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  • 2 weeks later...
The only good thing about that is Christopher Lloyd.


CARLO to my disgust says he'll watch it in 3D though. OH GOD WHY


Piranha 3D will be the goods, Roger Corman produced, Alexander Aja directed, and Richard Dreyfuss is in it! Sure the only redeeming value is that people will be kilt by fish, but the movie is called Piranha, do you honestly expect a character study?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The reviews are in!!!

A towering achievement in human creative expression., 2 February 2010


Author: AngryChairr from United States


In the history of film, there are only a few moments of pure cinematic genius; moments that ultimately transcend film itself, creating something wholly different but altogether brilliant. Bergman did it with a simple chess game that became a metaphor for life, Kubrick created a parable defining man's evolution, and now Nguyen has done it by crafting a brilliant story chronicling the age old nature hunts, tortures, and kills a bunch of men conflict.


You don't simply see Birdemic, you experience it in the same way you would a colonoscopy. It literally feels as if a camera has been inserted inside you to help you better understand you. These aren't simply characters. Each persona that appears on screen has been carefully crafted with the same gentle touch that guided Camus' hand when detailing the hopes and dreams of men content with their place in the world. Take for example, Waitress, who is a waitress. She's a waitress. I felt this characterization in the very core of my being. Better yet, Tree Hugger, a representation of man at his pinnacle as he chases that illusive brass ring. These aren't simply characters; they're living, breathing people, if living, breathing people only existed in one tiny man's brilliant fantasy.


And then there's the tiny, brilliant man himself, Nguyen, an able hand that surpasses his peers, even Hitchcock himself, when it comes to mis-en-scene. Hitchcock borevthe word subtlety into your skull, expecting his audience to match him on an intellectual level. Nguyen has no such pretensions. He intrinsically knows what you want and tells you exactly how you should feel, a refreshing concept that I've come to expect after 10 years spent living under the glorious intellectual utopia of the Bush years.


I implore you, experience Birdemic. Few films will ever touch this as this will. It stands now as one of the towering achievements of not only the '00s, but in all of human creative expression -- it's like God crapped in your brain and gave it a name. That name is Birdemic: Shock and Terror.


Bluray here I come!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Obviously, I love that, and seeing Weird Al himself as

This is for Baytor:


"Weird: The Al Yankovic Story" from Aaron Paul




Obviously I love that, but my favorite part was seeing Weird Al himself play the skeptical record producer saying "Nobody wants to hear a parody song, when they can hear the real thing for the same price."

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New KK trailer. Actually, this makes the film almost look watchable for me...


<object width='400' height='225' id='flash28272' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'><param name='movie' value='http://flash.sonypictures.com/video/universalplayer/sharedPlayer.swf'></param><param name='allowFullscreen' value='true'></param><param name='allowNetworking' value='all'></param><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param><param name='flashvars' value='feed=http%3A//www.sonypictures.com/previews/movies/thekaratekid.xml&clip=1757'></param><embed src='http://flash.sonypictures.com/video/universalplayer/sharedPlayer.swf' width='400' height='225' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' flashvars='feed=http%3A//www.sonypictures.com/previews/movies/thekaratekid.xml&clip=1757' allowNetworking='all' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true'></embed></object>



your right, that almost looks watchable... time to bust out part 1 and 2 and see how they've aged!

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That A-Team trailer makes me want to cry it's so wonderful. Murdock, the van, pity the fool, BA's fear of flying, the cigar, everything. Any misgivings I had about Rampage are now gone (the Pity Fool tattoo was a nice touch) The only detail I see that they messed up on is that Murdock is there for the court martial, which he shouldn't be as he was not one of the people charge with war crimes. But I suppose I can live with that.

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