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If this needs to get merged with an existing censorship/south park thread its cool. but i think this might make for some good discussion on its own maybe.


p.s. contains spoilers for those that haven't seen it.



Last night, Jon Stewart defended his Comedy Central colleagues, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of "South Park," in a 10-minute segment bashing a radical Muslim group for issuing a death threat against the rude-humor duo. You can watch the segment here (warning: some PG-13 language).


"I say this to anyone who's threatening death in the name of religion or politics," Stewart concluded, standing in front of a gospel choir for the second time this week, before offering his now-trademark bleeped-out sign-off, which begins with "Go" and ends with "yourselves."


"South Park," which has satirized just about every major religious and political figure, dead or alive, can still stir up controversy after more than a decade on the air. In last week's 200th episode, the creators — mindful of Islam's strict ban on any visual depictions of the the Prophet Muhammad — concealed the animated Muhammad character in a bear costume or in a U-Haul truck. So viewers never actually saw Muhammad.


Even so, a group called Revolution Muslim — based in New York City — issued a threat on its website alongside a photograph of Theo van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker who was murdered by a radical Muslim.


Not surprisingly, Comedy Central got nervous. Even with the figure of Muhammad tucked behind the word "CENSORED" in a new episode on Wednesday, the network took additional measures that went beyond Stone and Parker's intentions, bleeping out the prophet's name and some other selected dialogue. Stewart called out his own employers for altering Stone and Parker's script without their consent — and the show's creators also issued their own statement expressing dismay over the network's actions.


"In the 14 years we've been doing "South Park," we have never done a show that we couldn't stand behind," the statement said. "We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode. It wasn't some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps."


"In fact, Kyle's customary final speech was about intimidation and fear," they continued. "It didn't mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too. We'll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we'll see what happens to it."


Jon's rant

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
South Park Death Threats
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party
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I had assumed it a metajoke, but this is above and beyond. I know they're not beyond metajokes, the credits that roll after the scientology episode are testament enough to that, but to think that a speech about fear and free expression was itself censored is just... it hurts my brain. It's like they had to listen to it, and then decided that it was the sort of speech that needed to be censored. Ridiculous.

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Like Jon Stewart said, Comedy Central has the safety of their workers to think of, and you can demonize them if you want, but the real assholes here are people who make the death threats. For some reason, my DVR didn't record the 2nd part of the 2-part 200th episode, and southparkstudios.com (the official south park site that streams full episodes) says the censoring of the episode means they don't have the broadcast version that CC aired, and I guess that's the version they legally have to put up. Torrent time.

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Noticed a weird, yet refreshing trend on the show. Randy seems to go insane every other episode and its gets better and better each time. I think maybe the Fingerbang episode was when hints of it started to happen, but the show has increasingly been using him as the main character in certain episodes.

I dunno how many folks are still watching it, but this show only seems to get better each season. It has it's share of duds (oh god that Hawaiian native episode last week was fucking terrible), but its hits are getting more hilarious.

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I dunno how many folks are still watching it, but this show only seems to get better each season. It has it's share of duds (oh god that Hawaiian native episode last week was fucking terrible), but its hits are getting more hilarious.

The episode about little league baseball a season or two back was painfully bad. But yeah, I agree, the show is as good as ever. I love the fact that Butters has become a main character.

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I've asked myself that after a few seasons and they manage to do it. That 7 day turn around only helps keep the show fresh, so really they'll never run out of material. And the shit going on now? Trump!? It's gonna be a good fucking season I think.

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