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Dark Knight Strikes Again


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Geez...if someone would actually go and read the book, I'll be able to read it and comment too.  So shoo...hurry up and read it before I have to bite you.  We've all been waiting to see how this turns out.  


I'm going to take time out here and thank nick for being such a cool guy.  Without him, I'd never be reading quality stuff like Frank Miller, Kevin Smith, Garth Ennis, etc without him to peak my interests.  I guess I'm lucky.  I didn't have to go through all the weeding out the crappy comics first.  I just got to read the greats first and only.   :D

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The verdict is in...

Initially, the book heightens my fear of sequels to this great a book.  Sure, i read Batman: Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, Preacher etc and say "damn i want more!" but i have to respect phenomenal writing and well done endings.  In my eye, poor sequels do not diminish their superior predecessors; one can always cover his ears and yell "LALALA IM NOT LISTNEING" and such.  Such was my concern for Batman:DKSA.

The book is a hefty eight bucks, but double sized.  The lenght is a great shift from the recent Marvel Ultimate books, which while great reads, have somewhere around 20 pages or so an issue, minus all the adds.  Yahven's made the point about Kevin Smith's Green Arrow: cliffhangers are interestin, but people are startin to read comics mostly in trade paperback format 'cause the month to month wait for a tidbit (See "Origin") is harsh.

The art hasnt changed a notch since DKR in the eighties.  Some will see this as stagnation; i see this as appropriate.  Even Frank Miller's superb narraration would be awkward next to, say, Jim Lee or Alex Ross' art.  

Good pace, clever foreshadowing, politics and society satire..its all back.  Being that this is only issue 1 of 3, im not entirely comfortable reviewin it just yet, but i did so to say this: the potential to do what a sequel to this book should is very much there.  The end has you cursing its bimonthly release, but ive never been as excited about some of what i consider to be DC's weaker characters.  I'll say more as the series progresses, but you will not be disappointed.

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Kitty you can read it as soon as ya like.  Miller did but the credits go to Lyn Varley, who did much of DKR as well as 300, he works with Miller on Sin City as well.  Those two have synergy on par with with Ennis & Dillon, tho Yahven complains this book is a lot less dark than its predessecor.  Other than that, everyone who's read it has agreed: Not the same level as DKR, least not at this point, but a lot closer than expected.

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Nothin at all, im gettin into them lately too.  No more openin each issue, and more importantly, they can often offer more material (See Imam's Kingdom Come hardcover with the extra ending).

Only problem is, the TPB aint out till the series finishes.  Now the patient man might make it to mid next year and get great Origin and DKSA trades, i gotta read em now, outta curiosity, need to read em before someone spoils it for me (has happened much before), and 'cause no one else in my room buys comics, so apparently its up to me. Anger.

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yes ...yes.. sadly i have given up buying comic...... i no longer have nor relish the childlike anticipation of waiting for monthly comics.... it  is sad.... maybe some day i can learn to love again...... but i have been to deeply hurt by O'niel... there must be a period of resting of recooperation.... a gathering of strenght... before my broken heart can face the harsh world of comics again....

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Poor Bacchus, he banked on Azreal:AGENT OF THE BAT, and Stan "I created every comic! Gimme money!" Lee.

Let the wonds heal, but if Frank Miller, Garth Ennis, Warren Ellis an such cant bring you back to the fold, nothin can.

I conisder this a great day in comics: finally, good writing and art.  Batman: Dark Knight Strikes Again, Origin, Punisher, Fury and other cool mature Marvel shit, the Ultimate series, Vertigo books like Transmetropolitan and Preacher from not too long back...i dont know if we can get much better than this, but i hope i'm wrong.  Its just sad to see fewer and fewer folks readin books, unforgivin for crappy past books, while theyre overall gettin so much better.

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  • 8 months later...

Anyway, this series finally finished up...

Again, im one of the only who enjoyed the second book, tho the art was weak. # 3, tho...wasnt so good. Not bad like Miller's Batman/Spawn shit, but not at all comparable to Dark Kngiht Returns, it felt rushed & amazinly cliche at the end, and im sure there's more that bothered me than just that. Whatd everyone else think?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 years later...
Poor Bacchus, he banked on Azreal:AGENT OF THE BAT, and Stan "I created every comic! Gimme money!" Lee.

Let the wonds heal, but if Frank Miller, Garth Ennis, Warren Ellis an such cant bring you back to the fold, nothin can.

I conisder this a great day in comics: finally, good writing and art.  Batman: Dark Knight Strikes Again, Origin, Punisher, Fury and other cool mature Marvel shit, the Ultimate series, Vertigo books like Transmetropolitan and Preacher from not too long back...i dont know if we can get much better than this, but i hope i'm wrong.  Its just sad to see fewer and fewer folks readin books, unforgivin for crappy past books, while theyre overall gettin so much better.


So your tuned changed since then, I really must read it someday. I'm just rarely in the mood to sit down knowing what I'm about to read will be shit.

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oh god what have you done reviving this, i thought it would only rise again every millenia and by then we'd have a belmont to slay it


yeah, i recall enjoying the first issue for its obligatory non-subtle "let's outdo the ending of DKR and shit on supes!" but i dont even recall what was good about 2, after that it was a mess on so many levels...just pass man, there's bound to be quality elsewhere you havent yet read.

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I nominate this for thread of the year: We see a young, green Irish Cowboy buying comics and advocating the doing of such, all anticipant about the upcoming DKSA. I swear, it's like watching a Tarantino movie where the hero dies a bloody death in the first scene, and then watching everything leading up to said event. :cheers:

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