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Hondo's Bar

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hondo's - found by these word strings, first half of 2/05:


1  35  6.60%  graduation songs

2  25  4.72%  mos def

3  18  3.40%  best graduation songs

4  16  3.02%  list of graduation songs

5  14  2.64%  gi joe psa

6  9  1.70%  talib kweli

7  7  1.32%  eibichu the house keeping hamster

8  7  1.32%  good graduation songs

9  6  1.13%  flirts

10  5  0.94%  chrstopher columbus early life

11  5  0.94%  horse ass

12  5  0.94%  listen to graduation songs

13  4  0.75%  capn slapaho

14  4  0.75%  demontors wallpaper

15  4  0.75%  shakira caine

16  3  0.57%  demetri martin

17  3  0.57%  everyone else has had more sex than me

18  3  0.57%  everyone else has had more sex than me lyrics

19  3  0.57%  graduation songs 2005

20  3  0.57%  hondo's bar


...when the fuck do we talk about graduation songs, and why are so many lookin for them? no wonder so many guests dont stay long.


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:D people who add us to favorites sometimes see the hidden beer mug in crappy IE; superior Firefox users always sees it.

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Noting that the animated feature Shrek 2 has been attacked on the one hand by conservative family-values groups for presenting "subtle" messages concerning cross-dressing and transgender acceptance and on the other hand by transgender advocates who object to being parodied, a University of Toronto professor notes that the scenes are aimed at parents and go way above the heads of the kids. "If the kids don't get it, it doesn't really matter," film studies professor Charles Keil told the Canadian Press. Keil's comments came after the Traditional Values Coalition issued a warning to parents that while the movie "is billed as harmless entertainment," it actually "contains subtle sexual messages" directed at kids. Keil replied that the overall message of the Shrek movies is tolerance and that the group's "argument that borders on the paranoid is really misconstruing the general aim of this entertainment."


what i think of that

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