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Hondo's @ Playstation Network

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So seeing as we've online username threads for X360 and Wii, we should have one for PS3.


So if/when you get a PS3 and register, come in here and post up your screen name.


So here goes



<img src="http://fp.profiles.us.playstation.com/playstation/psn/pid/TheIrishNinja.png" width="230" height="155" border="0" /></a>









The NZA = TheIrishNinja

Senshik = Senshik

Losifer = Brosive

soldier of fortune = Wayne SOF

newtype = Newtype79

TheLogan Prime = Thelogan_Prime

Bindusara = Bindusara_Cidel

dante = danteas1

bishop = Bishopcruz

gun =gunsmithx

DoJ = thedivisionofjoy

Skeeter/JZA = The_JZA2099

BigChiefSlapaho = ChfSlap606

John (Space) = C_U_SpaceCowboy

maldron = maldron

WhoDey = ayersFORCE1

dante = danteas1

90s kid = BigIndie

axel napalm = Keifer2188

DJuan St. Anima = PoeticMassacre


Sento (all 3 from kotaku crowd)



any of the guys who have them, put em up here!!!


Can one of you mod folk pin this?

Edited by The NZA
updated for new members
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nah, heard he traded it for a wii.


awesome, there oughta be 5 of us on soon enough, Newt is joining up in the near future im told.


Also, add bishopcruz and roomie gunsmithx as well, fellow hondonains only have Tekken for now but theyre working on it, think they mighta swung Resistance.

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I regret nothing. My Wii'd still be gathering dust and I'm having a blast with PW & TC on the ds.


On the matter at hand though, with a weekend job in the offing, once the big 4 in the follwing three months are sorted(Bioshock, Two Worlds, Halo 3 & GTA IV) a PS3 by Xmas isn't an unreasonable idea.

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people keep tossing about halo 3 as if its going to be some sort of amazing thing, but after one or two, i still dont think the two of them had any sort of scratch on killzone, as for gta, i have a feeling the ps3 version will be better, due to the fact theres more storage on a blu ray disc than a hd dvd disc...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shit, wish i could. i got a few people from kotaku wanted to play, as well...we gotta set something up for next week, you gotta join the hondo's clan there too...its just me and "BigTitBitch" aka Sen over there right now.

oh! when we trade PSN names for you to get Super Stardust, be sure to grap the Resistance map pack, too man.


ps no lie, i just hit the max for PSN friends yesterday, its 50. Crazy.


also! PS3 Tags are back, at least from one site...click here or my sig, Sen's got one on the way too.

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  • 2 months later...

added DoJ & Los, maxed out at 50 names again so lemme know if anyone else jumps in.


Cant recommend Everyday Shooter enough, Calling All Cars is fun too and flOw is good if youre chemically inclined. After SF II (whenever that shows), im basically waiting on Echnodrome and LittleBigPlanet.

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