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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. So, 13 Episodes? Yeah, I can dig it! Especially if it gives me MCU tie-ins, and a possible Captain Marvel/90s flashback episode. Also, I hope we get a Phase IV show in 2020 that'll blend these Marvel TV shows and films together in some way. Or fuck it, just a Dr. Strange TV show. But back to S5, finale predictions:
  2. Classic episode. Let's get fun-sized.
  3. A Raimi Deadpool film and/or Reynolds in an Evil Dead/ AoD spinoff would be epic. Also, the thought of James Brown as Ego in GotGv2 and Bruce Lee in any sci-fi film makes me sad and angry (sangry?) that neither will never happen.
  4. Damn, I legit didn't even know Exorcist was a TV show. ? Good news about Brooklyn Nine-Nine though!
  5. Fffffffuuuuuuuuuuh!!! I still haven't even finished the current season. ? This along with The Last Man On Earth are my favorite sit-coms currently, and FOX axed them both. This is especially brutal considering TLMOE had a heck of a cliffhanger for the S4 finale. Hopefully Netflix comes to the rescue and gets it a fifth season.
  6. I see what you did there. And I like it.
  7. So for May the 4th I decided to watch TLJ for a third time (saw it twice in the theaters) thanks to HondoShare. The first time I saw the film I felt a mixture of excitement and shock, but mostly I was perplexed. As I talked with friends in the theater parking lot after the film we spent most of that conversation trying to answer questions that began with, "But why...?" Chiefly among those, "But why kill Luke that way?" The second time I saw the film I was still perplexed at choices the director made, but now the anger was rising. This third watch I experienced tedium more than anything else. Daisy Ridley's Rey & Adam Driver's Kylo Ren continue to be the best part about this new trilogy for me, the latter more so in TLJ. But overall, and the handling of Luke aside, it's just a messy mess of a film. One good thing about the bluray is the special features helped answer a lot of the "but why?" questions for me in Rian Johnson's interviews. (I didn't bother w/ the commentary track.) The deleted scenes were underwhelming, and the much talked about "third lesson" Luke taught Rey that was omitted from the film was kind of a dumb sequence--but the film is full of those--yet essential in explaining WHY Luke had sequestered himself while the New Order rose to power. Hopefully SOLO can reinvigorate my love of the franchise in a few weeks.
  8. Please tell me the Russo Bros. direct an episode and there's a Thanos and/or Infinity Gauntlet cameo in S5?
  9. Morpheus is Goliath. Marvel Studios gets shit right again! And Michelle Pfiefer on that poster? Okay. Did I miss her in the trailers or was she conspicuously absent?
  10. That is hilarious on so many levels. I'm sure when it happened it was played off as a bit, but knowing the truth now--damn! Those reactions are 100% real. "Can we rewind that?" ? Cheadle's face. "Dude. Just move on." I've watched it 3x now and it's still making me laugh.
  11. I should've guessed Graviton was actually a character in the comics. So now we know how the season is gonna end.
  12. Not all theaters are at this point yet though..or are they? Nah. Can't be. Can it? *googles* Okay, I found this very cool article about the history of film, as in cinema and physical film,;it even has a size chart comparing all the different film sizes! (Nerd alert!) Anyway, the short answer is most big chain theaters show films with digital projectors. Some theaters still have non-digital projectors and these are mainly the smaller, local cinemas. But you still have special "70MM" showings that are popping up from film die-hard supporters like Tarantino, Nolan, & PT Anderson. I'd have to honestly see a comparison in person to know if there is a difference in seeing a projection versus an LED screen at that size. Personally, I like the look of film, but when I saw Hateful 8 in 70mm at a special screening I didn't catch any noticeable differences between that and a digital projector other than it was a bit grainier than what I was used to seeing. Honestly, if the look on the giant LED screen isn't different than a projector I'm not sure I'd care one way or the other what type of screen it was on. The size of the screen along with the whole social and communal aspect of going to the cinema should keep people coming in to theaters.
  13. Saw it in IMAX 3D, and it was great. It didn't pop with color like Ragnarok or GoTGv2, but it was still a fun 3D experience. Brolin's Thanos was maybe the best thing about a film filled with so many awesome things. I stayed away from plot spoilers and only watched the trailers, so I was genuinely surprised that... The biggest criticisms I've seen of the film online are that it was "choppy" or "uneven." However, I disagree. I thought it did a remarkble job of balancing characters from over a dozen films through the past decade. My only criticism is I didn't get another half hour in this film. More backstory on Thanos' generals and even the tail end of that battle which led Thanos to that first stone would've been very welcome additions. Plus another two or three minutes with each character group could've been nice. Such as... But I'm totally just fanboyin' in that spoiler. Really enjoyed the film overall. Like NZA, I don't see any fat in need of trimming from this film. I'm looking forward to seeing it again in the theater.
  14. So Gen. Talbot is now, what, Talbotron? Tolbotonium?
  15. I loved Night Court as a kid, but haven't really watched it since it went off the air. I think it's streaming on hulu, no? Anyway, iIt was one of those shows we always watched as a family, and I have very fond memories of it. I liked Dave's World enough, but it was just kinda meh for me. He kinda disappeared after that show . I found out after his death that he had a magic shop in New Orleans and a bar, but closed down both shortly after Katrina and moved back to NC (I think). He was a great talent I'm sorry he's gone. "Hi, I'm Harry. But aren't we all?"
  16. Yuss! This was on of my favorite shows of 2017.
  17. Oh shit, yall! Shatterstar AND Peter?!?!?
  18. Loved this film. It's not perfect, but it has everything I want in a good suspense film. Some friends I saw it with hated the ending, but I dug it. Home run for Krasinski. I hope he directs a sequel with a bigger budget...
  19. This film had an odd release in the US. It was being advertised as a late March release, but I guess that was a "select cities" deal. Then it was supposed to get a "wide" release" a week later, but nope. Anyway, it finally made it to my town this Friday! It was fantastic but so fucking weird. (Some of the garbage island stuff was unsettling. And the weird use and non-use of subtitles. The translator is a legit device to use, but why not have subtitles as well for when she's not present? It got a bit frustrating after a while not knowing WTF Atari was exactly saying.) However, like most Anderson films, this was undeniably heartwarming. Maybe it's the best thing Bryan Cranston's done since Breaking Bad? I dunno. But all hail Chief! I'm also left wondering if this is really a "kids" movie. I lean towards not so much. It's definitely not as much a universal a tale or "all ages" as a Pixar flick or even Anderson's The Fantastic Mr. Fox. Overall it's a really enjoyable film but not his finest work. I think I'd rank it alongside Moonrise Kingdom in terms of overall quality.
  20. ^ After watching the trailer I was ready to ignore Blockers and write it off. However, my friend took his 16-yr-old daughter to see Blockers and said they both loved it. Along with that review by @Donatella I'm gonna have to give it a look on home video. Saw A Quiet Place last week and loved it! It's my kind of suspense film, not much gore, with solid acting, pacing, drama, and direction. It's also a nice bit of world building that leaft me really hoping Krasinski & company come back for a sequel with a bigger budget. Also saw Isle of Dogs tonight and really dug it. I'll post about it in the film's actual thread.
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