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Blargh - The Random Thread


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welll...sadly, she hasnt comitted to Zod. Sen started out the battle by pushing Tom Servo, a name she's dying to use, but after finding out the puppy hails from Argentina, opted for Che. I suggested Mistah Spahkle, Nintendog, Shlotenheim Reinbach III esquire, Pero de la muerte, and a few others beofre settling on Zod, but LL, last i heard, was thinking of far more conservative names like yuki or M. Bison. So its still up for grabs.

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that's 3 topics in the game forum that ive made in the last week or so, without a single reply, not to mention i seem to fly solo in the merchandise thread. fuckin tragic.


In other news, ive done my best to avoid this whole Britney thing, but threads aside, i mean fuck, everyone from EMS captains to doctors (that im around) talk/ask about it, so ive begun to accept this simple truth: i dont care, since i dont read people or any ohter bullshit "news" piece, about your personal life. I can only judge your body of work.


Its why im so blatantly forgiving and understand of poor MJ's hardships and misunderstandings with the law. Like Chapelle said..."he did Thriller, man. Thriller." I even dug his last album, Invincible, and im one of hte only people i know who gave it a shot. If i caught MJ fondling LL's new dog, id prolly give him time to explain.


Britney, i mean, who doesnt want to see this bitch sink? She cant sing worth two tugs of a dead dog's cock. She fucked with my boy Timberlake, whom i love for his overt biting of MJ's style. I laughed when i heard she got cockblocked from performing at a GOP convention....that's what you get for trying to keep your bush-love on the low, ho. The only person this'd be funnier to see would be Paris, cause fuck, Britney may not be able to sing but at least she tries to entertain.


Anyway, my point is: if, somehow, Sade, Lauryn Hill and Bjork got caught stealing soup from a orphanage of leper children, i know id be readin the headline and yelling "how you know they werent set up or some shit? fucking lepers."

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Anyway, my point is: if, somehow, Sade, Lauryn Hill and Bjork got caught stealing soup from a orphanage of leper children, i know id be readin the headline and yelling "how you know they werent set up or some shit? fucking lepers."



As one who has known the ravages of leprosy, I find your choice of words most insulting. It is a shame that we have to add your name to the long list of bigotted shame that includes Isaiah Washington, Mel Gibson and Michael Richards.

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i'm thinking ambrosius b/c of the way she would run in the bathroom to hide and then run out immediately to ambush us in my room. it reminded me of in the movie labyrinth, when they were in the bog of eternal stench and ambrosius peeked out from around the corner and then came running over to that puppet dog whose name i can't remember. and you thought scout was an obscure reference.

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because they're one of the smartest breeds (if not the smartest breed), they don't shed (great for cleaning and allergies), and they have good dispositions. i'm going to try and train her so she doesn't get all out of control like some smaller breeds do, although i think she'll be kind of large for a toy poodle.

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Poop don't breathe, don't eat, is smart enough to stay & sit, and don't shed. Why aren't folks keeping poop as a pet though?


Sorry, as much as anything there's just no aesthetic appeal to a poodle(I'll admit though, Damo once had a poodle x irish wolfhound- hulk-poodles rock).

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