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Blargh - The Random Thread


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I work at Miami Beach. Daily fucking routine today: I drove to wrok. Right before I reach my office's parking garage I noticed a cop behind me flashing his lights. THIS IS NOT ABNORMAL AT THE BEACH. I thought he was signaling that I MOVE OUT OF THE WAY (which is what usually fucking happens). He countinues to persue me, now using his speakers I'm like, "ME?" So I enter the garage he follows, but not just him anymore, his fucking buddy also decides to follow, as I'm running away from them. I get out of my car, the assholes give me the biggest fucking attitude of life. I'm like, "excuse me officers but I wasn't aware you telling to pull over, I thought you wantted to get through". He says, "Get back in your car and take out your liscnee registration, insurance". I'm like, "Wiat. WHY ARE YOU PULLING ME OVER????"


He's like, "You have illegal tints on your car. They're way too dark".


I was livid. The whole 1 1/2 that I've had this car and have been working at Miami Beach I"VE NEVER BEEN PULLED OVER FOR THAT BULLSHIT. NEVER.


Fucking cocksuckers then flash their lights at me, inside my car, looking around as if I'm some fucking criminal hiding something. Mean while, all the people in my office are being blocked off the the garage and have to see whta's going on. Embaressing. Fucking embaressing.


Fucking TINTS, that's just retarded. I ended up with THREE TICKETS.


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1. was for the illegal tints. THAT I WAS UNAWARE ARE ILLEGAL!

2. Apparently, the CLEAR WINDSHIELD TINT IS ALSO ILLEGAL! IT"S FUCKING CLEAR! I didn't even know. For the record, i got the car with the tints so I didn't know any of this stuff.

3. My registration expired on my birthday. I didn't get the stupid notice in the mail and of course, because there's so much shit going on in my life, I forgot about doing it myself. whatever, I took care of that already. : :ghost:



anyway, Fuck them. The day must go on. Stupid bastards aren't going to ruin the rest of my day or weekend. WARPPED TOUR TOMORROW! BAD RELIGION PENNYWISE! WOOT! :2T:

Edited by Senshik
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x-ray just scanned a 9-month old, positive for an arm and skull fracture.

from what im told, she's got an older sister had a skull fracture around the same age, "coincidetnally", and theyre remarking a less than completely empathetic mother present.


im out of this department in about 5 minutes, off to check x-ray, find out if anyone's gotten protective services invovled yet.


you know, the worl's not as whimsical as stories tell, but we do have monsters; they just dont always bare fangs.

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x-ray just scanned a 9-month old, positive for an arm and skull fracture.

from what im told, she's got an older sister had a skull fracture around the same age, "coincidetnally", and theyre remarking a less than completely empathetic mother present.


im out of this department in about 5 minutes, off to check x-ray, find out if anyone's gotten protective services invovled yet.


you know, the worl's not as whimsical as stories tell, but we do have monsters; they just dont always bare fangs.

god that's terrible. hope those kids are taken care of

ROFLMAO @ World's Best Resignation Letter


Too funny!!! Where did you find that??? :FHD:

stumble. where else?

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