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Television Quotes

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Inspired by the 'Movie Quotes Deux' thread, I give you 'Television Quotes' thread. Same exaxt rules apply from MQD, except instead of quotes from movies, you post quotes from your favorite TV shows, sitcoms, reality shows, etc., and the others are supposed to guess the show it was said on.


Let's start off with an easy one to get the ball rolling:


"English side ruined! Must use French instructions... Le Grill?! What the hell is Le Grill?!"

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-Do you think Phantom Menace is as good of a movie as Empire?


-Well, certainly, I think it's the best movie I've made yet.


-Permission to treat this witness as hostile. Mr. Lucas, how do you explain that in Star Wars Obi-Wan tells

Luke when he met his father he was a great pilot, but in Menace he's just a little boy?


-Well, my kids thought...


-And how come Obi-Wan tells Luke that Yoda is the Jedi that trains him, but in the movie Liam Neeson trains him?


-Um, well, the power of myth...


-Isn't it true you knew this was a bad movie, that you wrote it over a weekend but told people you had it written for years?


-Objection! The pod race was pretty cool.

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Somehow I see this just turning into the Simpsons quotes thread.


But that one was Clerks TAS


Victory is mine, victory is mine, great day in the morning, victory is mine.


Good morning, Josh.


I drink from the keg of glory, Donna. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land.


It's going to be an unbearable day.

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Somehow I see this just turning into the Simpsons quotes thread.


But that one was Clerks TAS


Victory is mine, victory is mine, great day in the morning, victory is mine.


Good morning, Josh.


I drink from the keg of glory, Donna. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land.


It's going to be an unbearable day.


Also reminds me of a That 70s Show line too.

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Somehow I see this just turning into the Simpsons quotes thread.


But that one was Clerks TAS


Victory is mine, victory is mine, great day in the morning, victory is mine.


Good morning, Josh.


I drink from the keg of glory, Donna. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land.


It's going to be an unbearable day.



Best fucking TV show there is - The West Wing.


R: What's wrong with you?


R: Are you stoned?

M: I've got illegals in my bottom...

R: WHY do you do this to yourself?

M: I don't know...!

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Simpsons (again sorry but i fuckin love this quote)


Lisa-"Relax? I can't relax. Nor can i yield, relent or....only two synonyms? Oh my god! I'm losing my perspicacity! Aaaaaaagh!"


Homer-"Its always in the last place ya left it."


One of lisas only good quotes in my opinion.

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Best fucking TV show there is - The West Wing.


R: What's wrong with you?


R: Are you stoned?

M: I've got illegals in my bottom...

R: WHY do you do this to yourself?

M: I don't know...!

Dead Like Me.


So, how about we only have one quote at a time, 48 hours (like the movie thread). Makes things a bit easier, yes?


So who's next?


Don Baineone posted, is crimsonfire answering and posting one, or just posting one?


And then there's Jax's...


This thread's already a mess. :2T:

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Right then. I suggest restarting this with the same general rules as the movie quotes thread (48 hours for quotes, only one quote at a time, the person who correctly guessed the quote gives the next, etc).


Oh, and I suggest a new rule: After two consecutive quotes from the same series, choose a new series to quote (that way we won't have all Simpsons and Family Guy quotes, hopefully).


Here's mine:"I dreamt someone kidnapped my baby and they kept sending me muffins in the mail."

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Movin' on.


Tell me something. Why were you so sure those voices weren't coming from you?


Well first, I know I'm not psychotic.


I hope your other reason is more convincing.


And second, the voice kept calling me "Bruce". In my mind, that's not what I call myself.


What do you call yourself?




...oh yeah, I suppose you would. But that's *my* name now.


Hrm, tell that to my subconscious.

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Here's a challenge.


I was trying to get ahold of you all day.


You don't call me, Bob. It doesn't work that way.


Then what's prayer?


...corn nut?


Thanks, I'd love one. Waaait. If anyone questions that I have a relationship with God, all I have to do is show them this corn nut as proof!


Yeah Bob, show them the corn nut.

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God the Devil and Bob.


Attention. Here's a bulletin from the truce talks at ---------: after six weeks of negotiation, the U.N. and ----- ----- have agreed that flagpoles in the peace compound are to be thirty-two feet, six and one quarter inches high. World leaders hail this agreement as an important step toward lasting peace. -- PA

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