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So my resolution to finish all my current games? Outta fuckin' window with the purchase of Lost Odyssey and to a dramatically lesser extent DMC4(checking now to see if I can find a special on the Club). Fuck me, LO stretches across 4 discs and while it sure looks pretty and I'm confident a lotta that space is dedicated to graphics, 4 discs is still a pretty ominous undertaking even moreso since I haven't seriously played a turn-based Strat since FFVII or even Legend of the Dragoon.


The demo for DMC4 looks fun, and I hope to breeze through this one.

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Lost Oddysey's out there? damn, you got it before us.


I finished Half Life ep 2, so now its mostly wii games (Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes etc) but ive honestly been writing a queve at work when bored, including finishing Zelda TP, PS2 ones like Zone of Enders 2, Godhand, Persona 3, Odin Sphere, Fatal Frame 2, Escape from Monkey Island, and then achievements in Earth Defense Force and Dead Rising. Plus, bishop lent me Knights of the Old Republic.


oh, i still gotta borrow Assassin's Creed, Gears, and Stranglehold. Toss all that into me getting a DS this week and honestly, DMC4 is gonna be waiting a bit unless its crazy awesome.

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Let's see...


Devil May Cry 4: Well, I beat it on Devil Hunter Mode yesterday....now i need to get all those accomplishments (achievements in PS3). Looking at all of them, it may take a while.


The Orange Box: At the end of portal, but all those turrets look scary...


Uncharted: I miss that game...

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Played Overlord. It appears that a Lord of the Rings fan played Dungeon Keeper and went "We should totally do something like that, only it should be a hack and slash game."


And thus Overlord was born. So after Evil Yoda woke me up and told me I was the ultimate badass (of ultimate destiny) he led me prancing around the countryside sending my minions to kill sheep and hobbits because my character is a magnificently large pussy who can't fight OR take hits.


So I smashed some pumpkins, I killed some hobbits, I set things on fire, my goblin things got drunk and pissed all over anything, I sacked the village, and then destroyed a sunflower patch and killed some sheep. I felt terribly evil let me say.


In the three hours I played the most evil thing I was allowed to do was take the food from the nearby Village of Spree, but only AFTER reclaiming it from the evil hobbits and their giant tub o lard leader Melvin and killing the witnesses (village peoples whom I had set free earlier)


I was these people's fucking errand boy! So I got pissed off and went to town and started killing people, try to get my evil points up and they fought back, luckily my goblins were there to protect my wussy ass from villagers with pitchforks and housewives throwing rocks. After killing five people they feared me and stopped fighting back, so I sacked the town, killed all the townspeople and went back to my evil lair. Upon leaving they offered me a maiden, one fucking maiden and I had to go hunt down 9 more for my evil lair. Whom, upon becoming my slaves, were still talking back to me and saying threatening to beat down on my second in command Evil Yoda if he touched them again.


And then when I got my evil mistress I had to slay like 50 marauders and destroy a giant all-seeing eye just to get the bitch's luggage so she'd come with me!


So all in all I hit people, I broke things, and I stole shit. Instead of being called Overlord, this game should be called Mildly Evil (but only a little) Bastard.


Otherwise gameplay was pretty bland, almost as bland as the game's attempts at dark humor (which is composed of fart jokes, fat jokes, and my goblin minions all of which are about as funny as Ben Stine on Ritalin), and it's success of ripping off Goblin Commander and Dungeon Keeper and still making a worthwhile game.


It wasn't bad it was just... okay. Not something I'd give a second glance, perhaps if I got minions other than goblins (of four different colors, varieties, and flavors) it would have held my interest for longer. But upon saving a man from hobbits and his pumpkin patch and helping my evil wife pick out drapes for the tower I decided it just wasn't worth it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Playing my way through WarCraft 3 without cheats. Aside from the last Orc mission, the last Night Elf Mission, and the final Night Elf Mission of The Frozen Throne it's gone pretty well. I'm currently inching my way through the Blood Elf campaign and this time I may actually play the final two Orc missions.

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SO I started my hard/brass balls/little sister savior/audio diary cleanout campaign on Bioshock, and was quietly optomistic right up until I encountered my first big daddy. 30 seconds later I decided it was time for bed.


Other than that, Paper Mario has it's claws in me deep.

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Devil may Cry 4: Can't seem to do much in Dante Must Die...pretty hard for me to get an 'S' for some stages. Maybe i should try to get all 'S' on the easier levels.


Rocketmen - Axis of Evil: You know, I'm really not sure why i bought this game cuz its really not good. But for some reason, I got hooked. Now I'm #1 on PSN (though I'm sure it will be short lived).

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Devil may Cry 4: Can't seem to do much in Dante Must Die...pretty hard for me to get an 'S' for some stages. Maybe i should try to get all 'S' on the easier levels.


Rocketmen - Axis of Evil: You know, I'm really not sure why i bought this game cuz its really not good. But for some reason, I got hooked. Now I'm #1 on PSN (though I'm sure it will be short lived).


Probably won't be THAT short lived, I doubt too many people are going to put much time into it. Honestly, just the fact that the camera controls where your character goes is enough to make me not want to play. If they redid Gauntlet Legends for online co-op with better visuals, I'd be all over it, but sans a game of that caliber, I'd prefer to pass.


Getting S-ranks on previous missions do help you prepare for s-ranking the higher modes. As far as doing stuff... it takes a bit to get through, but you can do it. Watch a few youtube vids for inspiration, always helps me. Hell, with what I learned to get through DMD, I beat Dagon on human in eight seconds or so.

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Finally popped in Silent Hill, I was having a hard time being scared because I was too busy cursing the controls and camera angles and calling their mothers whores. But finally after running aimlessly around the streets (just like in Silent Hill one) I made my way into the apartment building and was doing fine until I ran down the hall and saw Pyramid Head through the bars. Now I'm past the clock and am too much of a pussy to go out into the hall yet because I secretly worry that the game will just decide to hate me and even though it's not yet time he's just going to pop out from the ceiling and shiskabob me through the head with the sword he stole from Cloud.f


That or my usual survival horror/FPS fear that a Cyberdemon is lurking around the corner waiting to jump out and go "HAHA! You thought you had escaped me when you quit playing Doom didn't you?! GoTCHA BITCH!" (Cyberdemons are truly malevolent assholes)

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