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Thank God the media is there to tell me about these Interwebs "crazes" that I never hear of until the MEDIA tells me about them. Which kinda negates the fact it's a "craze" to begin w/ in a way, right Jon Stewart?


The DS clip and piano guy were both epic wins. Chat Roulette Green Hoodie Piano Guy is the official Ben Folds of the Interwebsnet!


Also, not one single person who chatted spelled "you're" correctly. WTF do people have against contractions? Or is it just the apostrophe in general people are finding off-putting? *sigh* This is why I drink.

Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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Also, not one single person who chatted spelled "you're" correctly. WTF do people have against contractions? Or is it just the apostrophe in general people are finding off-putting? *sigh* This is why I drink.


Da lak of postrofees is reelly what bothers you about chat-spk? Rly?


(I agree with you, but it's just like trying to tear down the clan by telling the grand wizard that his hat is on crooked)

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Da lak of postrofees is reelly what bothers you about chat-spk? Rly?


(I agree with you, but it's just like trying to tear down the clan by telling the grand wizard that his hat is on crooked)

It's not only apostrophes that are lacking. Net speak is OK on the Net, but as an English teacher I correct someone on a daily basis--DAILY BASIS--w/ that mistake in the classroom. Thus the booze...

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