.


Just noticed that if France win their group and Argentina are runners up or vice versa, then they'd play each other in the last 16! If not they'd at least meet in the semis if they both got that far, so a France-Argentina final can't happen.



As for Ronaldo as best player in the world, I'm not sure, maybe a few years ago but as far as I'd heard injuries had left him with inconsistent form.

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General and vague? You've lost me there? <!--emo&???


Notice the post above the one in which I said that. It's extremely specific, so it was a joke (think 'Matthew Perry sense of humor' ).


The Poles will be too drunk on Polish Vodka :wineo: to give a damn, and the yanks will qualify!! :catinthehat:


Hey, there's no shame in getting drunk when your country makes so fine liqour from water and rye. Belvedere is probably my favorite Vodka in the world after Grey Goose (which is French). I know, I have expensive taste in alcohol... :wineo: :D

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Reminds me of the 'I'm Alan Partridge' episode when he's trying to impress the Director of BBC Television with his wine knowledge. Looks through the wine list and says "Just half a bottle of Blue Nun please".


Hahahaha :D


:D What do you mean you haven't seen it?


Oh yeah and why didn't my fave team qualify? Morocco of course. I should explain. For the last World Cup each of my friends and I decided to support a team other than England, someone a bit smaller. I picked Morocco and its sorta snowballed from there. Got two team shirts and generally formed my obsession. Lets just say, if I went into a pub where Morocco were playing England, I'd probably get beaten up within 5 minutes.

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Nothing to do with Scotland's mauling at the hands of Morocco in the last World Cup then MLB, ya English bas!?!  ;)


As for who will win it, i still think France on thier day are the strongest team, although no European team has ever won the cup outwith Europe, there's always a first time though perhaps. Either them or Argentina, seen them in a couple of thier qualifiers and they did look shit hot!

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Hahaha, sorry about that Judge, made sure my Scottish friends heard all about it too. Would have gotten past the group stages too if Norway hadn't beaten bloody Brasil dammit! Rarrrrrrr!


France are gonna win it again I reckon, don't think Argentina have quite got the skill to take it to the end.

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I demand to know why the awesome offensive power of the Nagasaki team is being neglected here!  :D

I read somewhere that the fallout has caused their players to be...more than human.  You wouldnt want to see them angry.


..right, so i just wanted in on this thread & dont know shit bout soccer.  Go America! If we lose, i say we buy the cup! :unclesam:

PS My joke bout the French surrendering the cup last year to Germany was funny, fuck you! :D :D

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Statistically, the odds are now against France. I started watching at 30 minutes into the game. Biggest upset in World Cup histor is right. Damn, that was a good keeper the French were up against, but they didn't seem they were too much into it. they weren't playing with all their hearts.

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Guest Yahve

Germany is certainly up at spirits now... I saw the 8-0 killing against saudi arabia.  The second half they weren't even trying as hard ( at 4-0 they just sat back to chill ) , but they scored at almost every oportunity.  Shows what a relaxed state of mind can do for an allready good team.

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