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its a surprisingly long game. that said, i played it on orange box (360) the first time; next will be on PC, as im told the pacing's a bit better there as well.


yakuza 4 is my fucking GOTY so far. loving this shit.


also: traded most of my 360 games (bought superior steam versions for pennies on the dollar) to amazon, used credit to buy DJ Hero 2, Def Jam Rapster (both LEs with instruments) and Earth Defense Force 2017 each for @ $15. feels good to wait on deals, man.

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Arkham Asylum: done. I like it more than i did initially, but that's more due to dilligent fan service than gameplay(which was alright).


Doubtful that I'll ever finish Fable 2. It continues to beat me with mediocre gameplay, a shitty levelling system and terrible, terrible fucking voicework.

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Not bothering. It's all been explained to me by a few different people who've played it and quite liked it, just doesn't sound like something I'd like at all. But then I hated the idea and mechanics of Dead Space right up until I played it.


And regarding Arkham- I'm glad too. In a world almost defined by miscommunication and lack of understanding of social norms, nothing ever put me so opposed to the collective like not enjoying that game.

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wait, so youre saying you didnt wanna play bats cause all the cool kids were raving about it or something? am i reading it right? cause thats why i didnt watch Jurassic Park for the first few weeks when it came out.


Bish ended up enjoying Fable 3, for me though (and again, i totally missed out on part 1) the charm of 2 was sucked right out. they overly-simplified an engine i thought already simple enough (i assume that was for the kinect crowd?), and the first hour had the words hero, revolution and destiny spoken so many freaking times, it started to feel like an odd adventure-by-numbers game. totally lost interest...but since i recall you/newt hating 2 for being so much like part 1, maybe that divergence will work for you if you ever change your mind? id not recommend it either way, personally.


meanwhile, Yakuza 4 is racing its way into being my game of the year so far, just been doing that with Def Jam Rapstar and the free copy of Sonic 2 (again) courtesy of PSN+, which i totally caved on for a 3 month sub.

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No, what I mean is, not only did it not live up to the incredible hype it generated(in my eyes)but i felt at odds with the comic AND gaming community simultaneously because I couldn't accept this as the second coming of christ as it was being touted.


And on Fable- sounds like the basic story formula hasn't changed(and my guess is neither have the voice actors- does everyone still sound like toothless cockneys?) and that's why it fucking fails.

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i mean, i guess ive accepted Molyneux (sp?) and the world he wants to create, so yeah, same bad VA and cockney accents all about, its just a change of set pieces. 2 had you in that prison world for a while, which i thought was an interesting twist...having had 3's plot basically spoiled by Yahtzee, i know it likely goes some interesting places too, but..well, for you it sounds like you're tired of the world itself. for me, it felt like not only was the gameplay dumbed down, so was the plot...and again, neither were complex to begin with. took the charm right out of the experience for me.


Batman: AA got heralded (in my eyes) because a) comic games still have a low bar and b) doing things like leaping down from gothic architecture stones to beat the shit out of scarred villains in the dark made it the first batman game where i actually felt like batman.

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Yeah, the gameplay grew on me but the biggest sell & payoff for me was the fan service. Riddler's puzzles related to some obscured-arsed villians & side characters, both old and new. Plus it was the most respectful treatment of Bane I've seen since Knightfall or even Son of the Demon or Bane of the son or w/e that terrible mini was called.

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oh hell yeah. collect-a-thons bore me to tears (achievements/trophies be damned), but Uncharted and bats are the only 2 i find compelling. challenges were fun/interesting, and being mocked about being the "world's greatest detective" was class. was gifted a copy on steam (thanks again Genroh!), will totally replay later this year.

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I'm a huge Fable fan. I don't even know how many times I beat the first one, spent a lot of time on multiple characters in the 2nd one as well.


Fable 3 I just could not get into. I think it had something to do with how little you physically change when being incredibly evil. I dunno. I did finish it, which was waaaaaaay too quick and very unfulfilling, but I didn't have that urge to immediately play through it again doing everything the opposite way like I did with the others.


Indeed, I haven't played it since. Waste of a fucking game. Collectors edition looks pretty badass on the shelf at least.

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To show the terrible depths I'm willing to plunge(no, still not Fable 2. I feel like Meatloaf proclaiming to do anything for love, but not that) while bored: Too Human. My god, so bad. I feel ripped off @ the $8 I payed for this game.


I played that one online with friends and it was a blast. Good luck with that though, I'm sure those servers are deader than Rick Moranis (too soon?). I prob'ly wouldn't like it in single player. Dunno. Never really tried.


Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom was like that. When it came out, I played the shit out of it online. It had a refined Phantasy Star Online feel. Soooo much fun. I logged like 200 hours. I threw it in like a year later, servers are completely dead, single player game is a boring joke.



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Are we talking about the same shitty Technomagical take on Norse Mythology Too Human? I didn't know it had a multiplayer component or how that would even work. Ecch.


And I liked the random landscape generating of KUF, the gameplay, notsomuch. Also, Rick Moranis is dead?!

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Yeah, that one. I couldn't really tell ya the plot. It's complete nonsense. Once you get into it, you start getting some pretty cool special abilities that set the classes apart pretty drastically. What are you playing? There's a big difference in, say, a commando and a defender. Then you go cyber or human and it sets you apart even more.

I think it's more like it has a single player component. I'm pretty it's built around multiplayer, the classes compliment each other. Bio Engineer would not be fun to solo with... I mean, he may not die easy but it's gonna take him like a million years to kill anything.


I had completely forgotten about KUF's "random" maps. They stop being random after a while...it becomes more like "Oh, it's layout C this time"


Also, Rick Moranis is dead?!


Doesn't that sound totally believable?

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Ihave no idea about any of these things. I know I just chose to go Cyber instead of Human, but in termso f class I assume I went whatever the most offensive was. Soldier or w/e. Honestly I don't see the gameplay shifting dramatically between whatever classes. This game would have been a fun gimmick as an XBLA title, given the control style, but as a whole thing, it's simply reprehensible.

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Well, there's a pretty big gameplay difference between shooting shit and throwing grenades and running in and stabbing things with dual wielded swords.


This is how I had it explained to me when I started:

Berzerker if you want a fast paced, stylish Devil May Cry experience and don't mind sitting through that 30 second death cutscene fairly often.

Defender if you don't like dying.

Commando if you want to just rape everything from a distance.

Bio if you want to help out your buddies in multiplayer.

Champion if you just want to be OK at everything, but not outstanding at anything.


It also has a terrible tutorial.

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true to his guns, bishopcruz bought 10+-freakin-years-in-development Too Human as well (for about the same price from gamfely, i wanna say)..and promptly traded it. a loot-fest whore like bish couldn't tolerate it...and that dude archives like a motherfucker. between that and the fact that i got bored before finishing the demo, i decided to put it down & believe the hype.


ps i cant recall if id mentioned this before, and i know im back on my Sega kick, but....Sonic All-Stars racing is awesome. it's not quite mario kart, but it's really fun (especially local multi) and if you're an old school sega fan (HOLLA SEXYHATS) there's a great deal of solid fan service. as soon as it goes back to $10 on sale on steam, it's mine.

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You people just don't like ugly children. There are some games you have to spend time with and get to know. If it came in under the radar and got Deadly Premonition irony hype more people would be all over it.


I ain't saying it's great, but it's better than...uh, shit, I can't think of a game JZA actually likes....

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There seems to be a nasty, unexpected fan backlash in full effect. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/portal-2/user-reviews


Funny, I don't see many of the bad reviews talk much about the actual gameplay. I plan on getting it when it's inevitably 75% off or something on Steam. There seems to be a law that anything I pay full price for goes on sale almost immediately afterwords.

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Valve has always been one of those "for the fans" fellows, so when they look at, say, every free goddamn update for TF2, and compare it to the near hundred dollars of downloadable content in Portal 2, of course they'd get pissed off.


Consumers are jerks.

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