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Harry Potter

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did a search and didn't find this movie under this forum. Why? I heard so many good things about this movie. Probably cause this movie is pretty much regurgitation. Been there and done that.


this movie is about harry potter, a boy who uses his magic powers for the good of mankind. He never was very popular, as he was quiet and never knew is real family. We later find out that he is a gifted magic-guy as was his parents. The majority of the movie takes place in a special school of magic, where students are divided into seperate groups "houses" by personality and to compete for points.


this movie had nice special effects - to its credit. but somehow, i was pretty much unphased after watching it. i mean, if you're looking for a fun kids/family movie, you're better off with disney (animation or live action,) dreamworks, titan ae, spy kids (haven't seen it, but 95% chance it'll be better,) casper, titan ae, and babe to name a few.

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You mentioned Titan AE twice, which is odd for what turned out to be a relatively mediocre little scifi film which put its animation company out of business (though I think Ice Age brought them back). Come on, give Harry Potter a little more credit. I think these movies have that cinema magic that the industry has been missing for while. We've seen so many Lethal Weapons and Die Hards and formulaic movies that we've forgotten how much fun movies like ET and The Wizard of Oz could be - movies that really show us the magic that we can only see on film (though, yes, I know, all those flying monkeys traumatized me too). I think the Harry Potter films are this generation's Star Wars (since the Star Wars series itself isn't living up to the legacy, anymore).

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sorry about that guys, minor typo. I totally agree with you there silent bob - the action movie industry has seen better days. Recently, all i can think of is training day.


star wars is, in my opinion geared for teenagers and up. Harry potter is more like middle school to high school. I guess that's why it didn't do it for me. Seems to just stick to that age group. I enjoyed all of those movies, ET, star wars, wizard of oz, etc because they could be for everyone. I would step back and say, "wow, that was great." Potter just didn't do that for me.

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Well, the movie was good but if you are comparing it to the books then they blow them out of the water (as all books do to movies made after a book). They kept on topic and all but left out a few major details. I think the movie was pretty good over all.



P.S. I heard that they might stop making the movies because J.K. Rowling (the author for you illerate people) thinks they are ruining little kid's imagination. Anyone else hear this?

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Now im illiterate, that sucks. I heard that rumor once about that author but it was from you so i cant say much.

For what its worth, ive heard it said many times that Fight Club was a better movie than a book - i guess it came together better, great acting and all...have you seen that one, Spongebob?

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Youve heard reviews from people who hate good movies...and no im being serious, i heard the book's clever but doesnt come together as well.

No you may not borrow it, it shall be viewed over here, away from interruptions & such. Plus i wanna see it again. Im not sure youll like it but there's violence, might hold your interest...

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all in all... after reading both Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, Harry Potter seems to be a watered down version of Lord of the Rings. Kind of generic too, but good for little kids cause its written at the 3rd grade level. Lord of the Rings meanwhile requires a hellauva lot more imagination, i mean the guy friggen invented a whole new world (with maps and everything), as well as his own language. now that's friggen amazing.


as for plot and character development Harry Potter is really lame and has no surprises, very predictable. Lord of the Rings has complex conflict, internal and external, as well as some really well developed characters. i mean look at golum, that's one friggen complex and well developed character right there. then you have Harry Potter, the orphan who lives with his evil aunt and uncle, yet never complains or asks for anything. if that's not a stock character, than i don't know what is. this is the kind of stuff that seperates literature from commercial.

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While I don't think the Harry Potter movies are the next star wars or anything, I think the movies are very good. The visuals and general ideas are fuckin great. The series is just overflowing with creativity. Just looking at the interior of the school and watching the kids go from class to class is cool as hell. And I think the characters are great. My biggest problem with them is the overall plots... sort of whodunits, but the person who did it isn't introduced untill we already learned it was them. Comes off as random and sloppy. Strangely enough though, the plot's not as important as you'd figure it would be. I'll be in line for the third one.


And as for the books, I haven't read any, but anythign that has gotten that many kids to read hundreds of pages is OK in my book.


Oh, and we've had the book-to-movie thread before, but I think it's gone by now. I say go ahead and make a thread on it, if I don't see one for a while I'll put it up myself.

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J.K. Rowling (the author for you illerate people)


This from sppongebob?... :D

Heh, he even spelled illiterate wrong.


Anyway, I agree, Junker. It's gotten kids to read again. That hasn't happened in years. I'm for anything that gets kids to read as long as it isn't the Satanic Bible, or something. And even that I might consider ::shrug::.

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Have to disagree with you freebird, Don't know how afr you've gotten into the books but as they progress the stories get more and more detailed and the level of depth increases. While I'll agree that they aren't up to par with lord of the Rings I'd not sell them short either. The whodunit aspect is a bit stock but the creativity and artistic license used is believeable and enjoyable.


I began the series expecting a "kiddie" book but was pleasantly surprised as the books progressed to see that although this is a childresn book its written in an adult style and brings the reader in with a simple book and story to begin and builds more and more as they progress. I'll be in line eagerly for book five in june.

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Don't know how afr you've gotten into the books but as they progress the stories get more and more detailed and the level of depth increases.

well i've read the first 3, and haven't really touched the fourth one. maybe the stories may get a little more detailed and go deeper, but it's in no way comprable to LTR. but like you said their not exactly on the same playing field anyways.


although this is a childresn book its written in an adult style

yes the books are extremley long, but they are written at a very low reading level and can be easily finished within a day. then again anything that encourages children to read is always a plus, i just would encourage reading something of more... emm... literary merit if you want. something that would broaden their knowledge of human nature or vocabulary at least. but i guess that is the whole point of commercial fiction is for entertainment purposes so i will stop harping on this now futile subject.

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I agree, Freebird, but the Harry Potter books are aimed at a much younger audience than Lord of the Rings. The fact that adults have picked up and enjoy Harry Potter just shows how much fun the stories are, but the books are for young readers. We can't expect kids in elementary school to read through Lord of the Rings, but give them a Harry Potter book and most will do fine (third grade and up, I mean). I don't think it should be required reading for highschoolers because, like you, I don't think the books have that much literary merit. But when we're talking about kids reading them, I think most of us are referring to kids much too young for the Lord of the Rings series.

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