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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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You know? These ballots are fucked.


I made a lot of cool topics before the "Great Toilet Bowl Flush of August". I revitalized the Battle Raps thread. Put out a couple of freestyles. I even had a debate or two up. I know I brought us some good flash from the outside and I'm sure I got us some good tech advice as well as at least a few funny pictures.



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What is…?


Too often it follows me around

Twisting itself over my skin

Conniving, meticulous, wanting

Awaiting my choices

Desiring my death

Never uttering a word

No sense of time can hold it

It has no physical body

Yet causes insensible pain

It seeks, it stalks, and it kills

My body, my life, my soul

Controlling everything about me

It must really be unstoppable

Unknowing and unseeing…

What is … Fate?




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Never Learn


I'm just a little pawn in your game of chess.

Playing constant games that keep me stressed.

And I really don't want to play anymore,

Because my heart and pride are just too sore.


But still, I continue to endure the pain

Of drama, heartache and endless strain.

A strain of not knowing what might come next.

With you I stay, avioding what might be best.


Now, I feel like it's deja vu.

A past relationship spawned anew.

It just goes to show, no matter what the stakes,

I seem to never learn from my mistakes...

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For the first time in EriKa's life,

I want to talk.

I want answers.

I want my sunshine back.

I want to confront the issue at hand.

For the first time in EriKa's life,

I want to talk.

Was it the stupid cherry in my drink that i offered you that lauren threw a fit over?

Was it me saying hi to Joe Martin?

Was it Lauren bringing up that i dipped to Orlando with another guy?

What brought you down?

I need to know.

For the first time in EriKa's life,

I want to talk.

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bushido/warrior philosophy, in the way of lyrics:


"...that's why i dont believe in dying, i never heard of death;

energy can never be destroyed; only the flesh

so when ya'll niggaz come to murder me, with bullets to my head,

this is why you cant kill me, niggas: i'm already dead, bring it"


- Nasty Nas, the esco to Escobar, that be, the Nastradamus

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A poo kakaed in a forest, when along came a monkey. The monkey hit a baboon upside the head with a bananna. The bananna split and went plop! The moon was full when it came up. The moose called out to the geese. The geese replied back, "Baa!" Meanwhile a bear rolled over in his sleep, and smiled at his dream of sugar coated sunshines.


The baboon chased its own tail excitedly.


A cheetah slowly walked, wailing.


A hungry man ate a bag of "Dill Pickle" flavored Doritoes.





So all I have to say then, is Baa! Baa! Banana monkeys!





And that, ladies and gentlemen is how we got the term "bad monkey" :D

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