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SiBob Speaks and offers Sagely Tubby Advice

Silent Bob

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Have you ever felt like bitch slapping someone, the never ending figure 8 bitch slap style?


Yeah. You.


Have you ever never ending figure 8 bitched slapped someone?


Not yet.


Do you want to never ending figure 8 bitch slap someone?


Oh yes.


If there was any movie you could remake/redirect to make it right, what would it be.


Casablanca - because I'm the only one who could do it right! Geogre Clooney as Rick, Julia Ormond as Ilsa, Liam Neeson as Laszlo, François Berléand as Renault, Alan Rickman as Strasser, Robbie Coltrane as Ferrari and Steve Buscemi as Ugarte. It'd be great.


If you could be any character you have drawn ever in life, other than you in DTL, who would it be?



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how can one person house so much talent and humor? (I mean you of course)


Well I'm glad you specified that you were talking about me. Believe me, it's not easy, and Jess can vouch for the fact that it ain't easy to live with either. :devil:


how long does it take yout o come up with your hilarious answers?


With my superior talent and humor? Mere seconds, my dear, mere seconds.

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hahaha how does Jess put up with you? I guess I should ask her in her thread huh?

Do you like getting mosquito bites?

Do you prefer manicatti or canneloni?

Do you read fantasy books?

How often do you eat grilled cheese?

Do you like tomato soup or do you think it tastes like watered down ketchup?

Do you think you're attractive? I know certain people think you are.

What's the next big project you are working on?

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Hey Silent bob.........


1) Should Vegetarians eat animal crackers?


2) Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?


3)If a funeral procession is at night, do you drive with your lights off?


4) If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?


5) If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?


6) When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs?


7) When you open a bag of cotton balls, is the top one meant to be thrown away?


8) Would a fly without wings be called a walk?


PS- Christy TOLD me to ask you these silly questions... :devil:

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I have potential? Tsk, now you're sounding like my mother. :villiager:


hahaha how does Jess put up with you?


Well, I distract her with dvds, keep her mind clouded with caffeine and when times are desperate, I wave the cat in front of her for that "aww" effect. Plus, I'm ok in the sack.


I guess I should ask her in her thread huh?


Yes, you can find the answer to this question and more in Jess's very own Q&A thread. Operators are standing by.


Do you like getting mosquito bites?


Despite being known to smear my arms and neck with honey and go stand at the edge of a Florida lake during a summer night, no I don't do it for the mosquitos.


I do it for the ladies.


This question went to kind of a weird place, didn't it? :wank:


Do you prefer manicatti or canneloni?


You kidding? Italian word, I like it. Don't care what it is, manicatti, canneloni, ferrari, mussolini, I like it!


Do you read fantasy books?


Sure do.





How often do you eat grilled cheese?


Not nearly often enough.


Do you like tomato soup or do you think it tastes like watered down ketchup?


I think it tastes like watered down ketchup...and ass. At least mine does. Does your soup taste like ass too or was my waiter just trying to send me a message?


Do you think you're attractive?


Not really (though I do think I can be quite the charmer when given the chance) but I always welcome a contrary opinion.


What's the next big project you are working on?


I'm actually doing an illustration of Jayne from Firefly. But don't tell any of the browncoats, it's a surprise.

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Should Vegetarians eat animal crackers?


Of course not! And humanitarians should stop their disgusting and immoral eating habits, as well! It's unnatural.


And don't even get me started on veterinarians, haven't our veterans been through enough?


Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?


Oh don't let it worry you too much, doctors just have their own little language. You catch on after a while. You know, how they call it "practice" when we know they're beyond the practice stage. They call it "residency" when we all know they're not really living there. They call it "proctology" when it's obvious they just wanted to play with m-...well the point is, they just have their own language, it's ok.


If a funeral procession is at night, do you drive with your lights off?


Sure, depending on how many people they want to be burying.


If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?


Uh, a turtle without its shell is...a lizard...


If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?


If he tries it, is it attempted murder or attempted suicide? I dunno. I tried asking my other half, but he told me to shut up and hit him as hard as I could. I really dunno what that was about, but my jaw is killing me... :villiager:


When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs?


I don't think they even use signs, they just hold up sticks and wave them around menacingly.


Would a fly without wings be called a walk?




Tsk, didn't you pay attention in science class? A fly without wings is a "walk". A hare without fur is a "baldy". And a mockingbird without a sense of humor is a notveryfunnybird. They're very rare.

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Do you like getting mosquito bites?



Despite being known to smear my arms and neck with honey and go stand at the edge of a Florida lake during a summer night, no I don't do it for the mosquitos.


I do it for the ladies.


This question went to kind of a weird place, didn't it?


yes, yes it did, but I'm not going to say I didn't like it. :villiager:

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SB, How many licks does it actually take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?


One hundred and sixteen. No, I'm serious, I actually counted once. Now, granted, everyone's...uh...licking style is different, and you've got to be careful to keep your licks consistent every time, but it was 116 for me. :2T:

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As I often have to say, I'll start drawing more of them either when I have a lot of extra time, or when people start paying me to do it. I really miss the comic too, but it took out an enormous chunk of my day to work on, and I just can't afford to devote that much consistent time into something if I'm not getting anything out of it. I won't say never, because I do miss it, but I just can't do it right now.

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SB - finished both of your games finally, and again, you made my spring/summer/early fall, im in your debt.


Ill prolly finish X-Men legends 2 in the next few months, if you wanna borrow it - lemme know, we can trade up that for your USM if youre down...if not, ill just send it either way, you gotta play it (assuming you enjoyed part 1). What do you think?

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I was checking your Drawing the Line studios page...awesome stuff...


What's the link to the online comic that Christy's talking about?

Good stuff man!


The once-loved but now long-unupdated Drawing the Line.


do you think happiness is the answer to life?


Happiness? No. The answer to life is pie.


And yes 42 is the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

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