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Blargh - The Random Thread


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This is about as personal a post I can make but since it's on the random thread no-one'll give a shit....ah whatever:


Well, until now I've had pure post apathy, I've just done a week of late shifts where you can do nothing before or after, just wasted a week, had nothing of a life, fucking depressing especially after the two weekends preceding. I've been missing my brother (for best results don a Scottish accent and say 'ma brar') still in Manchester, did fuck all so had fuck all to say....then at 5am on a Friday night after waking up from falling asleep to bullshit TV I decide I'll go to Dublin, see a few movies.


Rather than spend my day off getting further cabin fever at home, I decided to fill up my day as best I could. Three movies, Road To Perdition, My Little Eye, and The Eye, then a piss-up to round the day off nicely! For best results read the next paragraph as an evangelist (preferably a black evangelist, they get more emotional than us white folk).


I was lost....I was down and alone....and then I saw...,the miracle of cinema! Fuck it, forget the 'read as an evagelist' bit, I forgot what I was going to say. My point is:


I was depressed, badly, but movies pulled me from the doldrums. No matter what's shitty in your life, you think you're sinking, grab whatever anchor you've got, hook it on something solid and you'll find what you need to get through the whirlpools and eddys you encounter (Ok, the nautical analogy went to shit but it's still sound).


Where there is art of any kind, there is reason to keep going, to snap out of your daze and realise that life is beautiful, maybe not where you're at but elsewhere you'll find that beauty....um, end rant, I've ran out of shit to say, but what I said, and what I didn't say, take it to heart....I'll be back tomorrow, revitalised, to bother you all!


PS: 1400 posts...nice!

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x equals negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four ac all over 2 a!


(to the tune of pop goes the weazel) that's the quadratic formula btw


here's another oldie but goodie


Some Old Hag Caught A Hippie Tripping On Acid


Sine= Opposite/hypotenuse


Cosine- Adjacent/Hypotenuse


Tangent- Opposite/Adjacent..


i must resort to these stupid methods to pass my math classes...

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3 good game rentals, here's how it went:


Mario Party 3 - We had a lotta fun. Now take it back, Blockbuster, and do so quickly. :ill: Goddamn slippy ice level! Why cant it be more snowball levels? ???


Max Payne - Lived up to the hype, this one was a blast to play. Plot & dialogue were cool, tho the enemie's voice acting seemed limited. No one told me of the obligatory nightmare level, that wasnt easy. Im thoroughly stuck in Chapter 2, nothing but a baseball bat and no health, too many @#$%in gaurds...i dont wanna restart the whole game either. Shame, was having a great time, Bullet time truly is cool.


Tekken 4 - Opened up damn near everything on this one...it really is arcade perfect. I might buy it just to get better with Steve Fox. Junker, no offense, but hands down this thing spanks VF..."frills" such as cool character design and moves set this one above, and it has tons of counters and such when you get good...I love Tekken. :D

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Halloween Horror Nights = lots of back pain and no sleep. Just got home from a 24 hour nonstop thrill ride. Haunted Houses sucked, lines suck, stupid people suck. And in all of this craziness, not one damn monster scared me at all. So am i just immune or something? O well, first annual fright night is over and I got pictures to prove it. No more long distance driving for a little bit. Especially when I don't have a back up driver. sleepign at the wheel with Incubus. How very sad.

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Some people were upset that Grant Morrison didnt take an Eisner for his work on New X-Men. I admit, its great stuff, i love the book, but be hnoest here: Brian Micheal Bendis earned it.

Im not talking about Ultimate Spidey here either, great book that it is...just go read the last arc or so of Powers and tell me you dont really wish more books were written like that.

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here's an essay i wrote for leadership..def will get a kick out of this..it was a pretty gay prompt..but i tried to have fun with it..


Cliques at Vanden, and How we can help bring them together


By: Leah Edun



Since my freshman year I have been acutely aware of the many cliques that exist at Vanden. In the late 90’s early 00’s the stereotypical high school cliques have changed. You have your first group, the A-list group if you will. The A-List group usually is the commonly known

"popular" people. It mostly consists of jocks and cheerleaders. You know the type, they like to party, they like to play sports, and they like to see and be seen. Generally you know who these people are because they have either been a.) mentioned in the newspaper or some kind of media regarding their athletic achievement or b.) make themselves known to you (by being loud or what not.) They are usually sharply dressed, immaculately matching, and in either the latest Tommy Hilfinger outfit, or FUBU or something of the sort. Their wardrobe usually consists of clothing which cost enormous amounts of money. Their music tastes usually gravitate towards anything surrounding the hip hop/rap/r&b/or pop genre. Occasionally there will be an individual from this A-list clique who will enjoy the latest nu-metal song that has gone into heavy rotation on MTV (ahem, Staind, Papa Roach, etc.)


The second clique at Vanden is what has commonly been known as the "rockers." Many sub-categories of "rockers" have emerged (such as EMO, hardcore, indie, greasers, etc.) The first main category "rockers" are usually defined by enjoying nu-metal, going on shopping sprees at Hot Topic, and enjoying male rock angst anthems. Chains and multiple necklaces usually adorn their body, and they enjoy rock that is pretty mainstream, and again on heavy rotation on MTV.


The second sub-category of the "rock" clique is EMO. These kids wear bobby pins in their hair instead of kiddie clips, frequent makeoutclub.com, dig Dashboard Confessional, and usually go to many EMO shows in the city. They are usually vegetarian (not always however.) And generally don’t listen to any other music besides emo. They usually wear unique clothing most often purchased at goodwill.


The third sub-category is the indie crowd (which is very small at Vanden.) Usually indie kids like bands such as the No-No’s and other bands that are rather good but have not achieved commercial success. The usually collect vinyl, shop at garage sales, and are into D.I.Y. projects. Indie kids are usually adorned in vintage garb purchased either in San Francisco or Berkeley. Usually socially conscious, they are aware of current issues.


The next clique at Vanden is the "most likely to succeed group." They are all in the running for Valedictorian, in all AP/Honors classes, and on Academic Decathlon. They are usually rather opinionated in classes, get good grades, and are over all achievers. They plan to apply at an ivy league college, and most likely they’ll get in. They usually wear practical clothes from American Eagle or Amercrombie and Fitch. These kids are usually in Leadership, or if not in leadership, they are involved in a million and one extracurricular activities, volunteer work, etc to beef up their transcripts.


And last but not least, the clique which I think is most present at Vanden is the most disturbing. The poseur clique. These are the individuals who are in the process of finding themselves. They don’t dress or act a certain way because they want to, but they do what they do rather to fit in. They will wear T-shirts with a band such as "Led Zeppelin" on them but they can’t even tell you a song from the band. Basically these individuals want to fit in, and are conformists.


For the next question, what clique do I fit into? I would say I’m pretty much in the undefined clique. I have friends from many other cliques, I listen to classic rock, yet I enjoy indie and some emo. If there is any clique above that I feel the most affinity to, I’d be the indie clique. My group of friends are comprised of people who I think are individuals, have a strong sense of self, and have ambition for the future. Also my friends have a good sense of humor, and are extremely supportive. If it’s anything I hate it’s indecisiveness. All of my friends in my "clique" know who they are, what they are about, and are strong in their convictions.


What do I think we could do to join all the cliques together? I think if we come together and do something for a greater cause (such as for Sept. 11, the homeless, unfortunate, etc.) we could all band together and participate. I remember that last year when Sept. 11 happened, many people came together from all different cliques and donated money, blood, etc. to help out, regardless of what clique they were in. If we can feel that sense of togetherness as a school, to help a bigger cause, I think that kind of activity would unite us. In high school it is easy to loose perspective, because we are all so self involved. If as a school we all step back and look at the bigger picture, and see those of us who are less fortunate, I think that would join us together.

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