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Injustice got pushed... Bioshock got pushed (technically), dark stalkers got pushed, metros gonna get pushed because thq lost this bankruptcy battle.. So I bought ni no kuni. It's like playing a movie. Can't say much else at this pt... Guess its a sign I should finally start on backloggin


Oh n my boy got a wii u... Gotta say that handheld screen is genius.

Edited by IceManML
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Been playing Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale. I made the last payment and



the fucking credits rolled. I was about to throw something. I was expecting a Tom Nook scenario where I just keep getting bigger debts until I've thoroughly enjoyed the game.

Thankfully, I stuck around until afterwards. OH THANK GOD.



I've never been so angry about beating a game before. I was just getting into a nice groove, and I hardly even touched the dungeons.

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Holy shit, that's hilarious. I wish I had a video of me waving a hacksaw around the dude's chest once I had triumphantly grabbed it, then just leaving it in there when I decided the hammer was the best tool for the job.


Needless to say, I did not successfully complete this gentleman's heart transplant.

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So new Dead Space is kinda lame. I'm having an ok time with it I guess. Has a pretty different feel than the last 2 for sure (people that thought that went actiony are gonna be very disappointed here), and I just realized there aren't save points. Has some sort of crappy checkpoint system. Granted I'm not very far in it, but so far, first impressions aren't great.

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I'm going through Dead Space with a friend, and fully expect all future playthroughs to be Co-op as well. It's just a game that screamed that it wasn't made to be played solo, and as such I'm having an okay time. But so far, the combat hasn't been as punchy. We've had a few periods where we were genuinely afraid we were gonna get eaten, but we marshaled on.

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That's probably why I'm not digging on it as much, cause the intensity should be the same if not more in solo. I haven't, and probably won't get the chance to try Co-op since I'm just on a rental and not shelling out money for the online pass. Which is a shame since that's where the game is supposed to shine. Kinda wish they gave the option for AI co-op just for the story experience.

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I've been playing the hell out of my PS3 now that I have a working one again. I just got my first Platinum trophy playing Infamous 2 and I can't praise that game enough. I've talked about my favorite scene in the game on our podcast, and I have to say the evil ending was a lot more emotionally involved than the good one. 5 out of 5 stars.


It's one of the few games that when I beat it, I booted it back up to start over immediately.

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I was pretty much on board for the truck driving through Europe. I didn't expect it to be such an RPG. You can start your own company, make money and buy pretty extensive upgrades. Don't forget to signal!


I regret that you can't just go way offroad. I bet I could make good time going from Brussels to Dusseldorf as the crow flies.

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