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Breaking Bad


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Yup, all the major points were called...



But I love the way he handled the trust fund. Didn't see that one coming, and it was also a nice way to get the dimwitted duo of Badger & Skinny Pete into the finale. Walt not reclaiming the rest of the money was unexpected but explained well enough, too.


Also, I knew Todd would go out in a special way, but to have Jesse "Jabba" him was unexpected and pretty fantastic.





haha, i dont even recall why you hate Lydia so? but id bet you a dollar it doesnt go that way, i dont even see Walt's incentive for that. he knows the clock is ticking, and he's got nazis to handle & a corporation to sink, i don't see her in his crosshairs honestly. more likely for me that she'd end up in the jesse basement putting on the lotion.


Wager accepted.


I'll take that dollar now, bitch.

Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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Hey, can we, um, comment about how close I was to predicting the end?




Skylar -lives -witness protection.

Jesse -lives -scott free.

Marie -dies -suicide.

Walt Jr -lives -witness protection.

Saul -lives -in hiding.

Todd -dies -Jesse.

Jack -dies -Walt.

Lydia -dies -Walt.

Brock -lives -with Jesse.

Vacuum guy -lives -goes about business.

Elliott and Gretchen -lives -looking over shoulder.

Holly -lives -witness protection.

Huell -lives -in hiding.

Badger -dies -4 years later via overdose.


The ricin -kills -Lydia.










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more reddit stuff


1. Felina is an anagram for Finale




Marty Robbin's "El Paso" won the 1961 Grammy Award for Best Country and Western Recording. The song chronicles the story of a cowboy who falls in love with a woman named Feleena. The cowboy kills a man who hits on Feleena, and the cowboy is forced to flee town out of fear for his life. But while away, the cowboy desires to return to the town and to his love, Feleena.


Upon returning to town, the cowboy is gunned down and dies in Feleena's arms.


Feleena I assume is the Chemistry/Lab.


3. "Felina" = FeLiNa = Iron, Lithium, Sodium = Blood, Meth, Tears


4. "Felina" Alludes to Schrödinger's Cat which is a paradox presents a scenario where a cat can be both dead and alive


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  • 1 year later...

Breaking Bad’ Fans Won’t Stop Throwing Pizzas On Walter White’s House




It’s an iconic scene.


Skylar slams the door in an exasperated Walter White’s face, and he storms out to the driveway and throws the pizza he’s holding in the air, only to have it land on his roof.


But “Breaking Bad’s” creator Vince Gilligan wants fans to stop recreating the scene, because the woman and her husband who actually live in the Albuquerque house don’t appreciate having cheese and tomato sauce all over their roof.


“There is nothing original or funny or cool about throwing a pizza on this lady’s roof,” Gilligan said during a “Better Call Saul” podcast Tuesday.


“It’s been done before. You’re not the first.”


“People live in these houses. They’re trying to go about their lives just like we all are. If you see anyone acting like an asshole, well, I’m not saying go after them personally or anything, but maybe take down their plate number. Something within reason.”


Frances and Louis Padilla are a retired couple who have owned the home for 40 years, so show some respect.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Breaking Bad Movie in development


Vince Gilligan involved. Speculated to focus on Jesse Pinkman post-Breaking Bad.


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Had to think long and hard, because I've always thought the show was perfect, start to finish, and didn't need anything else (not even Saul, but that turned out great). So my first instinct was to be hesitant about this, but seeing it's Jesse's story made me happy. His character was such a fucking delight and one of the most fascinating arcs I've ever seen on TV.


So I guess I'm down for this. I'd have to binge the original series to prepare. Have you ever seen something so good, you almost don't want to revisit it for fear of running how perfect it seems in your head? That's me with this show!

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On 11/8/2018 at 8:46 AM, Donatella said:

So I guess I'm down for this. I'd have to binge the original series to prepare. Have you ever seen something so good, you almost don't want to revisit it for fear of running how perfect it seems in your head? That's me with this show!


Lissette and I re-watched the entire show from start to finish in a period of about a month. It was totally worth it, especially if you don't have any great TV on your docket.

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  • 3 months later...

Breaking Bad movie is a sequel starring Aaron Paul and will debut on Netflix and AMC


Vince Gilligan’s Breaking Bad movie continues to be shrouded in secrecy, but I hear it will air on Netflixand AMC, which also carries Gilligan’s Emmy-winning series.

I hear the script is being shot as a feature though it has not been determined yet how it will air, as a film or cut into episodes.


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