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Blargh - The Random Thread


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What this place needs is a delete button. And one of those spellcheck buttons that they have on Preachers forum. Due to technical reasons I didn't get to use it, but I know DevilsAdvocate has benifited from it greatly.

Edited by Jont
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It's got to the point where they're willing to have an enema on camera. It's like they go down the list: 'Can I have a record deal?' No. 'Can I have a chat show?' No, not a chat show. 'Can I go on Parky or Jonathan Ross?' No, you're not a big enough star. Tell you what we could do: we could pump your arse full of coffee and wash it out. 'What's the airtime like?' A few minutes. 'I'll take it!'"


Ricky Gervais on reality TV.

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Buffy Season 4 has finally finished d/ling. I kinda skipped and saw all of season 5 first and now I started 4 and I thought hey (spoiler)

Isn't Buffy dead, aren't they gonna say how she gets resurrected? What the fuck is going on? And then I calmed down and realized I'm gonna get to see Willow become a lesbian and the episode everyone groans as the best Buffy ep: Hush.

ah well, off to download Angel season 1...

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I can't find it, mainly 'cause I'm too lazy, but ~the tv!!!~ told me today that people who spend so-and-so hours a day on message boards and in chat rooms have LOST 10 IQ POINTS since they've started posting. Needless to say, this is making me ever-stupiderer.

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I can't find it, mainly 'cause I'm too lazy, but ~the tv!!!~ told me today that people who spend so-and-so hours a day on message boards and in chat rooms have LOST 10 IQ POINTS since they've started posting. Needless to say, this is making me ever-stupiderer.


That figures realy getting around at the moment. The way I see it is speaking to people or writing takes a toll on your brain, engaging in passive activities like reading or watching tv is replenishing your IQ in some way, resting the creative parts of your brain as well as giving you new information to assimilate into conversation. You then cash in these points in social activities and so forth.


So saying the internet makes you dumb, is like saying running makes you tired, stop going to the fucking gym.



Oh and MH, Heathen was a damn fine album, shame Bowie fucked up with reality.

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