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Star Wars, Episode 8: The Last Jedi

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The trailer makes it pretty apparent that either they're related or Kylo and Rey are 'children of destiny' aka polar opposites or 'focal points' of the force or some such Lucas retcon meddling BS.



PS- Ape like AT-AT walkers! Oh fuck yeah!

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I'm just freakin' blown-away a sequel to 'Return of the Jedi' is actually happening.






Yeah, they gotta be related. Kylo being a Solo / Skywalker - and then Rey being a...nobody - feels like a wasted opportunity for kewl epic conflict.


Rey's gotta be either a Skywalker or a Kenobi. They both (Kylo n' Rey) gotta rep powerful lineage.


I think Rey is gonna go Dark and Kylo is gonna go Light...now I'm excited for the 3rd.



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There's gonna be waves of merch bombarding every facet of existence when December begins to approach.


This trailer is gonna seem like a tiny teaser - compared to what the next few months are gonna be like. I got hit w/ a bunch of character 'spoilers' just walking through Best Buy. Cardboard cut outs of new characters. There's already Last Jedi toys out! Funky Pop toys! WTF?! None of them were even in the trailer! LOL!

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  • 1 month later...

Jar Jar beats out Kylo Ren in new Star Wars survey



anakin > vader, padme > rey...



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This film is the anti-star wars.  It's a deconstructionist take that takes the piss out of star wars on multiple levels.  It goes nowhere and it doesn't build to anything so its fails as a middle chapter.  There are at least 3 of JJ abrahms' terrible "mystery boxes" that Johnson doesn't even attempt to resolve in a satisfying way.  Most of the main characters have no development or arc and the one character that does have a discernable arc basically learns the lesson "don' t be a hero."  Force Awakens did an amazing thing in that it took a broken property and actual gave us fun characters that I cared about and was interested in.  After The Last Jedi, I'm back to not giving a shit.  As I mentioned above, they went for a deconstructionist, realistic take on the material:  the messages of the film are you shouldn't go for the last ditch, hail mary, one-in-a-million plan, that good and evil are just a matter of perspective, and that destiny is a load of bs.  I get all that, and all are interesting concepts to contemplate and explore in other stories, I just don't want that shit in my magical star wizard space opera.


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13 hours ago, C_U_SPACECOWBOY said:
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This film is the anti-star wars.  It's a deconstructionist take that takes the piss out of star wars on multiple levels.  It goes nowhere and it doesn't build to anything so its fails as a middle chapter.  There are at least 3 of JJ abrahms' terrible "mystery boxes" that Johnson doesn't even attempt to resolve in a satisfying way.  Most of the main characters have no development or arc and the one character that does have a discernable arc basically learns the lesson "don' t be a hero."  Force Awakens did an amazing thing in that it took a broken property and actual gave us fun characters that I cared about and was interested in.  After The Last Jedi, I'm back to not giving a shit.  As I mentioned above, they went for a deconstructionist, realistic take on the material:  the messages of the film are you shouldn't go for the last ditch, hail mary, one-in-a-million plan, that good and evil are just a matter of perspective, and that destiny is a load of bs.  I get all that, and all are interesting concepts to contemplate and explore in other stories, I just don't want that shit in my magical star wizard space opera.


This is all true and I totally see why people are pissed at this. But that's what made me love it so much. It took alot of it "realistically" BUT I think it was kind of undermined when

You see that Rey still had the Jedi books at the very end of the movie. She still believes in the Jedi, and Luke made it abundantly clear that he wasn't the last. Hope isn't dead, it's just taking a break. That said I liked the allegory for religious extremism/blindly thinking one side is as good as history says it is. Again, it's kind of toned down in those last moments, but I liked all what was being said.



My biggest complaint is that they offed Snoke. I was really enjoying his scene chewing and loved Andy Serkis being over the top evil. I'd have love to have seen where he came from. But, he was too one dimensional for it to go anywhere interesting. And I thought it was refreshing as hell that Rey is actually a nobody. When she is in the hole in the ground, and sees her reflection when she asks to see her parents. That was huge for me. To me it was saying "Who fucking cares who your parents were? They abandoned you so they aren't worth your time. Don't be defined by them." That's my take anyway

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Yes, I agree on the Rey "nobody" thing being refreshing, but to have all of the "mystery boxes" be nothing? Nah, that's lazy/bad. Think about it: you were given more on the origin of blue fucking milk than Snoke himself. Come on!? And Ben Solo holding a grudge/turning to the Dark Side over a misunderstanding? Wtf?!


Sure, some of these things can be revealed to be false/different in the next one, but then what's the point of this film? Fucking filler time for nerds to update Wookiepedia. Nah. This movie pisses me off the more I think about it.

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So, for two years fans have been speculating about two key new characters in the franchise and one much beloved "legacy" character. Much, much debate and theorizing has been going on. And on Thursday night Star Wars fans the nation over gathered in anticipation for the new film, The Last Jedi, in hopes it would finally put to bed the theorizing and speculation. Oh wait, what's that? TLJ shit the bed, you say? Like Spud in Trainspotting level bed shitting? So the audience is the family eating breakfast in this analogy then? Yep. Copy that.



When you have Luke Skywalker in a film and the best character in your film is a random Asian fangirl mechanic then you've failed. You have failed, Rian Johnson.

I finally can understand how those people who hated the prequels felt. I never understood why they were so passionate with their dislike of the films and Lucas in particular. I thought the prequels were okay at first, and they've aged poorly through the years. And Lucas was just trying to be a filmmaker, telling the stories he wanted. But he wasn't really fucking with any beloved characters. Who cares if he couldn't cast a decent Anakin. Darth Vader is the one we all cared about. The guy in the mask. And other than that cringe worthy "Noooo!" there was no damage done there. And Ewan McGregor was great as a young Obi Wan. Padme and Anakin had zero chemistry but we saw Luke & Leia being born, met Leia's adopted dad,  The point I'm trying to make is that for me the prequels had good smattered about the bad.

However, TLJ was playing with beloved characters in Luke & Leia. And it shit the bed with them both. THEN our two most mysterious new characters, Rey & Snoke, got short shrift as well. Way to fuck up two generations of characters Kathleen Kennedy & Rian Johnson, you two fucknuts. But hey, we got some random force sensitive/wielding/whatever stable boy looking up at the sky with a broom as the closing shot. So it's all good. 



Edited by Mr. Hakujin
formatting and spelling mistakes
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