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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Hah...Penny Arcade trashing IGN.com.


"...when playing multiplayer, it was never a joy. I've yet to play with anyone who wasn't totally frustrated, annoyed, or bored by the game in a multiplayer match. Everyone I've tricked into player single-player has had fun. But, the multiplayer just isn't good."


Just because all of Hilary's friends are dumb shits she says the multiplayer is bad. I don't blame Hilary for not being able to find a single person who liked the game at IGN. I mean that place is where writers go when they don't get hired by Maxim. These guys are practicing their craft at the bottom of the proverbial barrel. I can't even imagine the bunch of sour faced rejects she must have to put up with on a daily basis. All desperately sawing at their wrists with the plastic butter knife they swiped along with an extra pudding cup from the cafeteria. "Hey Frank I know you said you had to get home early tonight so you could sit in your garage with the engine running until you were released from this cosmic joke that is your life, but instead why don't we play a fun little party game with a corny "chop-socky" kinda vibe." Yeah, probably not gonna happen. But the fact is, with a good bunch of friends this game is really a blast.


PS I have just learned that "Hilary" from IGN is a dude. I uh...apologize for the mistake. Junior high must have been a bitch huh buddy?

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The Original Kings of Comedy is a trip...


"See, that's why i dont like these rap concerts. Too many damn instructions.

'Put yo hands in the air! Wave em like ya just dont care! Now somebody scream!'

Nigga, i paid thirty-eight fiddy to get in here, i wanna see yo ass scream."

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Canada has offered to help the U.S. in the war on terrorism! They

Have pledged 2 battleships, 6000 troops, and 10 fighter jets.




With the current exchange rate that comes out to 2 canoes, a

Mountie, and a couple of flying squirrels.

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Ok, so lookit...theyre monkeys, right? And theyre in these giant balls...i got that part. Giant plastic rolly balls that prolly arent that easy to manuver.

But even fuckin so i bet they could jump if they tried harder. :D

:monkey: :rail:

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who ever thought deftones could a f'ing awesome duran duran cover...


ps: to all you BITCHES who think it's great to im me with a question about work you should've done before tonight, when i've been absent 2 days, sick, without saying hi or asking even where i've been: i hate you. rot. :plain:

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i've come to the conclusion that when im deprived of sleep, i act in the same manner that i do when i am drunk... not the pretty thing while im in school... im saying a bunch of inappropriate things that i wish i would have never said but i can't seem to shut my ass up... yup, just like when im drunk... ahhh well..


in related news, i tore my jeans today at 3am while climbing a pretty tall fence and getting my jeans stuck on the sharp part... great... i tore them once again when i was climbing back over the fence.... then, evidently not learning from my mistakes, i climbed over again and now have three tears in my favorite pair of jeans... :plain:


i really need to shut the fuck up... but can't seem to... i need :sleepy:

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i should be doing my hw for next period but i can't sit still... too hyper... in desperate need of, nevermind... ahh... can't believe the whole discussion last period was about ... yes, the inappropriate... can't think straight... too flustered... there isn't anywhere i can really post about this so im just venting here while im still aware of what my body is doing...


not tired now...

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I mean, here I am, gots an interview to get to, thinkin "I aint got time for an freestyle", but then..its on Danny, you know? So i throw some spit and get it out there in record time...coulda been prettier but not bad, i shoulda clocked it.

Aint callin it a gift but i'm not bad with this...so why does it feel like im racin last year's special olympics champ when people challenge me?

:D Yeah, lemme be arrogant 'fore i go fuck up this next job.

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i just noticed that my favorite sweater is now ripped... i don't recall how it ripped, but just noted that it is ripped... oh my, i guess today is the day that my clothes are rebelling against me and tearing in all sorts of places... arghh... now im just really cold.... i'll just shut up now... :!:

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And now a ghetto Public Service Announcemnt:


People, due to the current state of the economy, standards have been changed: if you can afford to fill your tank up with 89 octane, you are now offically ballin, enjoy the life of a high roller.

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I really think my driving's improved. Tho, honeslty, its not always so much my driving as the spider-man reflexes to my fuck ups..


"Wha...this is a one way road? Fuck..one-point turn!"

:D :D :D :D


"Cmon people, that was impressive, stop honking..."

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Damn...radio's play fiddy cent like Eminem told them to or somethin.


"Could you love me in a bentley? Could you love me on a bus?"


See, these questions get silly at the end. You could love damn near anybody in a bentley, but a bus...i dunno. If you want me to love you on a bus, youd better clean that shit up a bit, those things're dirty and kinda crowded. There's always that bum in the back who's sleep and smells of piss. Id really have to like you to love you next to that guy.

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