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Blargh - The Random Thread


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"The position being taken is not to be mistaken for attempted education or righteous accusation. It is only a description, just an observation of the pitiful condition of our generation!"




Oh, and fuck the illiad, right, fuck it in the ear. Really, any book that I've had to write essays about in more than two classes... fuck em!

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All you mo's who don't check out SB's web comic, you're all mo's! But since I like to have pity on pathetic mo's like you, I will shine on you the light of the holy blessed DTL humor, all of which revolves around ViewAskew references. Check out Sept 20th's installment, or forever be the mo!


Drawing The Line: Sept 20th, 2002


You can lift yourselves out of your own mo-wrought funk! Go now, mo's!

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i'm going to be an egomaniac and talk about myself.. and i'm not creating a thread about it, but rather post it in blargh..


so i've been stressed lately.. with the demands of my schedule, which entail taking 2 math/science courses which i LOATHE.. trig and chemistry.. let me tell you why i feel like a dumbass for taking chemistry..


see i took chemistry last year first semster, but i thought i could coast through the course and not do much, but i was wrong, and lo and behold i ended up getting an F..


well i'm back THIS year to combat the F on my transcript by taking the course over again. let me tell you, i'm not a math/sceince oriented person, so as a result of this, these two classes are by far my most high matinence ones.


on top of taking these two high matinence classes, i'm also in Leadership, which is another high matinence class, any school sponsored event that goes on, i have to participate in. i need 40 service hours and 10 community service hours by the end of the QUARTER.


to make matters worse, i'm in colorguard. our first competiton is NEXT saturday. and there's some dumbasses in guard who are rookies and they JUST DON'T GET how to do formations and dance work.. goddammit! even when i was a freshman i was better than that! anyway i don't feel like we'll be ready for next saturday, god. but we'll have to wait and see.. rifle line kicks ass because we're all EXPERIENCED, i'm just worried about getting my backhand.. i can get it most of the time, but it's not consistent.. this worries me.. also one of our instructors is a 19 year old with a flag and a powertrip, she hates me because i don't let her punk me. i talk back, who gives a fuck, i'm sorry i've always grown up with the mentatlity that i don't take shit from people, hey i pick my battles, i'm not out to be confrontational with everyone, but if you accuse me unjustly, i'm going to say something.


Work is another headache.. one of my FAVORITE managers is leaving baci in december to go back to school @sac city. this makes me sad because i know baci is going to go to shit w/o her, and it's not going to be as fun, but i think it's cool that she's going back to school..oh well i knew i was going to keep that job up until next june anyway..


so i've been a stress ball lately..since school started i've lost 5 pounds due to stress (hey man, i'm not complaining) but still.. i have sat's in 2 weeks, i start applying for colleges and i'm scared shitless, and today i'm staying home from school because i have acquired a particullarly henious case of strep throat over the weekend. so now i am sulking, listening to morrissey and the smiths on a loop, and feeling sorry for my overworked ass..i feel weak for induldging in self pity, but i supposed a little bit of it once and a while isn't entirely a bad thing....

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Fuckin hell! Now ive got mom, dad and mom's friend and occasionally godfather emailing me political agendas and superstitious prayer bullshit? I can silently delete your right-wing nonsense, even the odd left-wing stuff mom digs up, but im starting to take offense to the religous shit.

I dont offend easy, especially these days. And i take pride in this being a free country in which you can adhere to whatever superstition you desire, but in my house, in my mailbox, I ask you respect my wishes and keep that narrow-minded nonsense outta there; its never done anyone a bit of good and ive no time for it. I dont think that's too much to ask.


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Whoa...you are not going to believe this! I was channel surfing, and you won't believe what I saw? Somebody did a special on the tragedy that befell Biggie Smalls and Tupac Sukar and the supposed connection between them! Somebody has got alot of guts and is really pushing the envelope talking about this, and one television no doubt. I mean this is cutting edge shit right here! Whoa! I don't know why I'm posting this. Nobody's going to believe me that this happened.

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Alright, that's it, I'm gonna start being productive and thats that. That doesnt just mean finishing my paper, that means everything I've been procrastinating on gets done, from finishing my school shit, to watching stuff Ive had on my shelf but haven't touched to.... other things. So, right after playing a game of Hitman on my computer and making some hotdogs... nothing but productivity out of me! :D

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The comic forum's comin back, baby. Just you wait.

Lone Wolf & Cub is the first of a few ideas i got goin...polls dont attract attention, and people steer clear of reviews of shit they aint heard of down there...like its any diferent from movies..

Hell i cant even get the comic fans on this site to comment on books i know theyve read most times (bacchus? jumbie? lsl79? Gundam? Cap'n P? artisti...bah ne'ermind).

It only bugs me 'casue folks who read my comics wont even comment on em down there, but its alright, ill get the rest of the fanboys in on it - my next topic, ill even get Yahven & Athena, by god!

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