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Kingdom Hearts II


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I want to get the game so bad, but I never beat the first one. I blew through the storyline so quickly that I got to the final boss and realized I'm way too low a level to stand much of a chance so...I don't wanna start the second one 'til I see the ending for the first.

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man, you really dont wanna face Sephiroth, then. I was always curious bout this one, but bad camera angles & such caught poor reviews. arc swears by it though, might still check it out....Arch, post back your thoughts here after you get a few hours in, man.

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NBA Superstar Shaquille O'Neal is Kazaam, a larger-than-life genie with a magic touch for nonstop fun laughter!  After 5,000 long years of captivity, Kazaam is set free to grant three wishes to a new master.  From then on, he's catapulted to one wild adventure after another... from becoming the latest rap sensation or untangling an outrageous mob scheme! As the giant genie with an attitude, Shaq scores big laughs in this hilarious comedy hit that's sure to be a slam-dunk winner with everyone!

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True story:


Some fucking guy called me two weeks every day at work looking for KH2. EVERY FUCKING DAY. Each time I would tell him the street date and then that we would have it available on Friday. Finally the game came in and he got it.


The guy came in tonight and I asked him how it was.


Near tears; "It was horrible..they killed it...they killed me"

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Rented the game Tuesday, beat it today. Great game for fans of the first one. Some random thoughts. I'm sure I'll have more later:


- Ok, really, good game, but 80% of the time I had no idea what the hell anybody was talking about. I don't know if it was intentional or not (it happens so often, it must have been intentional) but there seemed to be a running joke through the game that the plot was so dense and incomprehensible, the only one who can make sense of it all is Goofy. Seriously, you could make a drinking game based on how many times the rest of the cast looks confused until Goofy scratches his head and says "Oh I get it, so that means blah blah blah..."


- Mickey Mouse is a fuckin' badass.


- Speaking of Mickey Mouse, I never thought I'd live to see the day when Mickey had a dramatic scene with Christopher Lee.


- Aaaand speaking of Christopher Lee, the voice acting in this game is insanely good. Really, except for the occasional disappointment (cough, Jack Sparrow, cough) it's hard to find a flat voice or a bad line reading, even amongst all the "big names". And some, like Haley Joel Osment completely surpassing his work on the first game, or James Woods playing Hades just as well as he did in the original Hercules movie, are absolutely superb.


- What helps all these great voice actors is actual good dialogue this time around. The first Kingdom Hearts occasionally suffered from the type of ham-handed, over-the-top, strangely worded dialogue that often comes from a game made first in Japan, but this one (except towards the end when the villains start doing...I dunno, whatever the hell they're trying to do) is very well written. I was worried when one of the first lines of dialogue in the game ended up being "We totally owned you lamers" (no seriously...it's said...outloud...) but thankfully it got much better from there. It's been a long time since I've heard such good dialogue in a video game.

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Beat it the other day. What a great game.


- What helps all these great voice actors is actual good dialogue this time around. The first Kingdom Hearts occasionally suffered from the type of ham-handed, over-the-top, strangely worded dialogue that often comes from a game made first in Japan, but this one (except towards the end when the villains start doing...I dunno, whatever the hell they're trying to do) is very well written. I was worried when one of the first lines of dialogue in the game ended up being "We totally owned you lamers" (no seriously...it's said...outloud...) but thankfully it got much better from there. It's been a long time since I've heard such good dialogue in a video game.


The only two voice actors I didn't like was for Cid an Aeris. It just didn't sound right. On a side note, the voice actors that did the FF VII characters are used for the movie dub.



I love that they fixed the bad camera angles. You don't have moving it around non stop making it hell to see what your doing. Now you can move the camera with the analog and not with L2 n R2 which helps.



P.S Just took on Sephiroth. Got my ass handed to me. Mind you I'm at level 78.

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Yeah I hear they made Sephiroth even harder this time around.


Which would make him the only truly difficult boss in the game.


That is one of the very few beefs I have with the game, none of the boss fights came close to some of the truly epic fights from the first game. Some sequences were memorable enough (like, say, standing alone against a literal army of Heartless) but nothing was really as difficult or as memorable as the Maleficent/Dragon or Chernabog fights in the first one. In fact, pretty much all the Disney villains were pushovers and the only thing that presented anything close to a challenge was when you fought an Organization member.

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As for the army of Heartless you took on. It was way to easy. They didn't even fight back. It was fun but it need to be a tad harder.


Yeah it was easy, but at least it was pretty memorable.


It was definitely the Disney ones that disappointed me the most (disappointed is relative, I still love the game). Jafar, Hades, Pete...don't even get me started on Ursula...they just didn't have that epic feel from the first game.

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  • 2 years later...



KH3 = PS3 exclusive?


that's the current rumor, anyway. no details on certainty, timed, etc - wait till next month's Tokyo Game Show, i guess. I honestly woudlnt be surprised, though: since Square broke the exclusivity contract with Sony (for EU and US, not japan), i figure along with Versus XIII, this - and even the FF VII remake most everyone's after - could easily stay exclusive as part of the deal. just a guess.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought they improved on everything from the first one, but I do have one gripe about one thing. Though the graphics in the Gummi Ship levels are way better, the levels themselves have become far too confusing, as well as building and designing your own ships! Here's where I think they dropped the ball there.

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