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Blargh - The Random Thread


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According to the gay test...


I'm straight.

well, that would depend: are you a pitcher or a catcher? If it's the former, it's a Brazilian Test, which operates on the principle of 'I'm not gay if I fuck him in the ass: he's the gay one'.


If you're a catcher or a switch hitter, then Gay Test Fails.

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there is a field in sex? I thought it was always the pitcher and catcher... or even multiple pitchers and catchers. What else is there??


I would imagine the umpire just watches, and there's a short stop but you have to be double jointed and know where to get a goat and some lighter fluid.


In othe news, The Internet: :sad:

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Sometimes, Bitch just don't get the message.


Man, the Chaser crew are fucking genius.

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I was at work today, when suddenly Sunday Bloody Sunday starts to sound on the radio.


After a while I say to my partner:


-Hey man, you know why its called like this the song?

-Cos of the shit that happened in Ireland?

-No, no... Its because Bono had a girlfriend when he was young


-And one sunday he tried to fuck her, but the chick was having her period...

-Oh fuck! You're sick!!




mmmm Yes i am :P

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