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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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have you ever had one of the golden moments where you just feel that all of your pointless ranting and ravings about life actually do have apoint? that not all your babbling is for NOTHING, that people are actually listening and think what you have to say is GOOD


had a moment like that in lit class today, i just think i'm running my mouth half the time, like on this forum, about stupid broads, feminism, prejudice, and all the other heartlessbitch/caustic mumbo jumbo i spout out about, etc. then i realize.. all of my antics aren't in vain..people like it..they think it's good.. and it made me feel happy, i'm not trying to gain commercial success with my ideas, but its good to know someone appreciates my views and listens..

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Nurse: Dr. County says they can only take 1 Critical Patient, not 4.


:: Dr. Romano grabs the phone quite pissed ::


Dr: Hi there, Like your job? Wanna keep it? Thats great. Listen, Find your chief of medicine, you do know who that is yes? Good, Tell him Dr. Romano is sending him 4 Critical patients and I expect them all to be well recieved and treated like his dear old Mother... WITHOUT the inappropriate touching.


:: Click, Dr. Romano Hangs up and proceeds to the medivac Chopper ::


~E.R. kicks ass

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