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Silent Bob

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Silent Bob

  1. Most addictive game ever. Seriously, I try not to play it anymore because I know if I turn it on, I'll be up until 7am the next day making my movies.
  2. 50 Cent is in the upcoming Home of the Brave with Christina Ricci Christina Ricci was in Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp Johnny Depp was in Edward Scissorhands with Vincent Price David Spade to Judi Dench
  3. Just a bit... Unfortunately, I never got past Season 2 (never been able to afford HBO, and until recently even the first few season dvds were selling for 80 bucks a set) but everything I've seen of it, I've loved. Definitely one of the all-time best shows on tv. I'm secretly hoping this season is the last, because I'd much rather it go out when it's still in its prime (unlike, say...The West Wing).
  4. ...one of Juggernaut's lesser-known powers?
  5. Dunno what the hell the liquid is, but the rubber-clad teen looks like Kitty Pryde, and the room looks like the same place that Juggernaut chases her through in the trailer (y'know, the scene where she's running through walls and he's running through walls with his head).
  6. Carl: "She's standing at the railing. She doesn't know it yet...but they are sailing towards disaster. You got that?" Jack: "Ok, so she turns. The first mate is staggering towards her. He has a knife sticking out of his back." Carl: "Wait a sec, we're killing off the first mate?" Jack: "That's assuming she knows who the first mate is." Carl: "Come on, Jack! It was an honest mistake. Anne is near-sighted. It coulda happened to anyone." Jack: "I was joking, Carl." Carl: "The point is she's horrified. She has to look away. And that's when she sees it." Jack: "Sees what? What?" Carl: "The island." Jack: "We're filming on an island now? When did this happen?" Carl: "Shh, shh, Jack, keep your voice down. I don't want the crew getting spooked." Jack: "Why would they get spooked? What's it called?" Carl: "Alright, it has a local name, but I'm warning you, Jack, it doesn't sound good. (whispers inaudibly)" Jack: "What's wrong with this place?" Carl: "There's nothing officially wrong with it. Because, technically...it hasn't been discovered yet." Jack: "Ok...ok...right. So we arrive at this place... S... K... U... L... L... Island."
  7. To 2Track: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « If Bendis hadn't given it away, this cover just might have. Jerks.
  8. The only reason I haven't been helping Nick out with this fight is because...this really shouldn't be a fight. Braveheart is 10 times a better movie than Gladiator. Hell, even the characters are better. Wallace fights for the freedom of the Scottish people. Maximus just fights because, uh...his family got killed and he's a little grumpy.
  9. That's...that's fucked up. Now I remember why I usually stick to the Ultimate universe.
  10. Supposedly, the third movie will be the last. I'm interested to see the hallucination sequence as well. That scene is practically unfilmable (not the least of which because it uses so many licensed characters) but then, there was a time when I would have said that the entire Sin City series was unfilmable.
  11. Rumor is To Hell and Back will be the third movie. Johnny Depp is the favorite for the lead role.
  12. It's more or less official that shooting on Sin City 2 is being delayed so that Robert Rodriguez can sign Angelina Jolie to play Ava in A Dame to Kill For (she's perfect). The story includes many returning characters (including many dead ones) and so far most of the original cast are saying they'll be happy to be in a sequel, many of which have already signed including Jessica Alba, Devon Aoki, Powers Boothe, Rosario Dawson, Michael Clarke Duncan, Jaime King, Michael Madsen, Brittany Murphy, Clive Owen and Mickey Rourke. Rodriguez vet Danny Trejo is also signed, but no word yet on what role he'll be playing. Those who have read the book know that A Dame to Kill For is the story where Dwight gets plastic surgery to change his face (it ain't a spoiler, they mentioned it in the first movie). I'll be curious to see if they get another actor to play Dwight in the beginning or if they'll find a way to use Clive Owen the whole way through. Personally, I'd like to see them get a new actor, and I'd like that actor to be Jason Statham. But that's just me. PS: When I originally read the book with a movie in mind, my first choice for pre-surgery Dwight was Vin Diesel. I still think he'd have been perfect for the role (and believe me, it takes a lot for me to recommend Vin Diesel for anything) but then I saw the first movie and no amount of plastic surgery could convince me that Vin Diesel became Clive Owen. So...it's gotta be Statham. (Psst, he's the guy in the back)
  13. You usually see the Giant-sized Man-thing coming from only a few inches away, right? (passes the ball) ok who's next?
  14. Give up and stick to the Ultimate universe. That's what I do.
  15. Sorry, but I thought Goldmember was inferior to The Spy Who Shagged Me, but it did have its moments. "There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch."
  16. Unlike IC, I got two batarangs for the same price so really I could distract you with one then nail ya in the jugular with the other.
  17. It's actually a more common practice than you think. Probably about 80% of contemporary horror movies are released without being screened for critics because studios know that the reviews will be bad and theirs isn't an audience that is interested in reviews, anyway. Many movies have done it. I think Underworld Evolution was released without critic screenings. But yes, it's the sign of a movie that even the studio doesn't have much faith in, so it's rarely good. But yeah cg films are getting worse and worse. It's all because a few years ago, coincidentally, studios were putting out some really good cg films while at the same time releasing really bad hand-drawin films. Audiences, with a surprising amount of taste, flocked to the good ones and ignored the bad ones. And the studios, never ones to admit a failing on their part, decided that the reason was because of the medium. Jeffrey Katzenberg of Dreamworks called from on high that hand-drawn animation was dead! Disney actually closed down and laid off all of its traditional animators! The message was sent throughout Hollywood - make a computer animated movie and people will come. (contradictions to the theory like Lilo & Stitch and Final Fantasy were promptly ignored) That's why we're saddled with some of the crap we're getting now. Studios started churning them out for quick money. And while, artistically, many of these films are turning out fantastic (Shark Tale actually had some phenominal animation, Madagascar had great character design) the story decisions that are being made on high are simple-minded money-making ideas...ie, fill the movie with as many pop culture references as possible, that's what the teenies love. The sad thing is, it'll get worse before it gets better. Do you have any idea how many cgi movies are coming out this year? Even I've lost count. It's an insane amount and they all look sub par (except The Wild, which has to be funny because Eddie Izzard is in it) Ironically, I think it'll be the Pixar people who will bring quality traditional animation back from the dead, as Steve Jobs, John Lasseter and the rest of the Pixar group are insisting that Disney re-establish its hand-drawn studio and start making movies again. Maybe once other studios see the success of Disney/Pixar cg and hand-drawn animated movies they'll finally realize that the probably was the quality, not the medium.
  18. Found out why the guest list for Megacon this year has been less-than-stellar (sorry Perez, but it's true). They scheduled the New York ComiCon for the same fucking weekend! NYCC Guest List: Neal Adams Brian Michael Bendis Jim Lee Todd McFarlane Brad Meltzer Joe Quesada Kevin Smith Jim Steranko Daniel Acuna Jake Allen Greg Ayres Brian Azzarello Ramon F Bachs BIT Mark Bagley Al Barrionuevo Greg Capullo Jerry Carr Sean Chen Frank Cho Chris Claremont Olivier Coipel Roman Dirge David Finch Keith Giffen Basil Gogos Karen Lynn Gorney Allan Gross Scott Hanna Dean Haspiel Bryan Hitch Mari Iijima Klaus Janson Phil Jimenez J.G. Jones Milla Jovovich KANE Sook Kim Neil Kleid Adam Kubert Andy Kubert Jose Luis Garcia Lopez Don McGregor Stephanie McMillan Steve McNiven Youka Nitta Michael Avon Oeming Tom Palmer Jeff Parker Stefan Petrucha Eric Powell Ted Rall Tom Raney Aaron Reiner Alex Robinson John Romita, Sr Douglas Rushkoff Jesus Saiz J.J. Sedelmaier Bill Sienkiewicz Michael I. Silberkleit Joe Simon J. David Spurlock Arthur Suydam Neil Swaab Brian K. Vaughan Brian Wood Jim Calafiore Gene Colan Greg Horn Peter Laird David Mack Alex Maleev Rags Morales Josef Rubenstein Walter Simonson I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel hosed. Just thinking about getting my Daredevil signed, I could have had Klaus Janson, John Romita Sr, Gene Colan, David Mack and Alex Maleev's sigs. Goddammit. I'm not saying Megacon would've had a list this good, but at least some of these people probably would have come down if they didn't have NYCC as an option.
  19. Yes! Nothing like hittin' up a post-con neo Nazi rally!
  20. I'm curious whether this is just going to be a western discussion or whether Nick's gonna go into army movies, dirty harries and escapes from Alcatraz. And just how far is Nick willing to go in his discussion of Clint? Is he willing to step foot into Madison County? We'll soon find out. By the way, did you know that Clint hasn't acted in a movie he hasn't directed since Wolfgang Peterson's In the Line of Fire in 1993? Just thought that was interesting.
  21. Clint also directed himself in High Plains Drifter and Josey Whales, among many others. Don't worry, I'm sure Nick is gettin' to 'em.
  22. If it's a blowjob, do you really think anybody's gonna be surprised, Panch?
  23. I've got a piece of fanart on that site.
  24. Spidey's new suit looks like ass buuuut that's just my opinion. Since he's really the only character in the normal Marvel U that I actually care about, I gotta bring it up. I notice DD makes it onto both of those covers. Isn't he a little preoccupied right now to care much about a Civil War?
  25. Yeah no booth for me, I got reeeeejected. So i'll be spending most of my Saturday avoiding or throwing bitter glares at the people who will be in the Ringling booth.
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