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Hondo's Bar

"Drinks and Whores"


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I don't know that this necessarily merited a whole new topic-please put me in my place if it doesn't.


I don't know how to feel about the whole "drinks and Whores" business. Instinctually, I'm like, wait one cotton pickin' minute, I aint no goddammed whore.

But then I realize well maybe the slogan is just saying at a place like hondos there are whores available, just the same way there are drinks available and in the same way that I'm obviously not a drink, I would obviously not be considered a whore. Which gave me some pause, but then I realized that I might want it to feel more specific (like that means manwhores too-being available for the female members of hondos). but then Could I seriously want to be all gender specific with the logo, sacrificing the design and all?

Besides, would leaving it be and assuming that we are all progressive minded enough to all be picturing male and female whores at the sound of the word be the stronger thing to do?

Or is that just the kind of attitude that is giving too much pause and not enough opposition in scenarios like this?


I want to get an idea of where other people stand on this.

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For me, when I saw our beloved logo, I thought instinctually that here we can get whatever we want. Most people get conformed with drinks and whores (masculine or femenine). So, I assume that none of the female hondonians take offense in this.

Then again, I didn't came up with our slogan. So I think Nick should answer that.

I think it's a clever slogan/logo, and I like it. You shouldn't take it so seriously.

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I don't think anyone's ever assumed that the "whores" refers to any of our members...well, maybe a few of them...but still. I admit, I've never been too anxious to get the tshirt with that version of the logo on it. My reservations are probably the reason for the "Drinks & Discussion" version. You're right, Jax, that's kinda lame but I'm sure if we tried we could come up with a compromise that is neither lame, nor will it draw withering glares from all the women at the supermarket.

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good god no, the logo is perfect the way it is.


i know that i've never considered the "whores" part, to refer to our female posters.

what it does refer to is the fact that this is a seedy bar, one the likes of marv would frequent.


but eh, boogie said it bet when he said

You shouldn't take it so seriously.


arch said it second best when he said

oh, stop being so sensitive. Not everything has to be PC


and i said it third best when i said

good god no, the logo is perfect the way it is.


i know that i've never considered the "whores" part, to refer to our female posters.

what it does refer to is the fact that this is a seedy bar, one the likes of marv would frequent.

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i know that i've never considered the "whores" part, to refer to our female posters.

This, I'll agree with. And the seedy bar part, but mostly that first bit.








Kaylee: Look, they got boy whores! Isn't that thoughtful? Wonder if they service girlfolk at all



That said, I am not offended by it, though I understand if some are.

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'if it were' being the operative phrase. I meant it in jest, and even you know it. The differences are vast.


Either way, the problems with DA8 aren't ones of what's PC and what isn't, nor is it even about people being overly sensitive. It's about antagonistic, ridiculous, obnoxious behavior that has destroyed an entire forum.


It's like comparing a murder to the holocaust.

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There are whores on Hondos! ALL OF US ARE WHORES!!! In some way at least! I always looked at it like that. Political wholes, comic whores, video game whores and some regular whores too. It's not that big a deal people. It's a cool logo!

Hmm... that is a valid point.

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Ok, first of all, I was afraid of making this post in fear of just this-people accusing me of being overly sensitive.

But really, is the mere act of questioning the motives for the thing all that sensitive?


I generally wanted to get a sense of how people on the board(and out of the board, since we wear the shirts in public)may be thinking of it, and this thread is achieving that, so thanks!


I think I like Da Capn's perspective a lot as far as us all being whores for various stuff.

personally I've always preferred looking at hondos as a classy place, so I don't like the idea of putting it out there as a seedy one as much(I know I would be outvoted on that in like a nano second though and with all the near-porn around here these days it points to the opposite anyway so might as well forget I said it)


Either way though, as Silent Bob said, people on the outside are going to perceive us in THEIR own way, regardless of what we might legitimately be thinking of it. And if we want to recruit people to Hondos, especially women, it's something worth thinking about- selah. I liked the drinks/discussion logo and also think there could be some kind of compromise.


That being said,

In response to two things:


Don't take it so seriously


Are you kidding? This whole board is based on the idea of taking banal things seriously and dissecting them into a million parts. We have spent hours on discussing the nature of the dumbest shit here on hondos and I refuse to be denied the right to discus banal shit of my choosing (as to whether other people will join me is a different story, I can see)


Not everything has to be so PC


Being PC is not just a pointless abstraction. It exists for a reason, and I wish it didn't have so aloof a term, becasue when it boils down, it has not to do with anything so highbrow as politics but with the emotions of peope. Saying not everything has to be PC is a bold statement, for where do you draw the line? how do you decide who you should be sensitive to and not? We should be careful not to offend the feelings of black people, but the gays are tough enough to shake through? Just curious.


Just to balance things out, can I also get the opinion of some women in here/?

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wow. That seems to have been a bit over the top.


Alright then, my two cents:


I don't think it matters. Online communities are such that you can advertise pretty much what you want at the forefront and after about five minutes you leave with an entirely different perspective with what you walked in.


Take any forum we have, from Politics down to the Crap Shack: every nich and corner here is tightly guarded and held by people who take their areas very seriously and defend it to high hell. You also have a plethora of personalities ranging from the narcissistic to the asshole to the saint to the retard.


The point is, regardless of what you may write on the one page that NO ONE ever really sees, or on the Logo that people see MAYBE twice, it doesn't matter two shits. Are you a whore? i don't know, but from what you've said, the answer is 'no'. Are any ladies here whore's? no, they aren't. So what's the big deal? Who the fuck cares?


You're also forgetting that the entire premise of this place was taken from a western style saloon. So to say 'drinks and whores' is like painting outside of an airport 'planes and strip searches': it's redundant.


While I was joking about the whole PC thing and about being too sensitive, I think I'll adopt that stance in truth now. Yes, people here get their knickers in a twist for the dumbest of reasons: God knows I've done it a whole bunch of times. But ya know what? When I do it, I get called on it, just like anyone else would if they were to do it. Therefore, i'm calling you on it: don't be so bloody sensitive. This isn't some reflection of you or your: it isn't some large, grand scheme to insult women everywhere. If anything, it's a tall tale sign of arrogance to automatically think that the sign on the non-existant door actually pertains to you.


Also, when you consider that we offer hot costners, cock and balls and worse to every and all new entries to this place and you completely invalidate any mock or psuedo offense you could have drawn from it in the first place.


If you are going to be offended, I'm certain you can find a plethora of threads in which to take out our righteous indignation on. But on something as silly as the sign? Come on.



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what's the big deal? Who the fuck cares?


like I said, if you don't really have anything constructive to say don't bother, you don't have to reply to EVERYTHING here you know.


This isn't some reflection of you or your: it isn't some large, grand scheme to insult women everywhere. If anything, it's a tall tale sign of arrogance to automatically think that the sign on the non-existant door actually pertains to you.


I thought at the opening of this thread I showed pretty clearly how my stream of consciousness was being carried by the logo. you might want to read that again. If what you read makes me arrogant, well, who would have thunk it, dinghy's arrogant!

I never said i was offended by it, rather, I was wondering whether I, or others, (male or female) should be and was hereby seeking enlightenment. I've heard some good points and soem bad ones so far.

And you know what, forget whether you're offended by it or not, how about, do you like it or not.


your point about the influence of the western saloon I think is a valid one.

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As for a compromise between 'Drinks & Whores' and 'Drinks & Discussion', I think I have a solution: "Drinks & More Drinks"


As for the PC issue, yes, there is a point where it becomes ridiculous, but this thread is not it. The terms we use are important because we think in language and the language we use does have a profound effect on way we think of things. The point when it becomes a problem is when people become self-righteous regarding harmless terms that are used innocently. It's important to realize that to arch, political correctness is worse that racism and the subjugation of women.

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Well, Dinghy, you wanted a chick to post.


I've never been offended by the logo. I mean, it was there before I joined so, it referred to Hondo's pre-FDB. I didn't automatically become a whore. That, and it refers to the fact that Hondo's can be crass. Perhaps not seedy, I don't feel all weird when I post here like I do walking into a seedy bar. But, the place is very crass. I've always thought of the logo more as an ideal rather than a truth. Hondo's if it really were a bar might be the type of place one could find whores talking shop along with others discussing weather or sports or their love life.

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I suscribe to the thought that things are only offensive to one, if one let's them be offensive to oneself and/or gives them the power to be. Personally, people don't offend me and I'd have to say that words often don't offend me either.


I don't believe that Nick chose to type the word 'whores', with the intention of it being a blanket derogatory statement towards women and the more women offended, the better.

I know the word 'whore' doesn't apply to me, hence I am not offended by it.


I remember one of my very dear friends enlightening me in my teens that he never got offended when someone used the 'n' word around him or to him...because he considered the source and immediately discounted them as morons whose opinion and existence was pointless, so why should he give them the power to care about or be bothered by such non-sense.


I've always remembered that over the years and have gladly applied it to my life on more than one occassion.


I know people that jump from bed to bed to bed and are in denial and offended by what society classifies them as (i.e. a whore).

While I'm not the kind of person to judge others in such a manner...I will admit, that the people that I know that jump from bed to bed and are comfortable with that lifestyle and in their own skin...I do have more respect for.

Gosh, I don't know if this is coming out right at all.

My meds tend to mess with my thought process a lot these days.


What I mean to say is this: if you get caught stealing, you can't be pissed when people call you a thief, because you are.

Doesn't mean you can't change your ways, or that you always will be...it just means that if you don't like being classified in what you deem is a derogatory manner, stop exhibiting said behavior or learn to be comfortable with who you are and accept what others think/say about you with a grain of salt.


Perhaps this is just my own warped way of thinking.

As I said, I'm just not one to be offended when someone does/says something to me...I do, however, get offended for other people on their behalf sometimes though.




After some more thought, I really don't think it necessary for any word/words to be PC.

*Actions* are what should/need to be more PC and I don't even think PC is the word I really want to apply here, but again, my meds, so sorry...

When there are so many words and people using them and that in turn leads to *actions* (i.e. holocaust)...that's when people should/need to get riled up.

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people on the outside are going to perceive us in THEIR own way, regardless of what we might legitimately be thinking of it.

and we should care about that why?

i don't know about you but i could'nt give a shit what people think of me



You're also forgetting that the entire premise of this place was taken from a western style saloon. So to say 'drinks and whores' is like painting outside of an airport 'planes and strip searches': it's redundant.

this is verily true

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