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Blargh - The Random Thread


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You know, just because its fuckin raining out, and you suck at driving, throwing on your hazards and going 20 on the highway still isnt acceptable. I know its shit weather, were all in it here..

Oh, and the fuck behind me with the floodlights on, no more than 10' behind my bumper? Let's dance this dance. Ill slow down, you pass me, and then you can see why superstitious tribes think the high beams on an F-1 are some cruel form of god's wrath.

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i'm a color reporter

but the city's been bled white

and the doctor orders

drinks all night to take away this curse

but it makes me feel much worse

bled white


so i wait for the f-train

and connect through a friend of mine

to a yesterday dream

'cos i'll have to be high to drag the sunset down

and paint this paling town

bled white


so here he comes with the blank expression

especially for me 'cos he knows i feel the same

'cos happy and sad come in quick succession

i'm never going to become what you became


don't you dare disturb me

while i'm balancing my past

'cos you can't help or hurt me

like it already has

i may not seem quite right

but i'm not fucked, not quite

bled white

bled white



Bled White - Elliott Smith

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haha..mebbe. that redman quote is one of my favorites tho, had to share it


i love it when MH (and others) quote me in their sig. i hate it when my awesome graphs are misunderstood. :D


anyway, gettin a sig quote makes me feel like this:


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