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Who's joking? :D

Yeah its the Hellblazer adaption isn't it?


Only read one TPB with Constantine called Hard Time. Not too great (too much buggery), but this could just be a weak issue of a great character and story.


MLB, you never read Ennis' run on Hellblazer? It was right before his Preacher work...damn shame, its all in trade now and youd dig it man!


Yeah, Hellblazer's prolly gonna appeal more to sci-fi/supernatural fans than those of the book...its takin some drastic turns, so mcuh so that the comic's original creator (Alan Moore), reportedly turned down his share of the royalties to wipe his hands clean of it....not promising for us fanboys, but overall it might be alright othwerise.

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Alls ya gotta read are the Ennis ones. It's definitly some of his best work.


"Dangerous Habits" is the trade that started Ennis' run (and what inspired the movie aparently). Basically all ya really need to know is that John Consatntine is a "magician" and a right bollocks...




There's trades for all of his issues (and Steve Dillon draws a good lot of it) and they're all class except for "Son of Man", which although is really good just doesn't have the edge that the other trades did, Ennis seeming more like the second series of his MK "Punisher" that his Vertigo stuff.


As for the movie, it can fuck right off - sorry, but I had no beef with the Punisher being a fed, or with the X-Men starting with Cyclops, Jean Grey and Storm - but by God turning John Constantine into Keanu fucking Reeves and setting it all in L.A. (?) - no thanks.


May as well make Jesse Custer into a French man who uses his word of baguette to take down the evil empire of....uhm...Finland.


Damn fins....


My girly girl thinks it looks swell (as per the trailer we saw before OceanscockandballsTwelve) but if only she read the comics....as it stands I can't even get her to look at "Preacher", even though one of my exes slagged me about reading comics then got addicted to it going so far as keeping all my trades after our break up (I subsequently bought them back - so who wins now, beyotch....oh wait...she does) but I'll get her hooked soon....

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I feel like the guy in High Fidelity, where Jack Black is handing him records saying "You haven't heard this? Thats embarrassing".



May as well make Jesse Custer into a French man who uses his word of baguette to take down the evil empire of....uhm...Finland.


Damn fins....


Haha. I can dig it.



Will look for Dangerous Habits when I'm next in a comic store.

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Goyer added that he hopes to direct the film, which is set-up at Sony Pictures. He also downplayed the notion that rumored contender Triple H – who appears in Blade: Trinity – would portray Thor, saying he didn't think the wrestler-actor might be all that interested in it.


Shouldn't it be the other way around? I always thought it was the director who should not be all that interested in a wrestler playing the lead role.


Thor, another super-hero I know nothing about. :D

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The only Thor I like is "Ultimate Thor" 'cause he's kooky. Dug Ennis' "Vikings" mini, but that's about it.


What I want is a THUNDERSTRIKE movie. He was cooler than Thor 'cause he had piercings and a cooler more alt-90s hairdoo, and judging by the way comic book movies are going we'll have a TS movie some time soon. Score!

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