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see now there is no need to see the movies or read the books.

I couldn't even get through one tenth of that drivel. I'll just go on blissful in my judgment that it's all crap unworthy of my time. Oh wait, what's this?


Meh. Still not interested in seeing/reading any of this drivel. The blogger seems to be fixated on a Werewolf falling in love w/ ("imprinting" on) a bloody newborn telepathic vampire baby. Fucked up for sure, but there's been crazier shit than that on film. The mutilation in Anti Christ and Ripley w/ albino alien in Alien Resurrection are two examples that come immediately to mind. And you've seen far more horror/gore flicks than I, so I'm sure you can come up w/ even more examples.

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I think that implications of babyfuck over-rule log to the junk and inter-species erotica. Besides, it's not fucked up just in shock value, moreso in the way it lingers in your mind. I support David Croenenberg directing.


Also the part where Edward fucks Bella unconscious where she's beaten and bruised and she wakes up and asks for more (whereupon he shatters her spine) sounds fucking magical.

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He's not talking about babyfucking though. Babylust, yes. And while extremely unsettling, it's been implied in films before.

I also want to say "spine shattering fuck" has happened on film somewhere before, hasn't it? Maybe I'm just thinking of the pool scene from Showgirls though...

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no no, that magical link says the spine severing is from the baby itself, which is awesome. the vamp-abortion talk, the native pinch-hitter, the wolf/baby love...really, i think the homemade c-section is a highlight amongst highlights. i think even the rifftrax crowd would just be like "uhhhhh..."

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Good god...it must be so. I now support this franchise wholeheartedly.


As it grows, Bella gets sicker, and then the good stuff starts. The baby kicks so hard it breaks Bella's ribs and then severs her spine. Are you imagining Kristen Stewart wearing a fake pregnancy belly and pretending to have been suddenly crippled by her own fetus? Because I am and it's making me laugh and laugh and laugh.


In a moment that demands to be shown on the silver screen, Edward gives Bella an emergency C-section with his fucking teeth.


If they make this, I will be seeing it. And my god...it will be horrible. I've always wished I was well versed enough in theology that I could see a movie and screech "Th-the prophecy has come true!" only really mean it and back it up with religious text.

I will begin doing my research now.

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i have been subjected to two movies from this crap. thankfully, i must say that the soundtrack for the first movie has brought to my attention some good tracks and artists, muse and paramore. otherwise bella can go have her schoolgirl fantasies somewhere else.


anyone heard that paramore dropped out of part 2's soundtrack and been replaced by kelly clarkson? no!! is it really true, cause i didn't pay much attention during new moon.

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If they decide to do that, then half the movie will be a picture of a window



That's basically what the books are..."Edward kissed Bella and ran his hand down her side and...y'know..."


When I was reading the books, I kept telling myself that they read like fanfics written by 12-year-olds...

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That's basically what the books are..."Edward kissed Bella and ran his hand down her side and...y'know..."


When I was reading the books, I kept telling myself that they read like fanfics written by 12-year-olds...


You know, thinking about this, it's going to be so much more messed up seeing the two of them kissing with a fade out and fading in on a bruised unconscious Bella waking up. PG-13 may only enhance this. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm almost ashamed to say that the whole baby sequence, I would bet a good sum of money is taken bodily from one of my favourite fantasy series ever. The parrallels are just too similar, not to mention it's not exactly a hackneyed concept. Cliffnotes & spoilers for the slack like me:

The Icari fathers can form a telepathic bond with their children while in the womb. Singing to them & teaching them songs(from which they derive their supernatural abilities), and most Icari infants, while still physically devloping as a human child with the speaking and whatnot, can communicate telepathically & coherently from pre-birth.


The emergency C-section is slightly more tenuous a link, the Destroyer, Gorgrael, born of the Avar & Icari, ate his way out of his mother's womb by way of 'birth', and was then adopted by Skraelings(wraiths). There's no precedent for Were-baby-love, but an interesting tidbit on Icari culture is this: while relations between directly related family members is forbidden, a curse of the Sunstar(royal) family is that they are more drawn to members of their own family than outsiders, so grandparent/grandchildren relations while frowned upon, are not uncommon at all.

I don't read a lot of fantasy, but this series, and to a lesser extent The Wayfarer Redemption(which includes the very graphic rape of a powerful Icari by what equates to the Horseman of Pestilence) stood out for me for the longest time as a genuinely gripping read. I've always wanted to see this adapted into a game as opposed to a movie.

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