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Avengers: Infinity War

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...well, shit.  that's not far off!

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found a good thread on the missing soul stone, thought some of y'all might dig it!  (heads up @C_U_SPACECOWBOY)

careful though, spoilers abound so ill try to tag those




With Infinity War coming out next month (moved to April 27, 2018 from May 4, 2018), Marvel has yet to reveal the location of the Soul Stone. The image above (courtesy of Reddit) has the current locations of the Stones with a couple that need updates:

Space Stone: Loki - Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Reality Stone: Collector - Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

There are theories floating around on the location of the last stone.
Known theories that have pretty much been proven false:

Black Panther - rumors had it that Necropolis - City of the Dead - was going to be featured in the film and would house the Soul Stone. This might actually play into the Wakanda invasion because Thanos probably believes the Soul Stone is there, but actually isn't.

Heimdall - "It's not safe to keep two infinity stones in the one place." At the time this was shown, Tesseract was on Asgard, meaning the Aether, the Tesseract, AND the Soul Stone were all on Asgard. Marked off as not possible.

Hela - Goddess of Death, ruler of the realm Hel, HOWEVER she was imprisoned...IN ASGARD. There's no way in Hel (hehe) she has the Soul Stone, otherwise the Asgardians (specifically Odin and Heimdall) would be aware of its location. This is also counted out.

Iron Man - LOL

Personally, I believe Marvel may be shooting for authenticity to some degree. How so? This here is the most viable theory backed with a ton of evidence pointing in its direction:

I believe we've been shown the Soul Stone already:


That's right. Adam Warlock's Sarcophagus. Here's how it all fits:

First and foremost, let's get this out of the way:
James Gunn has confirmed that Warlock is NOT in Infinity War. [source]

HOWEVER, Adam Warlock may not be in the movie, but the Sarcophagus and the stone may as well be.



Base Level Support: Color
Unlike the comics, the Soul Stone sits in the center of the Infinity Gauntlet. In the books, that spot is reserved for the Power 'Gem' as it pushes the limits of the other Gems beyond their limits. In the MCU, the Soul Gem is situated in the center, and strangely enough, it shares a similar coloration as seen in Warlock's Sarcophagus.

Additional Support: Acronym

Everyone's raving about the whole T.H.A.N.O.S theory where each of the Infinity Stones are strangely fitting in pretty well. Well, this theory fits in that acronym as well:

Tesseract Head Aether Necklace Orb Sarcophagus

(It could also be: Tesseract Headstone Aether Necklace Orb Scepter, depending on if we're talking about Pre-Vision or Post-Vision).



Official Support: Wong - PRELUDE SPOILERS -



In Infinity War: Prelude Part 2 (which is an official canon movie tie-in that takes place slightly before, during, and slightly after Dr. Strange's appearance in Thor: Ragnarok), Wong interrupts Strange's meditation to inform him about an eerie occurrence he felt in the Astral realm. He believed it had something to do with the Eye of Agamotto. He then begins to share with Strange his knowledge the 5 other Infinity Stones and he goes over their origins and whereabouts, tying into the events of the various MCU movies and their appearances throughout. He skims over the Power Stone because he's not aware of its location, but the comic shows the end sequence from GotG where the Guardians are facing Ronan. Wong only mentions 4 of the 5 other stones, and Strange notices this, calls him out on it:

Strange: "You said there were five additional stones--"
Wong: "I did..but...Strange.."
S: "Yes?"
W: "It may be a coincidence that one such as Loki, who has wielded two separate Infinity Stones, would arrive on Earth at this time but..."
S: "Better safe than sorry"
*cut to Thor: Ragnarok scene where Loki disappears into Strange's portal*
S: "To be continued, Wong"
*cut to Dr. Strange post-credit's scene*
*cut to Dr. Strange sequence in Thor: Ragnarok*

After Thor leaves, Strange goes back to Wong to inquire about the last stone. Wong responds very cryptically, and basically says there's not much known about the last stone "..but if what is known turns out to be true, it could prove to be the biggest threat of them all."

When Wong is talking about the Soul Stone to Strange, he has a book open. When he says that quote above, the comic cuts specifically to a page in the book that has a cosmic image on it of planets and stars.

SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS: This all but confirms that the final stone is not on Earth, but somewhere out in the cosmos.

After all that, I'm pretty damn positive that the last stone is in that Sarcophagus.


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AMC Theaters lists Avengers: Infinity War runtime as 2h 36m




Avengers: Infinity War

An entire universe. Once and for all.

An unprecedented cinematic journey ten year in the making and spanning the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR brings to the screen the ultimate, deadliest showdown of all time. The Avengers and their Super Hero allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe.


  • 2 HR 36 MIN
  • PG13


  • i'm gonna have to pee twice 

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I'll be at this movie day 2 at 9pm.



Infinity War Demolishes Black Panther Pre-Sales Record in Just 6 Hours



Marvel not only rolled out the new trailer for Infinity War earlier today, but the studio also opened advanced ticket sales, and it only took a few hours for the movie to set a new record. Fandango has announced that the movie has already become the best-selling superhero movie in advanced pre-sales, taking just six hours to surpass both Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and the most recent record-holder, Marvel's Black Panther, with tickets going on sale at 6 AM PM/9 AM ET today. Fandango also surveyed 1,000 ticket buyers earlier today, which revealed some interesting details about what moviegoers want to see in Avengers: Infinity War.

A whopping 97% of ticket buyers are excited to see, "how dozens of heroes work together in the same film," while 94% of those surveyed were excited to see characters from different parts of the MCU meeting each other for the first time. The new trailer even featured one such meeting, with Peter Parker (Tom Holland) meeting Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch). 92% believe Infinity War is "the culmination of all the MCU films before it," even though Avengers 4 will be hitting theaters next May, as the final Marvel Phase 3 movie, and 87% have seen every one of the MCU movies to date.



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I've watched that new trailer five times already. It's a bitter-sweet moment for me to be so much more excited by an MCU film than a Star Wars film coming out a few weeks later. Only thing wrong with this trailer though is there is no...

...Thanos-copter. Don't let me down, Russo Bros. Bring it up for the end-credits scene at least.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Saw it in IMAX 3D, and it was great. It didn't pop with color like Ragnarok or GoTGv2, but it was still a fun 3D experience. Brolin's Thanos was maybe the best thing about a film filled with so many awesome things. I stayed away from plot spoilers and only watched the trailers, so I was genuinely surprised that...


Thanos got all 6 stones in this film. I thought for sure the infamous *snap* would happen in Avengers 4, but I'll be damned if they didn't pull it off in 2.5 hours.

The biggest criticisms I've seen of the film online are that it was "choppy" or "uneven." However, I disagree. I thought it did a remarkble job of balancing characters from over a dozen films through the past decade. My only criticism is I didn't get another half hour in this film. More backstory on Thanos' generals and even the tail end of that battle which led Thanos to that first stone would've been very welcome additions. Plus another two or three minutes with each character group could've been nice. Such as...


...a real moment between Nat & Bruce where he talks about why he left after AOU & what he was up to in Thor3. Maybe a little more time in Wakanda (Where da rhino-bots at?!?!) The Nidavellir sequence was pretty perfect, but I wouldn't turn down some exposition from Peter Dinklage's character to Rocket about how Stormbreaker was designed. Maybe even a flashback to when the forge was at full capacity, Beta Ray Bill cameo in the background.  The closest thing to a "needed" scene that was missing would be Aunt May worriedly watching a news report of the Q ship, or something similar with her knowing Peter was at the heart of it and in danger. It could've led to a nice callback of her fading away or watching others fade away. But we kinda got the street level view of that in the post-credit scene, so I get why that scene isn't in here. 

But I'm totally just fanboyin' in that spoiler. Really enjoyed the film overall. Like NZA, I don't see any fat in need of trimming from this film. I'm looking forward to seeing it again in the theater. 


Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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