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So i was just lookin to see if anyone else was a fan of the Highlander series (the TV one, the movies were pretty shitty past 1), as Jumbie got me really into it in college. Adrian Pual played Duncan McLeod, a badass immortal who made a great protagonist. The plot was interesting, the characters were fun (Methos, Amanda, Watcher, etc) and the show clearly wasnt afraid to kill off some of its more prominient characters, too.


Mainly, the fights impressed me for what i recall to be a USA show, which usually means crap. Anyway, thought there should be a thread for favorite moments, episodes etc for one of the better action/drama shows ive seen on TV.



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Hell yes! I effin' LOVED this show. Admittedly the number one reason was because Adrian Paul was hotttttt with that long hair. But the rest of the show kept me entertained and thus kept me tuning in every week. The fights were well choreographed, the sets and scenery were always original and well-placed and appropriate, the story lines were interesting, the characters were fun, and the backing tracks and music were usually pretty fitting. I remember early on in the series, Season 2/3-ish, Duncan's girl Tessa dies and the mourning scenes that followed were backed by "Dust In The Wind" by Kansas. That was fuckin' cool. And yes, having Queen's "Princes Of The Universe" as the opening track definitely bumped the entire show up a few points.

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I remember early on in the series, Season 2/3-ish, Duncan's girl Tessa dies and the mourning scenes that followed were backed by "Dust In The Wind" by Kansas.  That was fuckin' cool. 


Man, that was somethin....i remember that one, was powerful. That, and with Richie...

Jax: Jumbie left season 1 on VHS somewhere around, i think :D might have it....its ok, really picks up by 2-3. But stop after 5's big finale, cause 6 isnt really good...Adrian wanted off, and was only in for a few episodes; felt like the rest was "testing the waters" for the next show (Adrian cut his ruby-loved hair, as i recall), and we were left with "The Raven" :ill:


But yeah, up to that point, it was cool shit, for the reasons RA said too.

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  • 1 year later...

that's true, he did, but they at least had me convinced on a few that he wasnt gonna. I wont let Highlander IV spoil episodes like that fight in the Eiffel Tower, or the one with the viking guy who killed his old man, when they fought in the cirlce of flames. Or the Horsemen one!


RA, dante, Chief and jax. Shame, cause this was a great show, i used ot love catchin this one with Jumbie.

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Why does everybody hate on Highlander Engame? I mean yes it had a plothole the size of Christopher Lambert's ego but it stayed with the style of the show and was worlds better than The Final Dimension or Highlander 2 (Which they retconned out entirely)

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I swear, i wanted to love Endgame - Methos, the Watcher, all of it, and the first time you see Lambert & Duncan togeher since wha, the show's first episode?

But...i didnt get the feel of the show.

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and the fight choreography seemed not even as good as the show, i had high hopes for the budget - was anyone else literally in the dark for the final fight? i felt like i didnt even see it.

Just kinda left me lukewarm bout the series, mebbe i just didnt wanna see it end, but it couldve gone a lot better, i thought - but yes, compared to II and III, it was fucking shakespeare. When i refer to Highlander, i basically only mean part 1 and the show.

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another problem with Endgame was all the re-editing and re-shoots... hell, look at some of the promo videos, in some cuts the main badguy splits into two and both Duncan and Connor are fighting one... that thankfully got changed, at least in the version I saw

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  • 3 years later...

I grew up with the tv series as a child,


and am happy to learn on recent viewing, i still enjoy it today,despite a few cringe worthy moments here and there.


I can't , and never have been able to say the same, about any of the movies,which i just thought were bad bad films!

Edited by Choose Life
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it's crazy how much better the show was than anything else around it (4 movies and an anime....though the first film wasnt awful).


its been a while, but i recall most of the cringe moments for me being in the first season, some in the last too though (when like no one wanted to be there). the fight choreography in particular felt like it improved.


what were some of your favorite arcs/episodes? i remember loving the shit out of this one viking motherfucker who fought Duncan in a circle of flames, and another great one with the horesemen or something around Paris. Chronos, i think it was?

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it's crazy how much better the show was than anything else around it (4 movies and an anime....though the first film wasnt awful).


its been a while, but i recall most of the cringe moments for me being in the first season, some in the last too though (when like no one wanted to be there). the fight choreography in particular felt like it improved.


what were some of your favorite arcs/episodes? i remember loving the shit out of this one viking motherfucker who fought Duncan in a circle of flames, and another great one with the horesemen or something around Paris. Chronos, i think it was?


When i watched it first,the episodes were never shown in chronological order -I was also only about 4 or 5


A few years later repeats were shown, and the episodes were really good, so i ordered season 5 on dvd


I am watching season 1 on youtube at the moment,and there have been some genuinely good episodes, clunked in between some genuinely average episodes.


I have ordered season 2 and 3,which are said to be where the show really takes-off


Having been a fan of the show for over 15 years,i am only now watching them in the proper order, and over half the show for the first time.


I have seen most of season 6 and it was not the best,mainly because Duncan didn't even appear in some episodes,but i did enjoy the finale though.


Yeah the episode with the four horseman ,where we find out Methos was a complete scumbag and was really well put together {and yes it was Chronos}


The season 5 finale was a personal favourite of the epsiodes i have seen,with

the demon "AHRIMAN" and Duncan kills Richie {Powerful stuff}


Edited by The NZA
oh man that scene killed me
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My mom used to watch this every day and actively express her lust for the main dude. I didn't watch the show much, kinda ruined it for me. I remember her being all hot in the pants for Warf from Star Trek: TNG as well.


Mayhap someday I'll give it a try. Lord knows I'm a fan of decapitations.

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My mom used to watch this every day and actively express her lust for the main dude. I didn't watch the show much, kinda ruined it for me. I remember her being all hot in the pants for Warf from Star Trek: TNG as well.


Mayhap someday I'll give it a try. Lord knows I'm a fan of decapitations.



Yeah my apologies, got a bit carried away reminiscing there


You should definately give it a chance though ,if you are a fan of the Sci-fi/fantasy genre

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  • 2 years later...

Highlander was a good movie that was very much of its time, but there should've been only one. Though, I do enjoy Highlander Endgame, its only real crime is that it's not finished, the editing is terrible and though the DVD restores a lot of what wasn't shown in theaters the workprint (also available on the DVD) shows a much better movie. A lot of people get annoyed with it for plot-holes in relation to both the show and the other movies but at this point in the franchise they were just picking up random shards and trying to get them to fit together in hopes of turning out something that at least made sense in its own context. Any complaints about the villain Jacob Kell being over the top are also silly because no Highlander villain has ever not been over-the-top.


Part of the reason Duncan is cooler than Connor is because not only is Adrian Paul a much better actor than Christopher Lambert (even if he looks even less Scottish) but he's also an actual trained swordsman while Lambert has notoriously terrible eyesight and no knowledge of how to wield a sword. He feels less hokey and by comparison so does his series (which was every bit as hokey as the first movie, minus the Queen.)

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