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Saw this on Steam.



The year is 1942. Adolf Hitler has succeeded in resurrecting dinosaurs. The reptilian horde has trampled Europe and the Mediterranean. Can nothing stop the Nazi’s dinosaur army?


Dino D-Day is a frantic, action-packed multiplayer game that transports you to a World War II that should have been. You and your friends can battle online choosing to serve the cause of the Allied nations or the Nazis. The Allied side includes six playable characters each with unique weapons and abilities to use in combat. Gun down a Dilophosaur with your trusty M1 Garand, blast a kamikaze pterosaur out of the sky with your Thompson sub-machine gun, or toss out a dead jackrabbit to lure a raptor into a trap.


As an Axis player you will have your choice of three human classes and three dinosaur classes. Ambush your enemy with speed and stealth as the Raptor, mercilessly pound the enemy with a heavy 20mm gun as the Desmatosuchus, rampage through enemy groups as the Dilophosaur or pick up a body and throw it at an enemy for a double kill! Or if you prefer a rifle in your hand, the German soldier classes are the perfect complement to their dinosaur comrades.


You’ve played World War II games before…but have you played a World War II game with dinosaurs?


Game concept getting worn out? Add zombies. Bored with zombies? Dinosaurs are the next logical step.


What comes after zombies and dinosaurs?

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I need a new MMO. I've once again grown bored with WoW (took longer than I expected this time, but I'll surely be back).


I've been dabbling with the Warhammer Online unlimited free trial ("unlimited free trial" stinks of desperation, huh? lol). It's got some cool mechanics, and I'm sure I'll be messing around with the trial for a while longer, but I don't see myself paying anything for it at this point. Race wise, I like everything about the Greenskins. Warhammer Orcs absolutely rape and eat little pussy WoW Orcs.


Rift looks intriguing, but there are no races that even remotely appeal to me. It's like it's all Alliance or something. Do you want to be a human or an elf? Or a human with odd colored skin? Or a BAD elf? I like being a big ugly monster or some manner of beastman, or at least SOMETHING somewhat unusual or cool. I like characters that are freakishly large or comically tiny. Pre Worgen, Gnomes were the only appeal Alliance ever had for me. Shallow, I know, but if Human and Blood Elf were the only races in WoW, I prob'ly would have had a hard time getting into that too.


Everquest 2 has several really cool races going for it. Lizardmen, frogmen, little rat people, Trolls. Something that looks like a scaled moleman. I've messed with the character creator and it's pretty awesome as well, has Oblivion style sliders so you won't look EXACTLY like everyone else. That brings it down to gameplay, which I've heard is kind of lackluster. The only people I know that played EQ 2 though are people that came from EQ 1, and did not care for it.


Speaking of: EQ. I've played a little EQ back in the day, it was solid enough back then. It's still alive and kicking, but I imagine the people that are left are those that have devoted their entire adulthood to it. Doing a little research, EQ has SEVENTEEN expansions. Fuuuuuuuuuck. It also aint pretty, or at least it probably still isn't, and in hindsight the mechanics may seem really clunky and outdated these days.


Aion. See: Rift. Human or thin human, varying from pale to ashen gray. I can choose between angel wings or demon wings? Neato.


I seriously hate the market research that surely results in these pretty ass races. It's like Molyneaux deciding that Fable players don't want their character to get ugly when they're evil, and taking away my cloven hooves, cracked skin and horns. Protip: average people are BORING AS FUCK ALL! Jaysis. Focus groups are the BANE of my fucking entertainment EXISTENCE. "Ohhh, I wanna play as someone that looks like MEEEEE!"

Die. Get in the fire.


Moving on.


I bought Champions Online when it came out, I really dug making characters. I made like a dozen wacky ass super heroes and leveled them all to the point where I picked a travel power, played around with tunneling or super jumping or teleporting or whatever for a few hours and then almost immediately lost interest. Maybe that one has gotten some improvements? I dunno. I'm not sure if you can do a whole lot to improve the base mechanics. I'll look into it.


What about DC Universe? I know some people here where all gay for that one before it came out, how did that go?


I would try FF XIV, but I would like to have at least one other player on the server :2T:

Oh, does that say "Blargh"? I though it said "Blog". Whoopsie daisy.

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That Polybius shit is crazy.


So in to update Thelogan MMO hunt '11:


Vanguard: Saga of Heroes looked promising. The controls felt clunky and weirdly complex. The graphics may have been better than WoW 3 years ago, but they look like shit now. I played the trial for about an hour and then glitched out behind a rock, stuck in an up and down jumping animation. There isn't anything like a hearthstone, at least not that I had at level 3, so I opened a ticket and logged out. 3 days later, I log back on and I'm still just glitching behind the rock. Apparently, they no longer employ GM's. So I aint about to spend money on that one. Fail.


I lost interest in Warhammer because it's too much like WoW, and WoW does most of it better. WAR Orcs are still the most badass things that roam the earth, though.


The unexpected answer, my friends, is Rift. I had to get past my initial aversion to 6 races (Human, Negro Human, Elf, Negro Elf, Dwarf and Big Blue Human) and 4 classes (Warrior, Mage, Cleric, Rogue). The races, though lacking in diversity, are absolutely gorgeous. It has some nice sliders to differentiate you from the pack.

Without even giving it the handicap of being an MMO, Rift is a really good looking game, and it somehow manages to do it without requiring a monster rig. My PC is 3 years old, I've got 4gb of RAM and I'm using an Nvidia 8800gt. Hardly state of the art, but I can run it nice and smooth at ultra setting (although it does get awfully loud).

Gameplay is fast paced and instantly familiar to anyone who has played WoW. In fact, the whole game is pretty much uses all your WoW instincts. Without even thinking about it, I've done stuff like /who and tap "C" to bring up my character page out of habit, I'm always a little surprised when it works.

Classes though. THAT'S what hooked me. The classes are what sets Rift apart. Each of the 4 classes has 8 different trees. Every class has at least one Tank, heals, pet, ranged, and melee dps spec. To make your character, you choose 3 of these 8 classes and mix and match their abilities to create the type of character you want to play. There is no "this is what works, you suck if you don't use it" specs. Everything works. There's essentially 32 "pure" classes, and since you pick 3, there's a possibility of 224 different classes at play here (or something). Oh, and you can have 3 separate combinations (for a nominal fee, natch).




I made a Rogue. I would like to primarily solo at first. I chose the tanking spec (yeah, Rogue tank. Jawsome), Rift Stalker, because it specializes in dual wielding and defense, and it has a free Nightcrawler style teleport. For my second skillset, I chose the Ranger, which is basically a Hunter. I now have ranged abilities and a pet. For my third, I chose a Bard, which is basically a support/heals role.


I am now a Dual Wielding, teleporting Rogue with a pet, that can buff and heal myself. It's making me very happy. I can start at range, port in for a melee finisher or port away if things are getting hairy and pewpew/heal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

cheapy bitches can now play this gen's best horror game for free




You can get a free playpass to the game through OnLive today only! It started 9:01 PM PT Monday night

(12:01 AM ET) and will be available for free for 24 hours.


1. If you don't have the OnLive app, get it here.


2. Then once in the app, go to the marketplace and click Get Game.


3. Enter promo code THANKYOU and then hit apply it.


4. Click Purchase and begin playing!

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Ha! I do not finish games, like some commoner, anymore, sir. Instead it is like a Roman banquet. I take a tiny taste, so that I can accurately judge others, and then I move on to the next dish.


At some point I usually make myself vomit as well.

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as a low-bred gaijin dog that finished Amneisa, its worth it. puzzles get trickier, but plot gets darker.


i cant speak @ OnLive, though im tempted to give it a go since a lotta people think it (or at least a streaming service just like it) is the way of the future and all.

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I can see how it could be the future of PC gaming. Y'know...if it works properly. It takes all of the system spec issues out of the equation.


Just poking about online, I don't much care for their business model. They need a service that's almost precisely like the Netflix service, but for games. A flat monthly rate for "all you can game" streaming.


Mouse lag does seem to be a pretty serious issue as well.

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also, looks like some PSP games are coming to PS3, starting with Monster Hunter. looks like Los was right about Peace Walker, is my guess.


any of you guys playing Witcher 2? im early on in 1 but it hasn't hooked me yet.

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